Hey, Michigan

You having any luck getting info on a new Tacoma? The sales staff at my local dealer acts like I tracked dog crap into the showroom when I walk in. They just shrug and mumble.

Not sure why they are still in business. They have no cars, the showroom looks like it has been converted into a square dancing venue, and it’s rumored they are selling soft serve behind the sales desk. The service guy was the only one to be assertive when he told me I should have my transmission fluid changed at a cost of $350.

Hair-Gel Nazi Newsom's anti-gun constitutional amendment fails to gain support from a single state after 1 year

Poor, anti-America and anti-Constituion, Hair-Gel Nazi Newsom just can't garner any support.

Keep it in Shithole, USA and leave the rest of America alone.

GOP releases Jan. 6 clip of Pukelosi saying 'I take responsibility' as she discussed National Guard absence

Well, well...She admits to doing nothing but watch and blames herself. Maybe she's the insurrectionist of a non-insurrection that was a riot?

LINK: A previously-unreleased video taken on Jan. 6, 2021 shows then-Speaker Nancy Pukelosi, D-Calif., saying she takes "responsibility" for law enforcement's lack of preparedness when a mob stormed the U.S. Capitol that day.

A Tweet on X by a House Republican panel contains video that appears to show a frustrated Pukelosi being evacuated from the Capitol complex and in intense conversation with Chief of Staff Terri McCullough about how the evacuation was conducted.

"We have responsibility, Terri. We did not have any accountability for what was going on there. And we should have," Pukelosi says in the video, which was reviewed in its original form by Fox News Digital. "This is ridiculous. You’re going to ask me in the middle of the thing when they’ve already breached…that, should we call the Capitol Police? I mean the National Guard? Why weren’t the National Guard there to begin with?"

Her aide appeared to reply that Capitol security did believe they were prepared, to which Pelosi continued, "They clearly didn’t know, and I take responsibility for not having them just prepared for more."

Pukelosi then appears to take a shot at former President Trump's supporters, who ransacked part of the Capitol including her office.

"It’s stupid that we should be in a situation like this, because they thought they had what- they thought these people would act civilized? They thought these people would give a damn?" Pukelosi said. "What is it that is missing here in terms of anticipation? They give us a piece of paper that says walk through the tunnel, don’t walk outside. That’s your preparation?"

When reached for comment on the video, a spokesperson for Pukelosi told Fox News Digital, "Numerous independent fact-checkers have confirmed again and again that Speaker Pukelosi did not plan her own assassination on January 6th."

"As the footage in its entirety plainly shows, Speaker Pukelosi sprang into action in response to the attack on the Capitol — mobilizing the defense of the Capitol, urging the Administration to deploy the National Guard and coordinating the continuity of government. Cherry-picked, out-of-context clips do not change the fact that the Speaker of the House is not in charge of the security of the Capitol Complex — on January 6th or any other day of the week," the spokesperson said. "Three years later, House Republicans are still attempting to whitewash the deadly insurrection."

House Republicans, however, say the clip undercuts Pukelosi's assertions that Trump was to blame for the Jan. 6 riot.

"Pukelosi’s J6 Select Committee spent taxpayer’s money chasing false political narratives and using Hollywood producers for their ‘investigation.’ Her admission of responsibility directly contradicts their own narrative," tweeted Rep. Barry Loudermilk, R-Ga., chair the House Administration Subcommittee on Oversight.

MSNBC’s Rachel Maddow is worried she'll be put in one of Trump's 'massive camps': 'I'm worried about me'

Is this chick for real? She is who bleaters listen to and they actually believe this shit. 😂 😂 😂

Yep...He is going to imprison all of his political rivals in camps. That's what's going to happen. 🤣🤣🤣

LINK: MSNBC host Rachel Maddow is "worried" former President Trump could throw her in jail or even some sort of camp for high-profile liberals if he’s victorious in November.

Maddow, who has largely built her program around passionate criticism of Trump for years, famously pushed since-debunked theories tying the former president to Russia. Now she’s concerned Trump, the presumptive GOP nominee, will weaponize the government and throw his media critics in jail if he defeats Pedo-Joe in November.

"I'm worried about the country broadly if we put someone in power who is openly avowing that he plans to build camps to hold millions of people, and to ‘root out’ what he’s described in subhuman terms as his ‘enemy from within.’ Again, history is helpful here. He’s not joking when he says this stuff, and we’ve seen what happens when people take power proclaiming that kind of agenda," Maddow told CNN, adding that Trump would also go after his political rivals.

"For that matter, what convinces you that these massive camps he’s planning are only for migrants?," Maddow continued. "I’m worried about me — but only as much as I’m worried about all of us."

CNN’s reporter did not push back on this in the print Q&A and had set Maddow up to give an explosive answer by initially asking, "Trump and his allies are openly talking about weaponizing the government to seek revenge against critics in media … you're one of his most notable critics on television. Are you worried that you could be a target?"

The Trump campaign did not immediately respond to a request for comment.

Maddow famously cut "The Rachel Maddow Show" to once a week in 2022 to pursue other projects despite her enormous salary, which has been reported to be roughly $30 million per year. Her interview with CNN was meant to promote one of the other projects, a podcast.

Earlier this year, Maddow criticized her own network for airing Trump's victory speech on Super Tuesday and claimed it was "irresponsible to broadcast." She was asked where she stands on whether news networks should broadcast Trump live.

"I don’t think there’s any simple hard-and-fast rule that makes these decisions easy. You take things case by case, situation by situation, lie by lie. I do think it’s important to constantly revisit these decisions in a rigorous way, guarding in particular against letting ourselves be used for any purpose other than our own journalistic mission," Maddow told CNN.

Maddow has also expressed concern that Trump would become a dictator if reelected.

That explains it

One of my neighbors often walks down the road to talk when he sees me working in my front yard. Nice guy that will do about anything for you. Functionally illiterate, dropped out of high school, disabled, but continually offers to help me with my projects. I always respectfully decline.

I avoid ever discussing anything political because the guy is very opinionated and often gets quite animated in his discussions.

I always assumed he was a Trump supporter but never asked, so I was surprised when he praised Biden in a recent conversation.

While sitting outside here this morning enjoying the sunshine, I believe I have come to a conclusion on why my neighbor supports Joe.

In a prior post, I told of my neighbor’s financial problems. How he lost power, water, and trash service. He also lost his cable. He rigged up an antenna on his roof and was able to pull in one over air channel. PBS.

Hunter Biden is guilty.

I buy guns and so do many others. If we did what he did, we would be in trouble. It is a clear violation of law. It is not even remotely close. The feds agreed to a jury within a couple of hours. The jury is full of drug users, one former secret servic agent whose brother is still working for the secret service. He is clearly an unlawful gun owner. It is an open and shut case, 100 percent.

It is not even close. Most lawyers would have already tried to cut a deal. Judges most every place do not show mercy on this.

If he is found not guilty or not convicted they need to open it up everywhere. He lied on a federal form submitted to the ATF. He makes lawful gun owners look bad. It is an easy peasy legal matter.

There is no viable excuse for what he did. Meanwhile his dad, Mush Brain, wants more gun control.

Are Americans ever going to wake up?
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