First you said it was an example of trying to "remove" guns from everyone. Now you say they are trying to "keep" people from having guns.
Both wrong.....But you are trending in the right direction.
If I need to purchase another gun. I would have no problem under going an expanded back ground check. I would have no problem being finger printed. (Already had to do that for work) I would have no problem being photographed. (Already have to do that to drive a car or travel outside the US)
They do that for conceal carry permits. They don't photograph you in my state but they have that already on your drivers license.
When purchasing a gun from a licensed firearm dealer you must present a form of ID, fill out the application, and your application and information is run through the FBI data base at the time of purchase.
Why don't some of you just admit it. You don't like guns. Don't think people should have them and you want to rely on the government to enforce that ideology. You don't believe in the 2nd Amendment and in your perfect world they wouldn't exist.
Hell, just say what's on your mind.