Another 2 Billion for Ukraine

What's that up to now, around 50 Billion we've given former socialists in Ukraine? Probably more than that.

We could really use that money right here in the US of A.
Damn right. Fleecing us and milking us.
Why so we could give the rich and corporations another huge tax cut?Ukraine is fighting communist Russia the least we can do is supply them weapons.
you are a broken record. So, we can send a billion to a want to be dictator over there? They are probably laundering money and ripping us off. Let them and the Russians just go at it.
you are a broken record. So, we can send a billion to a want to be dictator over there? They are probably laundering money and ripping us off. Let them and the Russians just go at it.
What chance do the undermanned Ukranians have against Russia without our weapons? and probably is a key word also. You would give Russia the whole world I think if it could make you more money. My record will be played repeatedly because I speak the truth.
What chance do the undermanned Ukranians have against Russia without our weapons? and probably is a key word also. You would give Russia the whole world I think if it could make you more money. My record will be played repeatedly because I speak the truth.
Rich corporations, polly wanat a cracker, Rich coporations, polly want a cracker. Rich corporations are in bed with Democrats. This is not 1960 anymore.

What does me making more money have to do with a damn thing in this conversation? I guarantee we are getting hosed.
Rich corporations, polly wanat a cracker, Rich coporations, polly want a cracker. Rich corporations are in bed with Democrats. This is not 1960 anymore.

What does me making more money have to do with a damn thing in this conversation? I guarantee we are getting hosed.
That is your opinion and you are entitled to it but I do vigorous disagree.
Russia would have never invaded Ukraine if Trump were President.
Trump would buddy up to them and might even sell them some of those top secret documents that was found in home where it did not belong. Trump would lie and do anything to make money for himself.
Russia would have never invaded Ukraine if Trump were President.
If the invasion continues to be unsuccessful, is the US in a better or worse geopolitical position than before the war?

Expanded NATO, a signal that the west is willing to put its money where it’s mouth is regarding Russian aggression, Russian’s military being humiliated, Russia’s economy being weakened, a ton of real world data on Russian military versus US second tier military tech…
Trump would buddy up to them and might even sell them some of those top secret documents that was found in home where it did not belong. Trump would lie and do anything to make money for himself.
Yehh, ding dong. That is why they didn't invade during Trump's term but Bidens. Think before you write.
If the invasion continues to be unsuccessful, is the US in a better or worse geopolitical position than before the war?

Expanded NATO, a signal that the west is willing to put its money where it’s mouth is regarding Russian aggression, Russian’s military being humiliated, Russia’s economy being weakened, a ton of real world data on Russian military versus US second tier military tech…
Worse. We would have spent Billions and Billions and Russia will probably do it again. Do you think he is just going to give up the 25 to 30% of land he took? Why don't we just let Ukraine in now? Why didn't we before?
Trump would buddy up to them and might even sell them some of those top secret documents that was found in home where it did not belong. Trump would lie and do anything to make money for himself.
Pedo Peter and Hooker-loving Hunter say hello.
Worse. We would have spent Billions and Billions and Russia will probably do it again. Do you think he is just going to give up the 25 to 30% of land he took? Why don't we just let Ukraine in now? Why didn't we before?
Unless Putin goes with the horrible nuclear he is going to lose this war.
Worse. We would have spent Billions and Billions and Russia will probably do it again. Do you think he is just going to give up the 25 to 30% of land he took? Why don't we just let Ukraine in now? Why didn't we before?
Because we don’t give a shit about Ukraine past our desire to not see them absorbed into Russia. It’s not a well governed state and probably doesn’t fit NATO’s strategic vision, and besides we probably don’t want to set up a red line there that’ll lead to all out war if they get invaded.
Because we don’t give a shit about Ukraine past our desire to not see them absorbed into Russia. It’s not a well governed state and probably doesn’t fit NATO’s strategic vision, and besides we probably don’t want to set up a red line there that’ll lead to all out war if they get invaded.
We don't want them to take it because of fossil fuels. hahahahaha, does the left realize that ? Do the global climate alarmist realize that? Greed told me it was some noble cause about Democracy.
Ah, right, why didn’t we think of that. Maybe if we would’ve asked Putin nicely he would’ve held off.
Ah, right, why didn’t we think of that. Maybe if we would’ve asked Putin nicely he would’ve held off.
Because we have Mush brain president that nobody respects. They sat there and watched Putin build up troops for a damn near a year.
The reason Mush ignored the build up was that he wanted Russia to invade. We are sending billions over there how much do you think gets kicked back to the big guy? Wonder who else on the left has their hand in the Ukrainian cookie jar?
Because we have Mush brain president that nobody respects. They sat there and watched Putin build up troops for a damn near a year.
What would have done? Russia wants the whole of Ukraine and who knows where that would stop. Your argument about money and global warmng dont hold water.
The reason Mush ignored the build up was that he wanted Russia to invade. We are sending billions over there how much do you think gets kicked back to the big guy? Wonder who else on the left has their hand in the Ukrainian cookie jar?
Your reply makes no sense knowing if they invade it would cause inflation with higher oil prices . You have absolutely no proof of the things you stated.
What would have done? Russia wants the whole of Ukraine and who knows where that would stop. Your argument about money and global warmng dont hold water.
Not true. Putin wants control od the energy supply to Europe ans the black sea. As Europe and now the USA go down that road they will come back begging for fossil fuels. It will be extremely valuable. Never come from a side of desperation. Europe will become desperate.

Not hard to figure out. They didn't respect Biden at all.
Just so everyone remembers, 149 members of the GOP voted for the $40 billion. And, Biden got double what he was asking for.

Your reply makes no sense knowing if they invade it would cause inflation with higher oil prices . You have absolutely no proof of the things you stated.
Since when do we need proof? I’m pretty sure from 2016 on we can say what we want and it has to be believed. Or does that only work against Trump?
The reason Mush ignored the build up was that he wanted Russia to invade. We are sending billions over there how much do you think gets kicked back to the big guy? Wonder who else on the left has their hand in the Ukrainian cookie jar?
He didn’t ignore the build up, he rather famously released satellite photos of the build up to the world to show what was going to happen and begin rallying support.

You all are letting your partisanship blind you on this one. Ukraine has been about as expertly handled as the Afghanistan withdrawal wasn’t.
Biden and his kind do not care about inflation and high gas prices. What does it matter to them?
It matters a lot it could cost them at election time. Anybody knows that .Why do you think he has been releasing so much oil from thd oil reserves? Why has he been talking to the oil execs ? Why did he have included in the inflation reduction act for oil companies to drill until we could bring on green energies however long that may take.

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