Are you saying the Trump base has no respect for the rule of law?
I am saying that they know BS when they see it. The report came out. High crimes and misdemeanors? Nope. Treason? Get real. Bribery? Nope not that either. Dems can't move on.

The Constitution sets specific grounds for impeachment. They are “treason, bribery, and other high crimes and misdemeanors.” To be impeached and removed from office, the House and Senate must find that the official committed one of these acts.

In other words, they don't have shit on him.
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Are you saying the Trump base has no respect for the rule of law?
It will be interesting to see if charges are actually filed against trump for obstruction in 2020. My guess is no because it’s not actually about rule of law it’s about politics
Let us summarize the Mueller report in two words:

"No evidence"

Dems response:

"Impeach anyway"

Let me summarize your summary: bullshit.

Mueller himself said so today.

It's almost like you all watch and read some alternative news that feeds you propaganda. But surely that can't happen in America.
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I am saying that they know BS when they see it. The report came out. High crimes and misdemeanors? Nope. Treason? Get real. Bribery? Nope not that either. Dems can't move on.

The Constitution sets specific grounds for impeachment. They are “treason, bribery, and other high crimes and misdemeanors.” To be impeached and removed from office, the House and Senate must find that the official committed one of these acts.

In other words, they don't have shit on him.

I think it is pretty goddamn clear Trump committed some federal crimes. Mueller was pretty clear today. But you keep repeating what those two gay dudes and the dicksucker whore on Fox Mornings tell you to say.
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I think it is pretty goddamn clear Trump committed some federal crimes. Mueller was pretty clear today. But you keep repeating what those two gay dudes and the dicksucker whore on Fox Mornings tell you to say.

If mueller rationale is that there is no way to indict a sitting president then what was the point of this entire two year dive into Russia collusion. What mueller and Comey with regards to Hillary’s email is laid out a clear case and had the justice department do it’s job and make a decision about prosecuting. Mueller obviously is playing politics just to get impeachment proceedings to begin.
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If mueller rationale is that there is no way to indict a sitting president then what was the point of this entire two year dive into Russia collusion. What mueller and Comey with regards to Hillary’s email is laid out a clear case and had the justice department do it’s job and make a decision about prosecuting. Mueller obviously is playing politics just to get impeachment proceedings to begin.
I agree. At a minimum, he should have stated whether a crime had been committed with supporting evidence. We know nearly 1000 federal prosecutors stated Trump would be charged with obstruction if he weren't president. Mueller should have done the same.
I think it is pretty goddamn clear Trump committed some federal crimes. Mueller was pretty clear today. But you keep repeating what those two gay dudes and the dicksucker whore on Fox Mornings tell you to say.
It is not clear. Where do you come up with that it is clear. I don't watch Fox mornings. The report was put out there. No collusion. Mueller even said his report was his testimony. Time to move on.

Let it go.
Democrats should just focus on the election. They are the clear favorites again and the odds are in their favor. Trump will have to pull the upset again. But, no they want to keep going down this road. Pathetic. They deserve to lose.
The report was put out there. No collusion.
Barr and Trump said "no collusion" - which, wasn't what Mueller was investigating - conspiracy.

Because of how the law is written, Mueller didn't believe they could get a conviction (assuming they could indict). Manafort sharing polling data...Jr's meeting... Trump publically calling for Russia to hack emails....most would consider those "evidence".

However, at the same time, Foghorn Leghorn won't bring an election security bill to vote. Difficult to believe how screwed up politics have become...we don't even want to take actions to secure an election from foreign interference.
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Barr and Trump said "no collusion" - which, wasn't what Mueller was investigating - conspiracy.

Because of how the law is written, Mueller didn't believe they could get a conviction (assuming they could indict). Manafort sharing polling data...Jr's meeting... Trump publically calling for Russia to hack emails....most would consider those "evidence".

However, at the same time, Foghorn Leghorn won't bring an election security bill to vote. Difficult to believe how screwed up politics have become...we don't even want to take actions to secure an election from foreign interference.
Laughable, I am sorry but that is laughable.
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Barr and Trump said "no collusion" - which, wasn't what Mueller was investigating - conspiracy.

Because of how the law is written, Mueller didn't believe they could get a conviction (assuming they could indict). Manafort sharing polling data...Jr's meeting... Trump publically calling for Russia to hack emails....most would consider those "evidence".

However, at the same time, Foghorn Leghorn won't bring an election security bill to vote. Difficult to believe how screwed up politics have become...we don't even want to take actions to secure an election from foreign interference.
From the mueller report

the investigation did not establish that members of the Trump Campaign conspired or coordinated with the Russian government in its election interference activities
Does it not bother people that one of the statements everybody is hanging their hat on is "We could not prove that the President did not commit a crime," ?

I thought we were innocent until proven guilty.
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It will be interesting to see if charges are actually filed against trump for obstruction in 2020. My guess is no because it’s not actually about rule of law it’s about politics

The state of NY is simply waiting on January 20, 2021. (Unindicted co-conspirator)
Does it not bother people that one of the statements everybody is hanging their hat on is "We could not prove that the President did not commit a crime," ?

I thought we were innocent until proven guilty.

The law says he is presumed innocent like anyb
True.....but the report wasn't a "total and complete" exoneration as Trump said nor "no evidence of 'collusion'" like Barr said.

Per Mueller:
"As set forth in the report, after the investigation, if we had confidence that the president did not clearly commit a crime, we would have said so."
True.....but the report wasn't a "total and complete" exoneration as Trump said nor "no evidence of 'collusion'" like Barr said.

Per Mueller:
"As set forth in the report, after the investigation, if we had confidence that the president did not clearly commit a crime, we would have said so."

And people are wanting to base an impeachment on statements like that. Putting the burden of proof on the president to prove his innocence, instead of the other way around.
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Someone is lying. Here is what Bill Barr told the senate with regards to mueller and OLC guidelines dictating his decision

“We were frankly surprised that they were not going to reach a decision on obstruction and we asked them a lot about the reasoning behind this. Mueller stated three times to us in that meeting, in response to our questioning, that he emphatically was not saying that but for the OLC opinion he would have found obstruction.”

And from his presser releasing the mueller report

“We specifically asked him about the OLC opinion and whether or not he was taking a position that he would have found a crime but for the existence of the OLC opinion. And he made it very clear several times that was not his position.”
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The Bond Market Is Giving Ominous Warnings About the Global Economy
An inverted yield curve has typically not been a good sign.

You know the moment in a horror movie when the characters are going about their business and nothing bad has happened to them yet, but there seem to be ominous signs everywhere that only you, the viewer, notice?

That’s what watching global financial markets the last couple of weeks has felt like.

This is not normal. It is called an inverted yield curve, and historically it has been viewed as a sign of a recession in the offing. At a minimum, it indicates that bond investors believe the Federal Reserve will soon need to cut interest rates — in effect, that it overshot with those four rate increases last year.

No collusion.

That phrase is proof you are a parrot of the talking points.

If mueller rationale is that there is no way to indict a sitting president then what was the point of this entire two year dive into Russia collusion

I dunno, ask the Republican that appointed him.

Mueller obviously is playing politics just to get impeachment proceedings to begin.

What does Mueller have to gain politically? If he is telling Congress to do its sworn duty, he already did that in the report; not his fault most people do not have the reading comprehension to understand that.
Don't you have an ugly truck to go drive?
Mueller and Barr joint statement about OLC

“The Attorney General has previously stated that the Special Counsel repeatedly affirmed that he was not saying that, but for the OLC opinion, he would have found the President obstructed justice. The Special Counsel’s report and his statement today made clear that the office concluded it would not reach a determination — one way or the other — about whether the President committed a crime. There is no conflict between these statements," a joint statement from DOJ spokeswoman Kerri Kupec and Mueller spokesman Peter Carr said.“

Once again mueller comes out and and tries to clarify his prepared remarks. Just shows once again that he was playing politics and chumming the water for the impeachment crowd.
From the mueller report

the investigation did not establish that members of the Trump Campaign conspired or coordinated with the Russian government in its election interference activities


Does it not bother people that one of the statements everybody is hanging their hat on is "We could not prove that the President did not commit a crime," ?

I thought we were innocent until proven guilty.

Only when Dems are accused of something does this concept apply.
Mueller and Barr joint statement about OLC

“The Attorney General has previously stated that the Special Counsel repeatedly affirmed that he was not saying that, but for the OLC opinion, he would have found the President obstructed justice. The Special Counsel’s report and his statement today made clear that the office concluded it would not reach a determination — one way or the other — about whether the President committed a crime. There is no conflict between these statements," a joint statement from DOJ spokeswoman Kerri Kupec and Mueller spokesman Peter Carr said.“

Once again mueller comes out and and tries to clarify his prepared remarks. Just shows once again that he was playing politics and chumming the water for the impeachment crowd.


Dems response: Impeach anyway
Nowhere inthe report does it say "no evidence." You really should read the report. As Mueller himself said, "this should concern every American."

It does concern me. Prosecutors who attempt to muddy the waters after an investigation turns up....zilch. It does concern me, morons like you still cant seem to handle the fact there was no evidence that established a connection between trump campaign and Russia.

Obstruction??? What obstruction? How exactly do you "obstruct" an investigation that determined no link between the campaign and Russian existed? Dem answer: "Give us your 2010 tax records." Pfffffft. Bahahahahahaha
It does concern me. Prosecutors who attempt to muddy the waters after an investigation turns up....zilch. It does concern me, morons like you still cant seem to handle the fact there was no evidence that established a connection between trump campaign and Russia.

Obstruction??? What obstruction? How exactly do you "obstruct" an investigation that determined no link between the campaign and Russian existed? Dem answer: "Give us your 2010 tax records." Pfffffft. Bahahahahahaha

You keep saying that. You clearly don’t have a clue what the report actually says. The report does NOT say that. In fact, it documents plenty of evidence. If you clearly understood the report and were truly patriotic, you would be pissed at the extent of the communication between the trump campaign and Russia.
You keep saying that. You clearly don’t have a clue what the report actually says. The report does NOT say that. In fact, it documents plenty of evidence. If you clearly understood the report and were truly patriotic, you would be pissed at the extent of the communication between the trump campaign and Russia.
wasn't you one of those jackasses who repeatedly indicated collusion was a foregone conclusion? ^^^this^^^ latest post proves you still haven't let it go.

you fvcking lost. twice. get over it.
You keep saying that. You clearly don’t have a clue what the report actually says. The report does NOT say that. In fact, it documents plenty of evidence. If you clearly understood the report and were truly patriotic, you would be pissed at the extent of the communication between the trump campaign and Russia.
For the 800th time contact=/= collusion. And in and of itself is NOT illegal
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And people are wanting to base an impeachment on statements like that. Putting the burden of proof on the president to prove his innocence, instead of the other way around.
Don't disagree. With DOJ guidelines stating you can't charge/indict a president, then you have to wonder what would be gained from an investigation.

In the end, Mueller presents Congress with the facts and tells them the ball is in their court along with "BTW, I'm done here; now, leave me alone." Congress would use the report to conduct an impeachment investigation if it comes to that.

However, Pelosi and other Dem Congressional leadership appear to be extremely hesitant about impeachment. Pelosi's record with W. and her statements about a Trump impeachment are consistent - she doesn't like it or want it.
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