Rifle....I spent about 10 minutes reading the posts that started on the Dozier situation. We've had our battles on Herd Nation (don't even want to go there ever).....Yet, I feel compelled to defend you. I know your name, yet, I will never share it on this Board. I know the FBS school that currently employees you.....I followed your coaching jobs at Bethune Cookman and later at N. Texas. You present your arguments well by pointing out research that supports your thoughts. I don't visit Herd Nation often (even though I have a Rivals premium account).....social media can divert one from using his time more wisely. Closing, what difference does it make where XXXX is employed or what auto he owns.......our Country is in turmoil because of the rights of the First Admendment...and the Hate that spews from the Liberal press is sickening. We need to extend LOVE to abort Hate. Rifle [Y.A.G Si Ye Nots] has a right to express his views about the current football program at Marshall. We live in a Country that permits us to speak our minds. Have a GREAT DAY. HerdZilla22 (Sweeney) in Charlotte.
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