
That's the reason she used the word "probably", because she knew.

She knew what? She knows and remembers taking showers, not baths, SHOWERS, with her father.

You all are sickos for trying to defend an obvious sicko.
Watch me dine on some trumpchum...
Dumbass. She was old enough to know they were inappropriate. That would make her too damned old to be showering with her father. Stop defending the pedophile.

If it were Trump and his daughter instead of Pedo-Joe and his daughter, you'd be on it like terrorists and criminals crossing our open borders.
Yes, but he thinks terrorists and criminals crossing our border is OK too
Yes, but he thinks terrorists and criminals crossing our border is OK too
You "think" (have chemical reactions) it's perfectly reasonable to support a U.S. presidential candidate that cheated on 3 wives, claims he's done nothing to repent of, found liable for sexual abuse, fraud, and defamation, and is a convicted FELON...and engaged in insurrection against United State Constitution and illegally attempted to overturn the results of a free and fair election. This proves beyond doubt you're simply an idiot.
You don't know that, retard. She said "I can’t remember specifics". You and her have that in common.

She remembers taking SHOWERS with her father. The specifics are irrelevant, as for determining whether they were inappropriate. Anyone with an ounce of morals, knows it's inappropriate, pedophile supporter.
No, moron. The fact that she doesn't know if it was inappropriate or not shows that she was young. If she were a teenager, she would be able to know if it were inappropriate or not, moron.
"Molesting a child isn't a crime because the kid doesn't know it's a crime."
She remembers taking SHOWERS with her father. The specifics are irrelevant, as for determining whether they were inappropriate. Anyone with an ounce of morals, knows it's inappropriate, pedophile supporter.
She doesn't remember SPECIFICS. You don't understand specifics. She ALLEGES she remembers. She says PROBABLY inappropriate, meaning she doesn't KNOW if it is or not. And AGE isn't mentioned. And all you conservative idiots somehow make bathing or showering with a child sexual when it is not. It's you perverts that have the problem, proven by the fact that you're always obsessed with other people's genitals.
She doesn't remember SPECIFICS. You don't understand specifics. She ALLEGES she remembers. She says PROBABLY inappropriate, meaning she doesn't KNOW if it is or not. And AGE isn't mentioned. And all you conservative idiots somehow make bathing or showering with a child sexual when it is not. It's you perverts that have the problem, proven by the fact that you're always obsessed with other people's genitals.
^^sexual deviant defends incestuous pedophile^^
PROBABLY inappropriate,
PROBABLY: almost certainly; as far as one knows or can tell.

Continues to defend pedophilia (PROBABLY because he is a pedo).

She doesn't remember SPECIFICS
Children who are abused dont always remember specifics without counseling or intensive therapy. Luckily for you, many of those services dont exist out Wayne.
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It has NOT. It's not there to find. She mentions NOTHING about being a teenager when taking the alleged shower.

Provide the proof, you Godless lying trumpchum sucking oath breaker.
Who said she had to be a teenager? You are sick. The proof is in the diary entry.

At what age do you think it would be inappropriate to shower with your daughter
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You "think" (have chemical reactions) it's perfectly reasonable to support a U.S. presidential candidate that cheated on 3 wives, claims he's done nothing to repent of, found liable for sexual abuse, fraud, and defamation, and is a convicted FELON...and engaged in insurrection against United State Constitution and illegally attempted to overturn the results of a free and fair election. This proves beyond doubt you're simply an idiot.
Way better than one who showers with his molested and hypersexualized daughter.
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Who said she had to be a teenager?
One of your trumpchum sucking idiots.
You are sick
You're a Godless lying trumpchum sucking oath breaker.
. The proof is in the diary entry.
There is no proof in the diary.
At what age do you think it would be inappropriate to shower with your daughter
Depends on the conditions, you Godless lying trumpchum sucking oath breaker.
She doesn't remember SPECIFICS. You don't understand specifics. She ALLEGES she remembers. She says PROBABLY inappropriate, meaning she doesn't KNOW if it is or not. And AGE isn't mentioned. And all you conservative idiots somehow make bathing or showering with a child sexual when it is not. It's you perverts that have the problem, proven by the fact that you're always obsessed with other people's genitals.
You are sick and twisted.
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taking inappropriate showers with dad in a shower….being over sexualized by another uncle isn’t abuse. Seriously. Get some help. You’re a sicko pedo.
Wrong. phlegmwad. The alleged showers are not abuse, sexualized can mean different things to people, and "young age" is simple opinion. You're just another trumpchum sucking idiot that's always obsessed with other people's genitals.
You’re a sick twisted pedo ****.
Wrong. phlegmwad. The alleged showers are not abuse, sexualized can mean different things to people, and "young age" is simple opinion. You're just another trumpchum sucking idiot that's always obsessed with other people's genitals.
Where does her diary say she was molested??
The diary’s most newsworthy moments are suggestive but stop short of making any concrete allegations against Ashley Biden’s father. In the most-often quoted passage, she writes, “Hyper-sexualized @ a young age. What is this due to? Was I molested. I think so – I can’t remember specifics but I do remember trauma – I remember not liking the woolzacks house; I remember somewhat being sexualized with [a cousin]; I remember having sex with Friends @ a young age; showers w/my dad (probably not appropriate). Being turned on when I wasn’t supposed to be.”
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Wrong. phlegmwad. The alleged showers are not abuse, sexualized can mean different things to people, and "young age" is simple opinion. You're just another trumpchum sucking idiot that's always obsessed with other people's genitals.
If this were Ivanka or Tiffany Trump's diary what would you say?
The diary’s most newsworthy moments are suggestive but stop short of making any concrete allegations against Ashley Biden’s father. In the most-often quoted passage, she writes, “Hyper-sexualized @ a young age. What is this due to? Was I molested. I think so – I can’t remember specifics but I do remember trauma – I remember not liking the woolzacks house; I remember somewhat being sexualized with [a cousin]; I remember having sex with Friends @ a young age; showers w/my dad (probably not appropriate). Being turned on when I wasn’t supposed to be.”
She's a liar---Greedtard

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