Gun Control

I just don't get you guys. Are you not angered at all the mass shootings? Do you not want to make America a better, safer place for our children?

If you are not part of the solution... you are part of the problem.

Is that how you show your "outrage"? Anxiously desiring people who question die as you wished people like me to do in the other thread??? You are exactly the kind of ignorance that causes people to make poor decisions based on weak emotions... like anger. If we become a society that becomes so consumed by "anger" in order to use the excuse of "making our children safer" than we are not much better than the failed fascist societies throughout history.
We hear more about school shootings, but the lives of the people in your article matter just as much as others. But what is your point?

Point is - if its not a massive number of people involved nothing is mentioned regarding gun control. People die everyday across this nation due to being shot. But its only when the number of those killed in one event takes place does everyone become excited and demand gun control

Back to the point that the guns are not the problem..its the people and how people act..not the firearm as I am not aware of a firearm that ever decided to load itself as well as discharge itself on its own.
Is that how you show your "outrage"? Anxiously desiring people who question die as you wished people like me to do in the other thread??? You are exactly the kind of ignorance that causes people to make poor decisions based on weak emotions... like anger. If we become a society that becomes so consumed by "anger" in order to use the excuse of "making our children safer" than we are not much better than the failed fascist societies throughout history.

You are the problem. You are a self righteous zealot.

Also I don't wish you to die. That's not what I said. You were the one who first decided to bring insults to the discussion.
Point is - if its not a massive number of people involved nothing is mentioned regarding gun control. People die everyday across this nation due to being shot. But its only when the number of those killed in one event takes place does everyone become excited and demand gun control

Back to the point that the guns are not the problem..its the people and how people act..not the firearm as I am not aware of a firearm that ever decided to load itself as well as discharge itself on its own.

Almost no one hears about someone in Wayne losing their home due to fire. But you'll hear about a fire in a subway.

Guns ARE a BIG part of the problem. That's what's being used to kill people.
Almost no one hears about someone in Wayne losing their home due to fire. But you'll hear about a fire in a subway.

Guns ARE a BIG part of the problem. That's what's being used to kill people.

So let's outlaw cars. They kill far more people than guns.
So let's outlaw cars. They kill far more people than guns.

Motor vehicle traffic deaths
  • Number of deaths: 33,804
  • Deaths per 100,000 population: 10.7
All firearm deaths
  • Number of deaths: 33,636
  • Deaths per 100,000 population: 10.6
We force driver applicants to pass a written and hands on test.
We force drivers to get a license,
register the car,
insure the car,
wear seat belts.

32 percent of Americans own a firearm or live with someone who does.

90% of households own a car.
You are the problem. You are a self righteous zealot.

Also I don't wish you to die. That's not what I said. You were the one who first decided to bring insults to the discussion.

Yes that's pretty much what you said you desired. So don't back away now. And yes, I called your idea dumb. (Ignoring the Bill of Rights)It still is. You still angry? I am not. Zealots take advantage of emotions of crowds which is what you suggested. You don't even seem to know what a zealot is. You appear to be the zealot and pissed that I don't follow you like a sheep.
You are the problem. You are a self righteous zealot.

Motor vehicle traffic deaths
  • Number of deaths: 33,804
  • Deaths per 100,000 population: 10.7
All firearm deaths
  • Number of deaths: 33,636
  • Deaths per 100,000 population: 10.6
We force driver applicants to pass a written and hands on test.
We force drivers to get a license,
register the car,
insure the car,
wear seat belts.

32 percent of Americans own a firearm or live with someone who does.

90% of households own a car.

Don't know where you got your numbers but there have been 9,993 deaths by guns in 2015(still months to go). And, that includes justified self defense, home invasion, officer involved shootings, suicide, and so on. So, some of those deaths are legally justified.

There were over 32,000 people killed by cars in 2013. There is far more injuries, property damage, etc. caused by vehicles.

I got the number from the Gun Violence Archive...not even a sight I would frequent often.

Most of the gun violence is caused by gang related situations. Primarily in large cities like Chicago. Many of the guns used are used illegal and many are used by people who cannot legally own a gun already.

265 death have been part of what they label a mass shooting. We live in a country with 300 million people plus.
Yes that's pretty much what you said you desired. So don't back away now. And yes, I called your idea dumb. (Ignoring the Bill of Rights)It still is. You still angry? I am not. Zealots take advantage of emotions of crowds which is what you suggested. You don't even seem to know what a zealot is. You appear to be the zealot and pissed that I don't follow you like a sheep.

I think you've been watching too much Fox News buddy. Cause you sure know how to spin stuff. I'm guessing you're an old white man, you have to be and if you aren't... Well you act like one.

PS zealot has multiple definitions.

-a person who is fanatical and uncompromising in pursuit of their religious, political, or other ideals.
Which kills more people: gun homicides or gun suicides?

Answer: Suicides, by a long shot.

I think you've been watching too much Fox News buddy. Cause you sure know how to spin stuff. I'm guessing you're an old white man, you have to be and if you aren't... Well you act like one.

PS zealot has multiple definitions.

-a person who is fanatical and uncompromising in pursuit of their religious, political, or other ideals.

That's why intelligent people don't "guess" about much until they have all the facts. Guessing makes you look more ignorant. For instance I rarely if ever watch Fox News (I don't need to, I trust in what I know and believe based on my experience in the real world). I personally find most media outlets to be speaking to the brain dead. I don't need a tv or talking head spin to tell me what to think, despite you referring to the same old liberal cliches (Fox News! Fox News!) spoon fed to you by the group think media you probably consume.

Unfortunately for you and your desires for my demise, I am a happy, healthy 44 year old male ( maybe that is old to you) so I have long to enjoy this experience of life. Try being less angry at the world gator. You might actually learn that by not being so angry you actually become more open to all ideas, less fanatical in your half cocked emotion, and more compromising in most pursuits in your life. It's paid huge dividends for me in my experiences.
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That's why intelligent people don't "guess" about much until they have all the facts. Guessing makes you look more ignorant. For instance I rarely if ever watch Fox News (I don't need to, I trust in what I know and believe based on my experience in the real world). I personally find most media outlets to be speaking to the brain dead. I don't need a tv or talking head spin to tell me what to think, despite you referring to the same old liberal cliches (Fox News! Fox News!) spoon fed to you by the group think media you probably consume.

Unfortunately for you and your desires for my demise, I am a happy, healthy 44 year old male ( maybe that is old to you) so I have long to enjoy this experience of life. Try being less angry at the world gator. You might actually learn that by not being so angry you actually become more open to all ideas, less fanatical in your half cocked emotion, and more compromising in most pursuits in your life. It's paid huge dividends for me in my experiences.

The only one that sounds angry here is you pal. You bring nothing to the table in terms of discussion and ideas. Your only argument is to insult, I haven't heard any ideas. Open up your mind and quit thinking about yourself. You extreme right wing guys hear gun control and all you think is " Oh no's.. They're gonna take my guns away."

So go on and bring the insults, cause I doubt you'd ever dare have the guts to say em to my face.
The only one that sounds angry here is you pal. You bring nothing to the table in terms of discussion and ideas. Your only argument is to insult, I haven't heard any ideas. Open up your mind and quit thinking about yourself. You extreme right wing guys hear gun control and all you think is " Oh no's.. They're gonna take my guns away."

So go on and bring the insults, cause I doubt you'd ever dare have the guts to say em to my face.

Wow. The problem is you are making this about you (and your anger) when you desire others die for your benefit. Again, I don't need to insult you. You are doing a good job of that on your own.

Now you continue to put words in my mouth. More assumptions on your part. I've never said that I fear guns being taken away. Reading and comprehending are critical elements of any discussion. I've simply questioned the legality of a government performing mental exams on its citizens as it relates to this topic, as well as the ignorance of someone who suggested ignoring/eliminating a key component of this nations founding. A component no less, that limits the power of the government over its citizens. (That's why you might want to rethink your use of calling me the fascist---yet another reason we can all laugh at you)
Wow. The problem is you are making this about you (and your anger) when you desire others die for your benefit. Again, I don't need to insult you. You are doing a good job of that on your own.

Now you continue to put words in my mouth. More assumptions on your part. I've never said that I fear guns being taken away. Reading and comprehending are critical elements of any discussion. I've simply questioned the legality of a government performing mental exams on its citizens as it relates to this topic, as well as the ignorance of someone who suggested ignoring/eliminating a key component of this nations founding. A component no less, that limits the power of the government over its citizens. (That's why you might want to rethink your use of calling me the fascist---yet another reason we can all laugh at you)

Ok. Have a good day sir.
So everyone spouting off about mental illness screenings, what would disqualify someone purchasing a firearm? Please be specific
A place to start (no it's not a mental health screening list)
  • Any serious crime as a juvenile – 83.1% support (including 80% of gun owners);
  • Any two or more crimes involving alcohol or drugs within a 3-year period – 74.8% support (including 70.5% of gun owners);
  • Publicly displaying a gun in a threatening manner – 71.1% support (including 71.3% of gun owners);
  • Carrying a concealed gun without a permit – 57.8% support (including 49% of gun owners);
  • Assault and battery, even if it does not result in serious injury or involve a lethal weapon – 53% support (including 48.5% of gun owners
  • people who threaten to harm themselves or others
  • people on terrorist watch lists
  • renounced his or her U.S. citizenship
A place to start (no it's not a mental health screening list)
  • Any serious crime as a juvenile – 83.1% support (including 80% of gun owners);
  • Any two or more crimes involving alcohol or drugs within a 3-year period – 74.8% support (including 70.5% of gun owners);
  • Publicly displaying a gun in a threatening manner – 71.1% support (including 71.3% of gun owners);
  • Carrying a concealed gun without a permit – 57.8% support (including 49% of gun owners);
  • Assault and battery, even if it does not result in serious injury or involve a lethal weapon – 53% support (including 48.5% of gun owners
  • people who threaten to harm themselves or others
  • people on terrorist watch lists
  • renounced his or her U.S. citizenship

While a good place to "start".......The Right Wing gun lovers in Congress aren't going to budge on multiple changes.

A good place to start would be Expanded Background Checks (Supported by over 80% of gun owners), closing of the Gun Show loop hole (Also supported by a majority of gun owners) and consistent gun laws across all states.
So everyone spouting off about mental illness screenings, what would disqualify someone purchasing a firearm? Please be specific

(liberal answer and scenario)

Govt Doctor:
"Do you consider yourself to be a person who aligns yourself with conservative based values?"

Permit Applicant:
"Uh...yes, I guess so, but what exa........"

Govt Doctor:
" I am sorry. This terminates the questionnaire. Permit will be denied."

Permit applicant:
"But what exactly does that question have to do with....???."

Govt Doctor:
"Your demeanor is changing. You seem hostile to such a question. Explain to me what makes you angry.............."
I have a loaded 20 gauge in bedroom, glock 40 cal in living room (the reason it stays in living room is because it is the one that goes in the car when I am away from home). I also have a 270 I use for target shooting.

Since I live in an apt looking to buy a Tarus Judge. I have been told by several cops this is a great home defense handgun. Since it holds 5 410 shotgun shells, you don't have to have perfect aim and if you miss it won't go through walls.

I do not label any gun or rifle that can be legally bought by the general public an assault rifle. To me an assault rifle has to be fully automatic which is against the law (unless you have a special federal license to own). An AR-15 you or I can buy will only shoot 1 bullet at a time. Just because it looks like an M-16 or AK47 doesn't mean it is.

I have no problem with those who believe in gun control, they have the right to believe in that and speak their minds. I happen to disagree with their opinion. The difference is I would argue they have the right to voice their opinion and they would try to shout me down and attempt to shut me up, if not be openly hostile to me, when my opinion is the opposite.

To me gun control is using both hands so I get a good accurate shot off.

As far as a politicians wanting to take all our guns, no I have not heard any of them say that want to completely get rid of guns. I however personally believe that there are some politicians out there that if they thought they could they would attempt the action.
At present there are too many even in the democratic party that would push back if presented with an outright ban.
If I thought I needed 3 guns (not counting the one for target practice) to be safe, I would seriously consider moving to another location, you know, so I wouldn't live in fear. But that's mostly irrelevant. The point is that no one on the board nor anyone else I've talked to has ever heard a politician (those that make policy, including gun control policy) say they want to take everyone's guns. Yet people "personally believe" that some would, in fact, take their guns. Why is that? I "personally believe" it's because the NRA and other gun sales organizations along with the conservative politicians have said it often enough. After all, if we reduce clip sizes, stop allowing privates sales without a background check at gun shows, and disqualify repeat crime offenders, etc., surely the next step is taking everyone's guns. In exactly the same way the law making people wear seat belts has opened the door to the government taking all our automobiles.
Extra, don't be dense. The article that started this thread is a clear example of politicians trying to completely remove guns from the hands of everyone. They have done everything in their power to prevent people from obtaining firearms, up to the point off shutting down every single gunstore in San Fran. Did they come out and say "we want to take your guns"? No, but their actions certainly reflect that ideology.
The "clear example of politicians trying to completely remove guns from the hands of everyone" is a law being drawn up that requires " every gun transaction be recorded and sent to SFPD."

And the gun shop owners allegation? He claims many people stopped coming in. Now why would law abiding citizens not want law enforcement to know they have purchased a gun?
California and the Bay Area specifically have used a multi-layered approach to curb homicides. (72% of which involved a firearm) Stronger gun laws, increased use of available technology, community out-reach, and holding Police Commanders accountable for crime rates in their individual jurisdictions have all led to significant decreases in crime, particularly gun violence.

FYI......Not one gun was confiscated from a law abiding citizen.

This is the type of approach that needs to be implemented nationwide.
Translation: it's ok to keep people from having guns so long as you don't come right out and say that's what you are doing.

Put your head in the sand if you want. Try to tell yourself the government - whether it's the feds, state, county, or municipality - knows what's best for us. I'm just glad there are more people like Herdman, Raleigh, and 429 than there are Extra.
First you said it was an example of trying to "remove" guns from everyone. Now you say they are trying to "keep" people from having guns.

Both wrong.....But you are trending in the right direction.

If I need to purchase another gun. I would have no problem under going an expanded back ground check. I would have no problem being finger printed. (Already had to do that for work) I would have no problem being photographed. (Already have to do that to drive a car or travel outside the US)

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