I am herdman

Long Island has some of the highest rental property in the country. Remember Long Island covers 70 miles and 2 counties granted I live closer to NYC then Eastern LI and rental options are limited. So sure you can list cities but a better way would be to compare Long Island to the DMV area, Bay Area, So Florida, the entire LA county not just the city
A culture of bumming and the sackless parents who cave in and let it happen. The enablers.

Actually my parents are pretty understanding. I split the utilities and carry my weight around the house. And I would love to move out but I just don't see the point in paying almost 4500+ just to move into a place. I am actively seeking a transfer to either the Tampa Bay area or Dallas
And I would love to move out but I just don't see the point in paying almost 4500+ just to move into a place. I

Stop bullshitting. You can get nice two bedrooms in fine areas for two thousand less than that. You can get nice studios and one bedrooms in fine areas for less than 2000.
Pretty understanding? That's embarrassing. I stayed home longer than I wanted to and it sucked. I felt like shit and wanted to blast a hole in my head for being such a pathetic loser.

But I guess if there's understanding in the home. To hell with understanding. Remember, that understanding comes with a lot of strings attached. Like you said, pulling your weight around the house. They expect shit from you in return. It's much better having my own prison cell here to filth up with nobody to bitch at me over it.
Isn't moving out right after highschool/college a fairly recent phenomenon? I thought in the 50s and before it was pretty normal to live with your parents until you got married, and in the country it was common to keep going after that?

Edit: And for that matter anybody saving money and living within their means should be commended, not condemned. If somebody has a job, pays taxes and gets along well enough with their folks to co-exist (and presumably pulls their own weight around the house) whats it matter to you what they do?
It's common if you're on a family farm. The only reason people stay home in the country now is they're bums. Back in the holler, my relatives are all there working joke jobs and bumming off the old man. Bunch of damn idiotic lazy bums who I wouldn't piss on if they were burning in hell.

It really doesn't matter to me, but this whole thing about being a pothead living with parents doesn't command a whole lot of respect.
In CA it's fairly common for people to live at home pretty late. A one bedroom starts at $1250 where I'm at and that's for a not nice place. It's also partially a cultural thing.

A culture of left coast hippies and socialists who are bumming and sucking the tit and can't make it on their own. That is what that is.
Stop bullshitting. You can get nice two bedrooms in fine areas for two thousand less than that. You can get nice studios and one bedrooms in fine areas for less than 2000.

Yea your wish that was the case. Once you pay 1st months rent, security deposit, and brokers fee that's what you need to just move in
Yea your wish that was the case. Once you pay 1st months rent, security deposit, and brokers fee that's what you need to just move in

Ha! You get the deposit back. Brokers fee? Unless you are too dumb to be able to find your own apartment, you don't pay any fee. The owner may for use if a realtor, but not you.

Again, you can easily find fine studios and one bedrooms for less than $2000. You can get a roommate and have your own bedroom/bathroom for $1250.

Those prices are lower than the numerous other areas in the country that I listed.
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I can't imagine leaving home for college and then moving back in after graduation. Holy cow, what a loss. I couldn't stand it. Anybody who can adapt to moving back in and having intrusive people all in your underwear and shit has the skills to get a good enough job to move out and make it on their own.
Do you live on Long Island or have you ever lived here? Because if you did then you would know anything that is decent is 1 expensive and 2 usually the landlord or property owner goes through brokers.

And seriously Rifle, why must you think you know every ****ing thing in the world. You don't think I have tried myself to find a place. You live in Florida so enjoy that cheap rent because it must be nice. How about this, you go to and compare prices in Nassau and Suffolk county to other suburban areas that are 25 miles to 50 miles outside of those major cities. I know you being unemployed you have all the time in the world to do such research. Don't spin the argument in your favor by listing ANYTHING within city limits. And matter fact, I want you to come up with the average rent from your research and ill do the same myself when I get home from work.
I can't imagine leaving home for college and then moving back in after graduation. Holy cow, what a loss. I couldn't stand it. Anybody who can adapt to moving back in and having intrusive people all in your underwear and shit has the skills to get a good enough job to move out and make it on their own.

You have no idea how much I hate it
Fever, move to Michigan. I'll put you to work, and you can live in a nice two bedroom apartment for $800 a month. Lots of Mexicans up here too, picking cherries and grapes out in the field to ship over to Smuckers.
Move to South Carolina. Much cheaper to live and better weather.

I looked into it actually, work in Charlotte and live in SC on the outskirts of the city limits. There is a reason why NY has one of the fastest declining populations in the country and its just too damn expensive to live here. Taxes are crazy high, which makes the rent high. Then you have landlords and property owners who take advantage by overpricing the rent. I would venture to say about 70% of the young people(Under 30 crowd) who aren't married still live at home with their parents out here. Landlords with crappy mildew filled apartments will try and rent to you some shitty studio for $1200
Fever, move to Michigan. I'll put you to work, and you can live in a nice two bedroom apartment for $800 a month. Lots of Mexicans up here too, picking cherries and grapes out in the field to ship over to Smuckers.

Too cold but $800 for a 2 bedroom is amazing
The thing about it is, there is no way somebody can be having a successful career right now and be in this position. No matter where you live, if you've got a good job you can afford your own place. New York pays more. If you have a good job there, you're making a hell of a lot more money than the same good job here in Ohio.
Not really, you have to take into account the price to live here. Making 50K in Ohio living on your own go a lot further then making 60K in NY metro does. I know a lot of young people that live in NYC are on section 8 living in the projects because the rent to so damn high. Go to certain areas of brooklyn and queens that was extremely violent 10 years ago and you will find nothing but hipsters beating the system. And if I buy a house or condo, Long Island pays the highest property tax in the country. I make about 1500 every 2 weeks. 1 check would cover a month worth of rent if I want to live somewhere decent. That doesn't include car note, car insurance, renters insurance, Electric, Gas/Oil, Water, Food, Gym membership, and miscellaneous expenses. I would LOVE to find a 1 br on Long Island in the $700 a month range but that isn't feasible. So I am just going to keep saving up and move and buy a home in Texas, Florida, or Arizona
Michigan isn't cold. It's going to be sunny and 78 degrees here today. According to the liberals, Michigan will be the new Florida in 20 more years. We already have the beaches, and more shoreline than any other state within the continuous. Get some sun screen and move on over. You can be in up-state New York in 7 or 8 hours from West Michigan.
I make about 1500 every 2 weeks. 1 check would cover a month worth of rent if I want to live somewhere decent.

This should prove to you just how stupid you are.

I've made multiple posts stating that you can find a good one bedroom for less than $2000. You can find a good two bedroom for $2500 and split it with a roommate.

Yet, you claim that I'm wrong even though you just admitted that a decent apartment would be $1500 for you.

So, tell me again how I'm wrong when I claim you can find one for less than $2000 and you claim you can find one for $1500. Moron.

And in all of those cities I listed, you will need at least $1500 to live in the decent suburbs for a good one bedroom. Boston, San Fran, and Honolulu are as expensive or more than NYC. DC and San Jose are very close. That includes the suburbs for those places as well.
How stupid can you be when you don't understand I am not trying to pay $1500 for an apartment no matter where it is. That is the point I am trying to get across your dumb ass head. I would rather suck it up and live at home then have to shellout close to $5000 to move in somewhere and pay $1500+ for a place I cant build any equity on.
$1500 is a reasonable price for a good one bedroom in any major city or their immediate suburbs.

You claimed that if you were living anywhere else in America, you wouldn't be living at home. The reason you are living at home is because you don't want to pay $1500 for a one bedroom apartment. But, as I've told you, many, many cities (and their immediate suburbs) are going to cost you $1500 for a good one bedroom.

So, how much would you be willing to pay for a good one bedroom? Go see what you get stuck with for $1000 in DC suburbs like Arlington, Bethesda, McLean, Alexandria, Chevy Chase.

Go see what you get stuck with for $1000 in Boston suburbs like Cambridge, Chelsea, Somerville.

Go see what you get stuck with for $1000 in Los Angeles suburbs like Santa Monica, Malibu, studio city, Sherman oaks, Beverly Hills.

I can go on and on. If you are only willing to pay $1000 in suburbs of any of those and more cities, you are going to get stuck in a crummy apartment in a rough neighborhood.

So, stop acting like Long Island is the only place that young professionals face those struggles. Stop saying you wouldn't be living at home if you lived anywhere else in the country due to cost of apartments being better. Long Island is far, far from being the most expensive.

Hell, Dallas is a very affordable major city. For $1000, you can find a good one bedroom in a suburb. But, if you want to live in a nice place in the city, be ready for close to $1500.
Making 50K in Ohio living on your own go a lot further then making 60K in NY metro does.

I doubt that's the way the jobs pay. If you make 50K here, you're making a hell of a lot more than 60K with the same job in New York. Otherwise, the place would be a third world country.

There's no way they can have a city over there paying professionals only enough to live like Mexicans stacked in a drawer somewhere.
My wife's parents own a house but rent out three bedrooms in it to be able to make the mortgage. Honestly I would rather rent my own place than have to share my space with other people, but that's just me.
What's considered worse, living at home when you're 30 or having roommates when you're 30?

i dont think there is any comparison.

almost every girl i associated with in DC had a roommate or two, except for ones whose parents were worth multi-millions. these werent girls with half-assed degrees or jobs. these were girls making $80,000+ as pharmaceutical sales reps, IBM consultants, etc. If they wanted to live in the best neighborhoods, they would have been paying $2000+ for a one bedroom. instead, they get another girl or two, chop that $2000+ down to $1200, and get really nice places in the trendiest neighborhoods.

my guy friends were a little different. though some had roommates well into their late 20s, it wasnt near the number as the girls who did.
i dont think there is any comparison.

almost every girl i associated with in DC had a roommate or two, except for ones whose parents were worth multi-millions. these werent girls with half-assed degrees or jobs. these were girls making $80,000+ as pharmaceutical sales reps, IBM consultants, etc. If they wanted to live in the best neighborhoods, they would have been paying $2000+ for a one bedroom. instead, they get another girl or two, chop that $2000+ down to $1200, and get really nice places in the trendiest neighborhoods.

my guy friends were a little different. though some had roommates well into their late 20s, it wasnt near the number as the girls who did.

That's because girls like to you know what with each other. Seriously though, women do that for security and someone to talk to and all that crap. Men, we like to be left alone and we cannot share the tv remote.
Well, they weren't at home living with parents.

This is a sad story here. This guy's 29 years old, has some kind of degree from Marshall and still hasn't even made it in life? Hell, he could have sold cell phones at the Huntington Mall and would have been able to afford somewhere in Huntington.

Just an awful story. I hate to read stories that make me grateful for what I've got. I prefer to envy everyone else and wish I was dead. So this whole thing is very disappointing to me.
Well, they weren't at home living with parents.

This is a sad story here. This guy's 29 years old, has some kind of degree from Marshall and still hasn't even made it in life? Hell, he could have sold cell phones at the Huntington Mall and would have been able to afford somewhere in Huntington.

Just an awful story. I hate to read stories that make me grateful for what I've got. I prefer to envy everyone else and wish I was dead. So this whole thing is very disappointing to me.

I don't care where you are at. You should not be living with your parents.
I probably should be, but not him. Hell, I was genetically engineered to hide behind a chicken coop all day and make noises while I write random numbers on a sheet of paper. This guy here could probably lift boulders all day.
That's a symptom of the problem you have with that though. A lot of people get it in their head "I've got to move out!" and do it and rack up a ton of debt and mess themselves up financially for a while. The issue is them not making enough/budgeting well enough to make ends meet. If you can't do that then you shouldn't move out on your own.
The issue is them not making enough

Not enough to waste. A person could probably have their own place on Burger King money if they weren't wasteful. Everybody wants to live it up for some reason. It's all a big waste of money. Just buy what you need and to hell with the rest. I consider myself foolish for wasting money on the few stupid things I waste it on, but I got suckered into thinking I needed all this so what the hell else am I going to do with it?

Fooled. The real way to go would be a minimum wage joke job in the sticks somewhere and live in a camper with no phone, no cable or no internet. They're all idiotic mind rotting wastes of life.
I went away to college, graduated in December 1987, came back home through Christmas, packed my stuff into my sporty 1987 Ford EXP and took off for Louisville. Lived in an apartment with no furniture for a year. Had a foam mattress on the floor, two milk crates, one for a table and one to put the TV on.

Living poor creates motivation, staying at home creates complacency.
Yep, nothing screams living poor louder than graduating college with a new car and being able to afford renting an apartment in a new location.
I'll admit I live poor, but not at home. And not because I have to. Money is too aggravating to come by to really spend it on much of anything. Nothing is worth what I put up with to get this money. Humiliation, embarrassment, isolation, unfulfillment, etc. And that's any and every job out there.

So the money itself is the prize. Being out of state from anyone related to me, I hope when I die it's very difficult for anybody to get their hands on it. If I had my druthers, I'd withdraw it all and set it on fire a few days before I die.
I hope when I die it's very difficult for anybody to get their hands on it.

That's the thing right there. I was giving some thought to one of those 'living wills' not long back, and figured I would probably want them to pull the plug on me immediately if I were to suddenly turn into a vegetable. Who wants to lay there on a cot and slowly rot away for a few years, with hospital cock roaches all over you 24/7, and fat nurses wiping your ass? Then I figured, if the family knows they're getting some cash out of this thing, they'll quickly run over to the hospital and pull the damn plug themselves when they think nobody else is watching. They'll have their damn hands on my cash before my dead body begins to cool off. I bet if I were to change my benefits to leave them out of this thing, they would probably leave me alone, and stop hoping I would die.
That's the thing right there. I was giving some thought to one of those 'living wills' not long back, and figured I would probably want them to pull the plug on me immediately if I were to suddenly turn into a vegetable. Who wants to lay there on a cot and slowly rot away for a few years, with hospital cock roaches all over you 24/7, and fat nurses wiping your ass? Then I figured, if the family knows they're getting some cash out of this thing, they'll quickly run over to the hospital and pull the damn plug themselves when they think nobody else is watching. They'll have their damn hands on my cash before my dead body begins to cool off. I bet if I were to change my benefits to leave them out of this thing, they would probably leave me alone, and stop hoping I would die.
