Gun Control

First you said it was an example of trying to "remove" guns from everyone. Now you say they are trying to "keep" people from having guns.

Both wrong.....But you are trending in the right direction.

If I need to purchase another gun. I would have no problem under going an expanded back ground check. I would have no problem being finger printed. (Already had to do that for work) I would have no problem being photographed. (Already have to do that to drive a car or travel outside the US)

They do that for conceal carry permits. They don't photograph you in my state but they have that already on your drivers license.

When purchasing a gun from a licensed firearm dealer you must present a form of ID, fill out the application, and your application and information is run through the FBI data base at the time of purchase.

Why don't some of you just admit it. You don't like guns. Don't think people should have them and you want to rely on the government to enforce that ideology. You don't believe in the 2nd Amendment and in your perfect world they wouldn't exist.

Hell, just say what's on your mind.
Drug test, breathalyzer, blood test, prostrate exam, DNA submission, retinal scan, psychological work up. All seem fair and sensible. Think how many lives it can save!!!

How long before the govt employee puts on the brown shirt, but tries to tell the sheep that it's actually red, white, or blue??
Drug test, breathalyzer, blood test, prostrate exam, DNA submission, retinal scan, psychological work up. All seem fair and sensible. Think how many lives it can save!!!

How long before the govt employee puts on the brown shirt, but tries to tell the sheep that it's actually red, white, or blue??

Says the NRA employee........
They do that for conceal carry permits. They don't photograph you in my state but they have that already on your drivers license.

When purchasing a gun from a licensed firearm dealer you must present a form of ID, fill out the application, and your application and information is run through the FBI data base at the time of purchase.

Why don't some of you just admit it. You don't like guns. Don't think people should have them and you want to rely on the government to enforce that ideology. You don't believe in the 2nd Amendment and in your perfect world they wouldn't exist.

Hell, just say what's on your mind.

I own a gun, Dummy.....Two for that matter.(Shotgun & a rifle) I used to own two handguns but sold them when I had kids.

I support the 2nd Amendment but I certainly don't think it was ever intended to support the proliferation of guns within our society.

You are such an NRA shill........
They do that for conceal carry permits. They don't photograph you in my state but they have that already on your drivers license.

When purchasing a gun from a licensed firearm dealer you must present a form of ID, fill out the application, and your application and information is run through the FBI data base at the time of purchase.

Why don't some of you just admit it. You don't like guns. Don't think people should have them and you want to rely on the government to enforce that ideology. You don't believe in the 2nd Amendment and in your perfect world they wouldn't exist.

Hell, just say what's on your mind.

I own a gun, Dummy.....Two for that matter.(Shotgun & a rifle) I used to own two handguns but sold them when I had kids.

I support the 2nd Amendment but I certainly don't think it was ever intended to support the proliferation of guns within our society.

You are such an NRA shill........"They are coming to get my guns"....."The end is near."
Says the NRA employee........

Easy there brownshirt. I have no idea what an NRA employee has to do with any of this. I'm not a member of the NRA either. So continue with your pro govt, anti NRA rants. The bill of rights/Constitution and other writings from the founding fathers is pretty clear why citizens should be allowed to have guns (so guys like you centuries later are free to whine about people having them). It wasn't simply to be allowed to take little Johnny Jr. squirrel hunting, no matter modern day politicians suggest.

I used to own two handguns but sold them when I had kids.

I certainly hope you conducted your own personal background checks on the buyers. Regardless of their friendship or relationship to you, did you suggest they go get a psychological workup of their mental stability in order to insure the safety of others around them? I also want to thank you for (being a hypocrite) helping to "proliferate" those hand guns into other parts of society....although it would appear that for consistency sake, finding and taking them to a law enforcement "buy back" program would have been more in-line with your apparent opinion on the 2nd amendment.
I own a gun, Dummy.....Two for that matter.(Shotgun & a rifle) I used to own two handguns but sold them when I had kids.

I support the 2nd Amendment but I certainly don't think it was ever intended to support the proliferation of guns within our society.

You are such an NRA shill........

OK Elmer Fudd the Gun Grabber. I never joined the NRA until The Great One was elected...for the second time. They would take all of the guns if allowed.
Where did I exactly did I rant??? No one is going to take your guns!!

Better check your basements Doomsday Preppers, the sky is falling!
Translation: it's ok to keep people from having guns so long as you don't come right out and say that's what you are doing.

Put your head in the sand if you want. Try to tell yourself the government - whether it's the feds, state, county, or municipality - knows what's best for us. I'm just glad there are more people like Herdman, Raleigh, and 429 than there are Extra.

There are MORE people agree with me in this country than you on this subject.
The founding Fathers wanted to ensure that every man and woman and children of all ages could own and open carry fully automatic machine guns. Duh

Well, you can't do that now. Can you ?

You won't tell us why the 2nd amend was added.
Where did I exactly did I rant??? No one is going to take your guns!!

Better check your basements Doomsday Preppers, the sky is falling!

Why should I worry about doomsday scenarios or the sky falling? Well intentioned politicians will be here to "protect" me no matter what happens anyway. I expect them to start passing out plastic (bullet proof) bubbles to prevent me from facing any potential hazard. That's the only fair way we can all exist in peace.

Current gun laws insure that ownership isn't a "collective" right. In fact, gun laws, the constitution, and the bill of rights are all rooted in the belief of "individual" over the blind mob mentality of "collectivism". That's what pisses most libs like you off.

By the way, did you conduct those background checks when you sold those pistols??
You liberals don't understand that the Constitution is document written to limit the power of the federal government.
You liberals don't understand that the Constitution is document written to limit the power of the federal government.

Right there is the core of the problem with many conservatives. While true to an extent, that is not the entire reason for the Constitution. It is an greed upon set of principles by which states and individuals are governed. Any time a republican is in office, cons like you strut around with their chests puffed out while declaring we are the land of the free and the home of the brave, but now that a democrat is in the white house, according to you we've become a Muslim colony.
1) Not a liberal

2) No Sh!t - No one is denying that the Constitution limits Federal powers

3) Gun ownership is an individual right as decided by the Supreme Court.....The meaning of the Amendment is still debated.

4) I sold the handguns back to the gun shop in Proctorville, where I originally purchased them.

Finally, as I have said before, I support the 2nd Amendment. I just don't believe it provides someone the right to build an arsenal or own a weapon designed solely to kill 10s of people.
Right there is the core of the problem with many conservatives. While true to an extent, that is not the entire reason for the Constitution. It is an greed upon set of principles by which states and individuals are governed. Any time a republican is in office, cons like you strut around with their chests puffed out while declaring we are the land of the free and the home of the brave, but now that a democrat is in the white house, according to you we've become a Muslim colony.

That was all around the bush.

The Constitution is around a 16 page document written on fairly low grade level. Why? So, it is easy to understand and so it can be read by the masses.

The constitution is written to spell out the powers of the federal government and clearly states that those powers not listed are reserved for the states.

Not hard to understand, but we have gone so far away from it in this country.

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