

Platinum Buffalo
Gold Member
Dec 8, 2004
Why do you deplorables continue trying to act like your worshipping of Trump isn’t unusual or bizarre? This moron doesn’t have a single U.S. flag, but he has three Trump flags to go with his cardboard cutout.

Stuff similar to this is seen all over. Nobody has ever done this type of thing with Biden, Obama, Clinton, etc. At the very most, you’d see some Change posters with Obama’s face on a city downtown construction wall.



Lifelong wv educated needs to learn the difference between worshipping and memorializing. There’s a reason why some have names of other police brutality, flowers, etc.
I not sure I know anyone who worships Trump. I know he is the candidate of choice for many people and he is cheered for being that. However, when it's all over and Trump fades away there will not be any church of Trump or anything like that.
I not sure I know anyone who worships Trump. I know he is the candidate of choice for many people and he is cheered for being that. However, when it's all over and Trump fades away there will not be any church of Trump or anything like that.
But you will still be a Godless lying trumptard oath breaker.
You went to a rural school district within pissing distance of west virginia which has one elementary school, one middle school, and one high school with 108 students. Students drive tractors to class. That's as bad as west virginian education.
Why do you deplorables continue trying to act like your worshipping of Trump isn’t unusual or bizarre? This moron doesn’t have a single U.S. flag, but he has three Trump flags to go with his cardboard cutout.

Stuff similar to this is seen all over. Nobody has ever done this type of thing with Biden, Obama, Clinton, etc. At the very most, you’d see some Change posters with Obama’s face on a city downtown construction wall.

Talk about scraping the bottom of the barrel.

Your desperation reeks.

Also, do you even know what worshipping means? Answer that, then show me an example of anyone worshipping Trump, dumbass.
Nope. Try again. You aren't in England.

Talk about scraping the bottom of the barrel.

Your desperation reeks.

Also, do you even know what worshipping means? Answer that, then show me an example of anyone worshipping Trump, dumbass.
You look dumber than usual. Trumpers, by far, are far more worshipping of him than Democrats have been to Clinton, Obama, or Biden. It's not even close.

There are entire brick-and-mortar stores that only sell Trump merchandise. Do you know how fvcking weird that is?
Nope. Try again. You aren't in England.

Anything to annoy you

You look dumber than usual. Trumpers, by far, are far more worshipping of him than Democrats have been to Clinton, Obama, or Biden. It's not even close.

I'll ask again. Do you even know what worshipping means?

Answer that, then give me an example of anyone worshipping Trump, moron.

You look as dumb as you always do.

There are entire brick-and-mortar stores that only sell Trump merchandise. Do you know how fvcking weird that is?

Why do you suppoze that is, dufus? God Bless Capitalizm.

Also, are you going to address your blatant lie, in a feeble attempt to bash a fellow deplorable?
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Talk about scraping the bottom of the barrel.

Your desperation reeks.

Also, do you even know what worshipping means? Answer that, then show me an example of anyone worshipping Trump, dumbass.
You orange jesus worshippers do exactly that. Worship.
You support and defend a lifelong thug. One that cheated on 3 wives, is unrepentant and you claim he's a man of faith, one that has no love for ANYONE nor this nation, who engaged in insurrection against it, attempted to overturn a free and fair election, who lied 30,000 times in 4 years and continues to add to that sum, who has defamed, defrauded, sexually abused, and found guilty of 34 felonies. And you regard him with enough respect and honor to vote for him for president of your nation. Yep. Worship.
You went to a rural school district within pissing distance of west virginia which has one elementary school, one middle school, and one high school with 108 students. Students drive tractors to class. That's as bad as west virginian education.
"As bad as a west virginian education" is still not "lifelong wv educated."

Pennsylvania ≠ West Virginia.

It's evident your education failed to address not only the geography and historical significance of the Mason-Dixon line but also the fundamental principles of biology regarding the range of human urination and the physics governing the trajectory and force of the stream.
Wait, this take is from the guy that hangs off celebrity jocks and beats off to Mets baseball cards?
George Lopez called me today to check up on me. I had texted him Friday after not having talked to/seen him for a bit.

I should have invited him last week to say hi to Janet Jackson, but it’s so hard for some of my friends to go to places in public. Hell, when I took Nikki Glaser to my neighborhood coffee joint, every employee asked for a picture.

Hell, it’s even tough for me at times. In Tampa, I sat next to a couple at the Taylor Swift concert. Towards the end of the show, Taylor’s mom and her personal assistant came to my seat to escort me back.

Months later, the female in that couple who had seats next to me recognized me at a different concert in Orlando and asked for a picture.

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