Another 2 Billion for Ukraine

But that is off the subject of Ukraine and the Capital attack.

And so is Trump and the Capitol. This thread is about monies going to Ukraine being sent there under the direction of the current administration. The current POTUS is not Trump nor does it involve the Capitol riot. You are deflecting by bring Trump and the Capitol riot into the conversation.
And so is Trump and the Capitol. This thread is about monies going to Ukraine being sent there under the direction of the current administration. The current POTUS is not Trump nor does it involve the Capitol riot. You are deflecting by bring Trump and the Capitol riot into the conversation.
OK I repeat there is no proof of your Ukraine post .Show me if you have any and no heresays from far right sources.
What does that prove?

Hmmm, well if you have to ask let's see...

It has already been established that Hunter Biden was on the payroll of Ukrainian companies while his dad was VPOTUS and also while Ukraine was receiving billions in US aid. Coincidence???

And during a Ukrainian investigation into those questionable dealings the VPOTUS of the US, Joe Biden, flew to Ukraine, at taxpayers' expense, to personally stop this investigation by threatening to withhold $1 billion in US aid. And in his arrogance he bragged about it as shown on this clip.

But then again, you are so blind to anything related to facts and the truth I'm sure you don't see anything troubling by any of this...
Hmmm, well if you have to ask let's see...

It has already been established that Hunter Biden was on the payroll of Ukrainian companies while his dad was VPOTUS and also while Ukraine was receiving billions in US aid. Coincidence???

And during a Ukrainian investigation into those questionable dealings the VPOTUS of the US, Joe Biden, flew to Ukraine, at taxpayers' expense, to personally stop this investigation by threatening to withhold $1 billion in US aid. And in his arrogance he bragged about it as shown on this clip.

But then again, you are so blind to anything related to facts and the truth I'm sure you don't see anything troubling by any of this...
Still doesnt prove any wrong doing.
Still say he did no wrong doing. Trump is guilty of so many crimes and it is all coming to an end for him now.

And yet you keep doubling down despite the overwhelming evidence. Why do you think there is such a push-back against Trump and his policies?

I'd have a higher opinion of you if you at least admitted the obvious but said it doesn't matter to you that to keep denying the obvious...
And yet you keep doubling down despite the overwhelming evidence. Why do you think there is such a push-back against Trump and his policies?

I'd have a higher opinion of you if you at least admitted the obvious but said it doesn't matter to you that to keep denying the obvious...
The only thing seems obvious to me is Trump is the biggest criminal to ever be in the White House.
The only thing seems obvious to me is Trump is the biggest criminal to ever be in the White House.

There are a lot of things that are obvious to me but unlike Greed my mom taught me if you don't have any nice to say...
Still say he did no wrong doing. Trump is guilty of so many crimes and it is all coming to an end for him now.
Let's see if we can dumb this down for you. Daddy got his son a job in country making tons of money. Someone started to look in to why the son was being paid so much money for job he even admitted he was not qualified for. Daddy gets mad and tells the country to get rid of the guy looking in to the problem and if they don't he will no longer allow that country to have money promised to them. The country did and Daddy and son continued to make money from that country.
Let's see if we can dumb this down for you. Daddy got his son a job in country making tons of money. Someone started to look in to why the son was being paid so much money for job he even admitted he was not qualified for. Daddy gets mad and tells the country to get rid of the guy looking in to the problem and if they don't he will no longer allow that country to have money promised to them. The country did and Daddy and son continued to make money from that country.
What is wrong with people making money in other countries.? Our corporations do it even with Communist countries.
What is wrong with people making money in other countries.? Our corporations do it even with Communist countries.

If you are qualified to do the job - check

If you are paid marker wages - check

If you have invested in the market - check

If you are the unqualified son of the VPOTUS that is getting paid millions of dollars in excess of the value of services received except for political favors and US tax dollars directed by your dad who is the VPOTUS - red flag

This is called political patronage, kickbacks, bribery, extortion, influence peddling, etc.
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If you are qualified to do the job - check

If you are paid marker wages - check

If you have invested in the market - check

If you are the unqualified son of the VPOTUS that is getting paid millions of dollars in excess of the value of services received except for political favors and US tax dollars directed by your dad who is the VPOTUS - red flag

This is called political patronage, kickbacks, bribery, extortion, influence peddling, etc.
Again prove it was any of those things.

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