Has to be a pinko commie liberal. Pro womens right to abortion, pro union, pro gun control legislation, pro single payer health insurance.
Wrong Path Amy McGrath | It's Scary Where She'd Take KY‎‎

Pro-Abortion. Compared Trump's victory to 9/11. Further Left than anyone in Kentucky, Amy McGrath would be a radical Left turn for Kentucky.

Further left than anyone in Kentucky? Anyone? Does Mitch even know BLM is active in his city? A USMC Lt Col is further left than a Black Studies professor at UofL? A fvcking F/A 18 pilot combat veteran? Is he sure? Why does no one ever call out this bullshit?

I hope dherd enjoys the fonts and colors....
WASHINGTON — It was supposed to be an exclusive party at Mar-a-Lago, Donald J. Trump’s members-only club in Palm Beach, Fla. But other than the two dozen or so women flown in to provide the entertainment, the only guests were Mr. Trump and Jeffrey Epstein.

“At the very first party, I said, ‘Who’s coming tonight? I have 28 girls coming.’ It was him and Epstein.”

“I’ve known Jeff for 15 years. Terrific guy,” Mr. Trump toldNew York magazinein 2002. “He’s a lot of fun to be with. It is even said that he likes beautiful women as much as I do, and many of them are on the younger side.”

He also dismissed Mr. Houraney’s warning about his friend’s conduct.

“I said, ‘Look, Donald, I know Jeff really well, I can’t have him going after younger girls,’” Mr. Houraney remembers.

Mr. Houraney said he “pretty much had to ban Jeff from my events — Trump didn’t care about that.”
i mean she claimed she’s the most progressive person in Kentucky so why wouldn’t cocaine Mitch use that
"Part of the problem with politics is we don't have people who want to get in the fray because of guys like Sen. McConnell, who essentially invented negative campaigning," she added. "A lot of people don't want to jump in, so I felt like this is a race that can be won and I'm always wanting to stand up for my country and Kentucky, and that's why I'm taking him on."

During the 2018 election, she emphasized the need to protect pieces of the Affordable Care Act, acknowledged the impacts of climate change and called for restoring respect in American leadership.

Democrats have painted McConnell as a self-interested politician who cares more about enriching himself and accumulation more personal power than average Kentuckians.

In recent weeks, several reports have surfaced questioning the relationship and ethics surrounding deals and projects involving the senator and his wife, Elaine Chao, who serves as U.S. transportation secretary.

Speaking on MSNBC, McGrath described herself as a moderate saying she cringed that the Democratic presidential candidates have crawled too far to the left. She said she opposes taking away private health insurance as part of a "Medicare for all" plan or subsidizing health insurance "for illegal immigrants."

McConnell, is the least popular U.S. senator in the country, according to the same surveys. He has a net approval of negative 16 points.
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McConnell's squad will likely focus on audio leaked from a Massachusetts fundraiser, in which McGrath boasted her liberal credentials.

“I am further left, I am more progressive, than anyone in the state of Kentucky,” she said at the time.

Thank you for being one of the few here that know how to cite something other than Russia-bots or RWNJ sources.

I guess she thought Massholes had never met anyone else from Kentucky. Which except for the New England Patriots that come here for Derby and get all fvcked up on ecstasy might be true.

" She said she opposes taking away private health insurance as part of a "Medicare for all" plan or subsidizing health insurance "for illegal immigrants.""

She's definitely to the right of John Yarmuth.
‘It Could Have Been Any of Us’: Disdain for Trump Runs Among Ambassadors

WASHINGTON — Ask members of the Washington diplomatic corps about the cables that Sir Kim Darroch, the British ambassador who resigned Wednesday, wrote to London describing the dysfunction and chaos of the Trump administration, and their response is uniform: We wrote the same stuff.

“Yes, yes, everyone does,” Gérard Araud, who retired this spring as the French ambassador, said on Wednesday morning of his own missives from Washington.

“It could have been any of us,” one ambassador, who is still serving and therefore spoke on the condition of anonymity, said on Wednesday. Popular&pgtype=Homepage
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Thank you for being one of the few here that know how to cite something other than Russia-bots or RWNJ sources.

I guess she thought Massholes had never met anyone else from Kentucky. Which except for the New England Patriots that come here for Derby and get all fvcked up on ecstasy might be true.

" She said she opposes taking away private health insurance as part of a "Medicare for all" plan or subsidizing health insurance "for illegal immigrants.""

She's definitely to the right of John Yarmuth.


Hey. Did anybody know she was a fighter pilot? If you didn't, she'd be happy to tell you. I hate MM, but McGrath had to be one of the least likeable candidates I have ever seen. She is so damn smug and a tireless self-promoter. She absolutely reeks of the "slimy politician" stereotype.
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She is so damn smug and a tireless self-promoter. She absolutely reeks of the "slimy politician" stereotype.

Jesus Christ....have you ever met Mitch? Because that is a VERY accurate description of him. 1980s Mitch, today's Mitch...still the same...he's just no longer going to the UAW hall to say he's got the union's back.

This is exactly the kind of horseshit source I am talking about. Even 429 could dig up a reputable source. That there is some Tier 3 shit. It could be could be doctored, it could be anything (I'm not even going to click on it and give Mitch/RunSwitch a hit). Hell, it could be hacked and show DPA porn for all I know...and that's a great idea that I am going to pass along to some hacker friends. Reputable sources, Doctor of Jurisprudence.
I didn't feel like digging up the original, so I went with the first one I found. It's pretty common knowledge in KY that the comments were made during a fundraising event she was attending (can't remember if it was in the Northeast or Cali, but I digress). Hell, she's never even denied that she said it.
WASHINGTON — It was supposed to be an exclusive party at Mar-a-Lago, Donald J. Trump’s members-only club in Palm Beach, Fla. But other than the two dozen or so women flown in to provide the entertainment, the only guests were Mr. Trump and Jeffrey Epstein.

“At the very first party, I said, ‘Who’s coming tonight? I have 28 girls coming.’ It was him and Epstein.”

“I’ve known Jeff for 15 years. Terrific guy,” Mr. Trump toldNew York magazinein 2002. “He’s a lot of fun to be with. It is even said that he likes beautiful women as much as I do, and many of them are on the younger side.”

He also dismissed Mr. Houraney’s warning about his friend’s conduct.

“I said, ‘Look, Donald, I know Jeff really well, I can’t have him going after younger girls,’” Mr. Houraney remembers.

Mr. Houraney said he “pretty much had to ban Jeff from my events — Trump didn’t care about that.”
You’ve got him now!
Jesus Christ....have you ever met Mitch? Because that is a VERY accurate description of him. 1980s Mitch, today's Mitch...still the same...he's just no longer going to the UAW hall to say he's got the union's back.

Don't disagree at all. Both are garbage.
This is exactly the kind of horseshit source I am talking about. Even 429 could dig up a reputable source. That there is some Tier 3 shit. It could be could be doctored, it could be anything (I'm not even going to click on it and give Mitch/RunSwitch a hit). Hell, it could be hacked and show DPA porn for all I know...and that's a great idea that I am going to pass along to some hacker friends. Reputable sources, Doctor of Jurisprudence.

Here you go. Now go fvck yourself.
Flynn’s Lawyers: Mueller Team Wanted False Testimony, Possibly Retaliated When Rebuked

Prosecutors from the team of special counsel Robert Mueller wanted Lt. Gen. Michael Flynn to testify to something that isn’t true, Flynn’s lawyers said. When he refused, they tried to label him a co-conspirator in a case where they previously said he was only a witness.

A federal judge denied the prosecutors’ move, saying the government didn’t present enough evidence to introduce Flynn’s statement as one of a co-conspirator.

Flynn, former national security adviser to President Donald Trump, is expected to face a light sentence after pleading guilty to lying to the FBI and after extensively cooperating with the Mueller team and the Justice Department. He was also expected to testify on another case of making false statements on foreign lobbying registration forms.

In his November 2017 guilty plea, he said that the forms submitted by lawyers for his now-defunct lobbying company, Flynn Intel Group (FIG), contained false and misleading statements. The prosecutors, however, recently asked him to testify that he signed those forms knowing about the falsities and intending for them.

He refused.

“Mr. Flynn cannot give that testimony because it is not true,” Flynn’s recently hired lawyers, Jesse Binnall, Sidney Powell, and William Hodes, said in a July 8 court filing.
Here you go. Now go fvck yourself.

Let that butthurt flow....

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Flynn’s Lawyers: Mueller Team Wanted False Testimony, Possibly Retaliated When Rebuked

Prosecutors from the team of special counsel Robert Mueller wanted Lt. Gen. Michael Flynn to testify to something that isn’t true, Flynn’s lawyers said. When he refused, they tried to label him a co-conspirator in a case where they previously said he was only a witness.

A federal judge denied the prosecutors’ move, saying the government didn’t present enough evidence to introduce Flynn’s statement as one of a co-conspirator.

Flynn, former national security adviser to President Donald Trump, is expected to face a light sentence after pleading guilty to lying to the FBI and after extensively cooperating with the Mueller team and the Justice Department. He was also expected to testify on another case of making false statements on foreign lobbying registration forms.

In his November 2017 guilty plea, he said that the forms submitted by lawyers for his now-defunct lobbying company, Flynn Intel Group (FIG), contained false and misleading statements. The prosecutors, however, recently asked him to testify that he signed those forms knowing about the falsities and intending for them.

He refused.

“Mr. Flynn cannot give that testimony because it is not true,” Flynn’s recently hired lawyers, Jesse Binnall, Sidney Powell, and William Hodes, said in a July 8 court filing.

The Epoch Times lol. A Chinese cult owns that, BTW. Does Scientology have a newspaper too?

BIG MOUTH announced in the Rose Garden that he was giving up on modifying the census two weeks after the Supreme Court rebuked the Trump administration over its effort to do so. Just last week,BIG MOUTH had insistedthat his administration “must” pursue that goal.

he said he was issuing an executive order instructing federal departments and agencies to provide the Census Bureau with citizenship data from their “vast” databases immediately.

Even that order appears merely to accelerate plans the Census Bureau had announced last year, making it less a new policy than a means of covering BIG MOUTHS retreat from the composition of the 2020 census form. Stories&pgtype=Homepage
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Flynn’s Lawyers: Mueller Team Wanted False Testimony, Possibly Retaliated When Rebuked

Prosecutors from the team of special counsel Robert Mueller wanted Lt. Gen. Michael Flynn to testify to something that isn’t true, Flynn’s lawyers said. When he refused, they tried to label him a co-conspirator in a case where they previously said he was only a witness.

A federal judge denied the prosecutors’ move, saying the government didn’t present enough evidence to introduce Flynn’s statement as one of a co-conspirator.

Flynn, former national security adviser to President Donald Trump, is expected to face a light sentence after pleading guilty to lying to the FBI and after extensively cooperating with the Mueller team and the Justice Department. He was also expected to testify on another case of making false statements on foreign lobbying registration forms.

In his November 2017 guilty plea, he said that the forms submitted by lawyers for his now-defunct lobbying company, Flynn Intel Group (FIG), contained false and misleading statements. The prosecutors, however, recently asked him to testify that he signed those forms knowing about the falsities and intending for them.

He refused.

“Mr. Flynn cannot give that testimony because it is not true,” Flynn’s recently hired lawyers, Jesse Binnall, Sidney Powell, and William Hodes, said in a July 8 court filing.

“He did not knowingly make the statements that he knew were wrong,” Hodes said during the call, according to the notes.

What the fvck kind of shyster shit is that? Is Mr. Seersucker on the case?
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Acosta Resigned. The Caligula Administration Lives On.

On Monday, Donald Trump disinvited the then-British ambassador, Kim Darroch, from an official administration dinner with the emir of Qatar, because he was mad about leaked cables in which Darroch assessed the president as “insecure” and “incompetent.”

There was room at the dinner, however, for Trump’s friend Robert Kraft, owner of the New England Patriots, who was charged in a prostitution sting this year. Kraft was allegedly serviced at a massage parlor that had once been owned by Li Yang, known as Cindy, a regular at Trump’s club Mar-a-Lago. Yang is now the target of an F.B.I. inquiry into whether she funneled Chinese money into Trump’s political operation.

An ordinary president would not want to remind the world of the Kraft and Yang scandals at a time when Jeffrey Epstein’s arrest has hurled Trump’s other shady associations back into the limelight. Epstein, indicted on charges of abusing and trafficking underage girls, was a friend of Trump’s until the two had a falling out, reportedly over a failed business deal. The New York Times reported on a party Trump threw at Mar-a-Lago whose only guests were him, Epstein and around two dozen women “flown in to provide the entertainment.”

Epstein, of course, was also linked to the administration in another way. The president’s labor secretary, Alexander Acosta, was the United States attorney who oversaw a secret, obscenely lenient deal that let Epstein escape federal charges for sex crimes over a decade ago. On Friday, two days after a tendentious, self-serving news conference defending his handling of the Epstein case, Acosta finally resigned.

This weekend, Trump National Doral, one of the president’s Florida clubs, planned to host a fund-raiser allowing golfers to bid on strippers to serve as their caddies. Though the event was canceled when it attracted too much attention, it’s at once astounding and not surprising at all that it was approved in the first place.

In truth, a stripper auction is tame by the standard of gross Trump stories, since at least the women were willing. Your eyes would glaze over if I tried to list every Trump associate implicated in the beating or sexual coercion of women. Still, it’s worth reviewing a few lowlights, because it’s astonishing how quickly the most lurid misdeeds fade from memory, supplanted by new degradations.

Acosta, you’ll remember, got his job because Trump’s previous pick, Andrew Puzder, withdrew following the revelation that his ex-wife, pseudonymous and in disguise, had appeared on an Oprah episode about “High Class Battered Women.” .

Steve Bannon, Trump’s former chief strategist, was once charged with domestic violence, battery and dissuading a witness. (The case was dropped when his former wife failed to appear in court.) After Bill Shine, a former co-president of Fox News, was forced from his job for his involvement in Fox’s sprawling sexual harassment scandals, Trump hired him.

The White House staff secretary Rob Porter resigned last year after it was revealed that both of his ex-wives had accused him of abuse. The White House speechwriter David Sorensen resigned after his ex-wife came forward with stories of his violence toward her.

Elliott Broidy, a major Trump fund-raiser who became the Republican National Committee deputy finance chairman, resigned last year amid news that he’d paid $1.6 million as hush money to a former playboy model, Shera Bechard, who said she’d had an abortion after he got her pregnant. (In a lawsuit, Bechard said Broidy had been violent.) The casino mogul Steve Wynn, whom Trump installed as the R.N.C.’s finance chairman, resigned amid accusations that he’d pressured his employees for sex. He remains a major Republican donor.

In 2017, Trump tapped the former chief executive of AccuWeather, Barry Myers, to head the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration. Then The Washington Post discovered a report from a Department of Labor investigation into Myers’s company, which found a culture of “widespread sexual harassment” that was “severe and pervasive.” The Senate hasn’t yet voted on Myers’s nomination, but the administration hasn’t withdrawn it.

And just this week, a senior military officer came forward to accuse Gen. John Hyten, Trump’s nominee to be the next vice chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff, of derailing her career when she turned down his sexual advances. “My life was ruined by this,” she told The Associated Press. (The Air Force reportedly cleared him of misconduct.)

Trump will sometimes jettison men accused of abuse when they become a public relations liability. But his first instinct is empathy, a sentiment he seems otherwise unfamiliar with. In May, he urged Roy Moore, the theocratic Alabama Senate candidate accused of preying on teenage girls, not to run again because he would lose, but added, “I have NOTHING against Roy Moore, and unlike many other Republican leaders, wanted him to win.” The president has expressed no sympathy for victims in the Epstein case, but has said he felt bad for Acosta.

Trump seems to understand, at least on a limbic level, that the effect of this cavalcade of scandal isn’t cumulative. Instead, each one eclipses the last, creating a sense of weary cynicism that makes shock impossible to sustain.


To the minds of Pentagon strategists, the S-400 deal is part of President Vladimir V. Putin’s plan to divide NATO. American officials are clearly uneasy when asked about the future of the alliance, or even how Turkey could remain an active member of NATO while using Russian-made air defenses.

“The political ramifications of this are very serious, because the delivery will confirm to many the idea that Turkey is drifting off into a non-Western alternative,” said Ian Lesser, director of the German Marshall Fund in Brussels. “This will create a lot of anxiety and bad feelings inside NATO — it will clearly further poison sentiment for Turkey inside the alliance.”

It puts Russian technology inside the territory of a key NATO ally — one from which strikes into Syria have been staged. The Russian engineers who will be required to set up the system, American officials fear, will have an opportunity to learn much about the American-made fighter jets that are also part of Turkey’s arsenal.

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