Edit: Running Election Night Thread

Desantis is Smoking (has smoked) Crist

May win Miami Dade County. Currently up 15% statewide with over 73% reporting. And that’s probably not even including the upper west panhandle, which is massively conservative. If this doesn’t tell you that he did the absolute right thing in Florida the last 4 years, then nothing will.

Good lord. Butt spanking.

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If I were Huff I would reach out to this kid and use it as a teaching moment and offer him a scholarship

Billy Napier might not forgive, but Charles Huff can. Florida might not be able to beat Vanderbilt, but by God Marshall can beat Notre Dame.

From what I have read, Florida players don't use that word and it is not allowed per their teams rules. Excuse me, let me clear my throat for a second.

How the hell does Florida lose to Vanderbilt? Anyway, if I were Huff I would use this as a teaching experience and reach out to this young man and offer him a second chance.

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Football players and coaches deserve respect.

If you want to be picky, then wait till Thursday and you can pick the turkey bones. Congratulations to our players and coaches! They have overcome many problems. If you want, you can pick apart any team in the country. It gets crazy on this board at times with the complaining and whining. Let's get behind this team and show it the support it has EARNED!

Mask idiocy

In the "unread threads" sidebar I saw a post by @herdftblfan and it reminded me of our mask arguments on facebook back during the covid hoax, before the poison vaccine was rolled out. He eventually unfriended me because he couldn't believe someone could be so callous and cruel to GRANDMA! Just stay at home! Wear a mask!

Wanted to tag him to see if he would like to reflect on his promotion of masks and lockdowns, or if he's on team amnesty. Both sides were wrong!

Basketball Ticket Discount

If you bring “a canned food item” go
the Coppin State or Chicago State games, you will receive $5 off your ticket. Announced attendance for the Tech game was 4k or so, so you could buy a ticket for $10 and move up and have a decent seat AND contribute to a good cause. I understand not going on Saturday (cuz I’m not) so you can watch both the games, but Chicago State is Monday @7 so can’t hurt to go then

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Majority of Country Not Happy With Things, But the same people stay in power.

Americans are either dumb or the game is rigged. Or, they are happy with high gas prics, high inflation, and their retirment plans tanking.

Bizarre crap.

The whole mail in ballot and all this stuff needs to end. Not saying that is the case but, someone is filling those thigns out or gaming it

Americans are stupid and what it shows me that enough people are not effected by what I mentioned above. That means they are either on the dole or have plenty of funny handout money.

They are not feeling enough ass pain. Plus, the game is rigged in many regards.

Chuck D had it right . . .

when he said "neither party is mine, not the jackass or the elephant" (albeit in a different context). The underlying sentiment is correct. Neither party cares for, nor tries to protect, the citizenry. It's all about staying in power and perpetuating their own political existence. Absent meaningful reforms such as hard term limits, ceasing insider trading and kickbacks, and restrictions on legislative salaries, expenses, and retirement benefits, nothing will ever change. Until the people wise up (hint: they won't because the majority are short-sighted and ignorant) and focus on candidates willing to make these things happen, we're stuck with a broken system. It could be saved, but it would take a grass-roots, concerted movement by the American people across 3-4 election cycles to elect candidates willing to (1) commit to a maximum of two terms, and (2) constantly fighting and pushing for system-altering legislation over these two terms.

Really proud of these guys

Could have folded after the Coastal loss, but they really have stepped up. Love seeing Ali back and Fancher is making some big strides!! Great win bowl eligible now let’s close it out next week at home to get 8 wins and have a chance to win a bowl game to win 9 games this year which just a few games ago was a pipe dream!

Go Herd Keep fighting and nice job coach huff and staff in turning the ship around!!!
