Ain't No Parte Like a Fulton County Parte Cause A Fulton County Parte Doesn't Invite the Defense

Fulton County, GA back in the news over a trial involving RICO cases. The early reporting is one of the defendants accused the judge of holding ex parte meetings without the defendant/defendant's counsel present. There are instances these meetings can occur, but they're not common, especially given the judge apparently made no attempt afterwards to declare the ex parte meeting. I know it doesn't seem like Fulton County practices legitimate law but if these allegations are true, it's pretty serious. Especially considering the judge has ordered the attorney to serve jail time for refusing to cooperate (by not telling the judge where he heard about the meeting.)

Georgia's Code of Judicial Conduct Rule 3.4
Judges shall accord to every person who has a legal interest in a proceeding, or that person’s lawyer, the right to be heard according to law. Judges shall not initiate, permit, or consider ex parte communications, or consider other communications made to them outside the presence of the parties, or their lawyers, concerning a pending proceeding or impending matter, subject to the following listed exceptions​

The reporting on this as it's unfolding is wild (& eye opening).

Austrian Defense Minister: United States, Others Have "Crossed A Red Line" With Ukraine

In a recent interview with Die Presse, Austria's Defense Secretary, Klaudia Tanner, directly commented on the decision of the United States, France, & the UK to approve striking targets in Russia - saying the actions had crossed a red line.

Austria has a pretty strong a partnership with the US but even they realize the US is doing nothing to de-escalate.
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What is Going on Here?

This "popped up" on my Facebook feed.

An old acquaintance graduated with an advanced degree from Marshall. This picture was posted of her with her best friend and her best friend's parents. It may be hard for you to see what stood out to me, but what is happening around Marshall's campus that would be this exciting?

Another good payday from a Blue city for Trump

Trump lands endorsement of top investor who hosted $12 million San Francisco fundraiser for former president

CBS host shocked by poll showing 62% of registered voters support deporting all illegal immigrants

This is how out of touch the leftist elites are

LINK: CBS News host Margaret Brennan on Sunday appeared perplexed by the results of a recent poll that showed majority support for deporting all illegal immigrants.

"Homeland Security says that Pedo-Joe has already deported or repatriated more people in the past year than any year since 2010. And then, depending on the details of what’s talked about on the campaign trail, some of what Mr. Trump talks about could be illegal," Brennan said.

She continued, "It doesn’t seem practical, in some sense, to round up children. And then we know that the courts have questioned whether local authorities would have the ability to do it, and federal authorities don’t have the resources. So what exactly do people think they’re supporting?"

A CBS News/YouGov poll found that 62% of registered voters said they would support a government program that would deport all migrants living in the U.S. illegally. The poll, conducted between June 5-7, also found that a majority of registered voters supported Pedo-Joe's latest executive action at the southern border.

Anthony Salvanto, CBS' director of elections and surveys, said that while the support for a deportation effort was mostly among supporters of former President Trump, some Democrats supported it as well.

"When you measure public sentiment on this or really just about any policy, you're getting a sense of direction. You're getting broad brushstrokes," Salvanto said.

Salvanto also said the poll asked if respondents felt local authorities should be involved in deporting the migrants.

"A lot of folks do say yes. Again, the details of that, the specifics, you're not going to pick that up in an aggregate public opinion," he said.

"We are in a different era in which a lot of folks say the system as a whole is not working. And all of these, if you connect the dots through them, are part of that reaction against it, which explains some of that general sentiment for some of these policies," Salvanto continued.

Brennan said Americans generally just want the government to "do something."

Trump has said he plans to use the National Guard to deport migrants who are in the U.S. illegally. He has also said he would carry out "the largest domestic deportation operation in American history."

Pedo-Joe recently issued executive actions at the southern border, which temporarily stops migrants who cross the border illegally from claiming asylum.

Pedo-Joe issued a presidential proclamation that will temporarily suspend the entry of non-citizens across the southern border once the number of average border encounters exceeds 2,500 a day over seven days, officials said. That will stay in effect until 14 days after there has been a seven-day average of less than 1,500 encounters along the border. Officials said it would make it easier for immigration officers to quickly remove individuals who do not have a legal basis to remain in the U.S.

Weekend call from Momma Herdman

She calls me and says she thinks Mush Brain may start WW3. Asked me what I thought.

Then, she says she saw Biden on tv and he can't walk well and mumbles all the time. Says something is wrong with the man.

She said she saw an interview with Trump and in her words, "buddy I am voting for you." She wanted to make sure I was voting for Donald J Trump.

She says that fool Biden is hurting the working people and likely going to get us all blown up. She has been a Democrat for 64 years.
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Mush brains apologized

For not giving zelenski my money. FU mush brains. Apologize to veterans you turn your back on. Apologize to soldiers having to live in rat infested barracks. Apologize to Texas ranchers having to fend for their life along the southern border. Mostly, apologize to me for running out of beer last night, while I was supporting my fellow West Virginian brothers playing in Chapel Hill. Price of beer gone up so high, I find myself having to think twice before opening up five or six before noon.
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Massive California residential tower to offer homeless private rooms, gym, cafe and more amenities

Those lovely, Democrat policies at work for you.

Massive California residential tower to offer homeless private rooms, gym, cafe and more amenities


One time to show my love for the Herd I dropped an Accounting class. The basketball tournament was going on and I wanted to go. He told me I couldn't miss class. I said ok, walked down the hallway and got a drop slip ans had him sign it. Had a C in the class anyway. I could do that anytime.

Finished Marshall with a 2.68 GPA and became the People's Moderator.

Go Herd.
