Will we fight China over chips for semi conductors?

ohio herd

Platinum Buffalo
Gold Member
Aug 28, 2012
In the past it has always been claimed we fought wars over oil. Would this be over chips? Why don't we just make them here in the USA? Here is a piece by the WSJ over this.

What advantage is there for us fight here. Are the South Koreans and Japanese willing to fight as well? The best thing the US can do is encourage new manufacturing supply chains that don’t involve China. We need parallel supply chains and competition for cheap goods.This is Korea #2 and will not end well for either us or the chi-Cons. Finally, the Chinese have a long history of corruption.The ChiComs wipe out fishing areas all over the world, have real concentration and re-education camps, execute untold numbers of their citizens, have created 5g tech companies specifically to spy on other countries, and keep databases of large numbers of citizens of other countries, even while shipping genocide levels of fentynal to other countries. China is dependent on sea trade for importing all of it’s oil, all of it’s coal, all of it’s steel and a majority of it’s food — all the United States has to do is unlimited submarine warfare and sink all of the shipping coming into the PRC and the communist power would collapse within 6-months — but it would take a real president with the balls of Harry Truman to go that direction.
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We need to stop being so reliant on cheap Chinese goods. There is no way we can treat Taiwan like Ukraine since it is an island. China already has the waters surrounded. How on earth do we stream HIMARS to Taiwan the way we do in Ukraine? The answer is, we can't. China ain't Russia, but the sheer numbers would easily overpower the island after a few months at most.
Unfortunately, the chinks have slow played us for the last several decades, and now have us gripped by the nuts with a pair of vice grips. The American public better prepare to pay a lot more money in the future, in order to replace those cheap Chinese goods.
War with China is becoming more likely. Right now wearing a serious window where the Chinese are looking at taking Taiwan over the next few years.

That would give them vast control of the chip market worldwide. We are 20 years behind if we start now.

In addition, American corporations like doing business there. Are they willing to sacrifice a war with an doing business with China?

We gave politicians who are beholden to China.

China could likely take Taiwan before we could stop it. The only way would be to attack their ships from afar as they sailed. They would also attack ours. We would lose ships and men.

America is at a crossroads. Build anew and perhaps fight or become 2nd fiddle to China.

America is about to get a serious wake up call.
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We can win but it wil be costly. I have seen some estimates.

China is a serious near peer threat. Our navy has not been in open season combat for decades. Taiwan sit just off the Chinese coast. Major issues. Bad scenario.
We can win but it wil be costly. I have seen some estimates.

China is a serious near peer threat. Our navy has not been in open season combat for decades. Taiwan sit just off the Chinese coast. Major issues. Bad scenario.
true but neither have the Chinese. I'll put my chips on ourNavy. Agree it will be costly. Question to me is this. Is this the time and the place for what seems to be inevitable.
We can win but it wil be costly. I have seen some estimates.

China is a serious near peer threat. Our navy has not been in open season combat for decades. Taiwan sit just off the Chinese coast. Major issues. Bad scenario.
Not a good scenario for a military already struggling with recruiting. The draft could become a real possibility if this kicks off.
China’s issue at the moment is do they want to go to war with a country that has single handedly made them the world power they have become. They actually still depend on the American biz and consumer to support their country for the most part. The top down control of their own people will always hold them back without allowing a level of trade and consumption from the West

This is all even more complicated by the fact their banks and financial system appear to be collapsing under the weight of their bad debt and ongoing personal crackdowns on their own people currently. It’s going to be an interesting few years for sure.
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true but neither have the Chinese. I'll put my chips on ourNavy. Agree it will be costly. Question to me is this. Is this the time and the place for what seems to be inevitable.
I have seen some scenarios that were ran by a Navy man. We would lose some ships and other assets for sure. The other issues is China can just sit in that straight or on their homeland and what can we do? Escalate into a full out attack on China?

The only goal would be is that we could detect it was coming and sink the bastards between China and Tailand. That is the question? What are Chinas air lift and naval lift capabilities. To take Taiwan they would have to have an amphibeous assault along with an airborne assault. Can they do it? Nobody really knows at this point. They would then have to keep the airways and shipping lanes open to reinforce and brings supplies, reinforcements, and heavy assets in. Can they do it? What would we do?

If we see them ramping up do we stage troops in Taiwan? Could we get them there? You are likely talking Army light infantry and Marine infantry. So, airborne or airlift drop and our Navy would have to bring them in. Very tough and vunerable scenario. Taiwan iS a LONNNNGG damn way from any of our operating bases. Plus, it is right in China's back door. you can't hardly do it early without being provoking. So, you have to be damn sure the bastards are getting ready to invade. We get in their in that straight and our Navies go at it we are going to lose some stuff, big stuff.

It is a shit scenario all the way around and we haven't even talked about what happens economically and globally.
where i have i said surrender? are you that idiotic? name where I have said surrender. Hell, you saw what a cluster bomb we made out of the Afghanistan withdraw. So, tell me how these morons in DC could plan WW3?
I had stated in another post that TSC is in the process of building a massive new manufacturing facility in Arizona. Wait for them to finish the plant, nationalize it and steal all their secrets, then tell China to kiss butt. We won’t need to defend Taiwan anymore.
I had stated in another post that TSC is in the process of building a massive new manufacturing facility in Arizona. Wait for them to finish the plant, nationalize it and steal all their secrets, then tell China to kiss butt. We won’t need to defend Taiwan anymore.
Problem is that takes awhile and China make take it before those come on line.
Democrats and others are too in bed with China. Won't happen. Big business as well.

Hel Mush Brains Admn wants to sell China oil.

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