Anyone beside greed support teachers unions?

Really? You have no clue as to the damage done to the kids.

Tell us about your imaginary expert neighbor or co-worker that is an expert on damage done to the kids that informed you of this.

I just said the things you mentioned can be done.

Yes they can, but they aren't.

This shit will never be over for you chicken Littles. Let Nancy and Fauci scare you forever

You've been wrong about everything covid from the beginning and it continues. You're an idiot.
Tell us about your imaginary expert neighbor or co-worker that is an expert on damage done to the kids that informed you of this.

Yes they can, but they aren't.

You've been wrong about everything covid from the beginning and it continues. You're an idiot.
they aren't? How do you know?

If you don't think children have been harmed because of this shutdown then you are well, an idiot.

My name is not Fauci, I am not wrong that often.
they aren't? How do you know?

I pick up my grandchild 2-3 times a week. I see it. That's how I know.

If you don't think children have been harmed because of this shutdown then you are well, an idiot.

If you don't think 400,000+ Americans have died from covid 19 (and then there's the sick and hospitalized), you're an idiot.'re an idiot for certain.

My name is not Fauci, I am not wrong that often.

You are wrong way more than often, and prove it on this board on a daily basis.
I pick up my grandchild 2-3 times a week. I see it. That's how I know.

If you don't think 400,000+ Americans have died from covid 19 (and then there's the sick and hospitalized), you're an idiot.'re an idiot for certain.

You are wrong way more than often, and prove it on this board on a daily basis.
if it so unsafe why are your grand children going to school?
Oh so bc you pick up your grandchild from OW public school that makes you the be all
End all for getting kids back in the classroom?

It's how I know they're not all doing what the cdc recommends. Idiot. And it's not an OW school, and it's not a public school. Idiot.
It's how I know they're not all doing what the cdc recommends. Idiot. And it's not an OW school, and it's not a public school. Idiot.
Then why are you(their parents) putting your grandson at such great risk. You are single handily killing our kids by sending them to a private school that isn’t following guidelines. SHAME ON YOU!!!!!!
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Then why are you(their parents) putting your grandson at such great risk. You are single handily killing our kids by sending them to a private school that isn’t following guidelines. SHAME ON YOU!!!!!!
Then why are you(their parents) putting your grandson at such great risk. You are single handily killing our kids by sending them to a private school that isn’t following guidelines. SHAME ON YOU!!!!!!

We can't take the risk of my grandson turning out to be an idiot like you....and herdman.
Having a spouse who is a teacher, I can say a vast majority want to be back in the classroom. The Unions are just covering their ass and playing to the media.

Well looky there^^. We now have two posters whose wives are teachers that speak for the vast majority of all teachers.
We can't take the risk of my grandson turning out to be an idiot like you....and herdman.
Ahh so no excuse for your blatant disregard for the health of children? Why do you hate your grandchild so much? Why do you risk the lives of innocent teachers. All they want is safety yet you still put them in harms way by sending your beloved grandchild to a school that doesn’t follow cdc guidelines.
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Ahh so no excuse for your blatant disregard for the health of children? Why do you hate your grandchild so much? Why do you risk the lives of innocent teachers. All they want is safety yet you still put them in harms way by sending your beloved grandchild to a school that doesn’t follow cdc guidelines.

Which gets us back to why I agree with having teacher unions. idiot.
Or you could practice what you preach and if you really cared about the well being of teachers and kids and not send your grandchild into a death trap

Or I could agree with a teachers union that might keep me from having to make that decision. Furthermore, you're an idiot.
Or I could agree with a teachers union that might keep me from having to make that decision. Furthermore, you're an idiot.
Teacher and child killer don’t you know people are dying and you just send your grandchild to
School without following guidelines. Think of other people.
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Teacher and child killer don’t you know people are dying and you just send your grandchild to
School without following guidelines. Think of other people.

That's the choice when teachers don't have a union. Teachers die, kids die. That's the choices YOU choose. Idiot.
That's the choice when teachers don't have a union. Teachers die, kids die. That's the choices YOU choose. Idiot.
My school district is NOT unionized and guess what we are back and kids aren’t dying and neither are teachers. You spew your safety first line think of the kids and teachers yet do nothing to back that up except send your grandchild to private school with no safety measures in place. If you were that concerned about the health and safety of the teachers, and your grandchild you would keep them home. Not send them head first into the death trap that is school
My school district is NOT unionized and guess what we are back and kids aren’t dying and neither are teachers. You spew your safety first line think of the kids and teachers yet do nothing to back that up except send your grandchild to private school with no safety measures in place. If you were that concerned about the health and safety of the teachers, and your grandchild you would keep them home. Not send them head first into the death trap that is school
He participates daily in it.. also traveled out-of state at the height of the pandemic

Typical hypocrite
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