Awful news to pass along about a long-time HN poster

Was informed yesterday that long-time HN poster Herdalicious passed away very unexpectedly on Saturday night.

I don't know much about what happened and no arrangement information has been released yet.

I do know he had twin seven-year-olds; which is absolutely gut-wrenching to think about.

'Licious was an HN all-time great. The guy was funny and incredibly witty.


I understand the world we’re currently living in is politically charged but HN and/or Old Fairfield are not the the places for that kind of discussion. Moving forward I’m going to delete posts and give automatic timeouts for offenders.

If you want to chat about politics we have very robust and active forum called Pullman Square, where you can talk about politics as much as your heart desires.

Someone needs to revive Marshall Football

At this point it is on the leadership at whatever that level it is to revive Marshall Football. It is their job and their duty to do so. If they won't go above them or remove them as well. I am to that point. The program is stale and stagnant. I just sat in the rain and watched Marshall, with a chance to win the division, lose to a team playing in a glorified high school stadium that just a few years ago didn't even have a program. In the near past that same team that just beat Marshall was playing the likes of Campbell(when they were non scholarship), Elon, other lower divisions and they were losing to them or struggling against them. The same Marshall program that has played football much longe and Heisman candidates, Top 10 ranking, many great players and championships.

It is Mike Hamrick's job to ensure the program is where it should be and it is not. If Mike Hamrick won't take care of it then it is Jerome Gilbert's job to do it or mandate Mike Hamrick to do it. If Gilbert won't do it, then it is the Board of Regents job to ensure it. The program is at that point.

We may get to a point that it is too far gone and we slip into eternal stagnation. The pseudo nepotism with the football program needs to end. We need a change at the top and that should happen now. If Mike Hamrick won't do it then he can go to for all I care. There are other athletic directors and football coaches out there.

The time has come to move on.
