The sad thing is that each and every time another lie like this happens, pompous liberals on TV and on the internet will just act as if it’s real, even though they know it isn’t. All they care about is the illusion that conservatives are bad, not the reality that they are lying liars who make up lies.
If this ends up in the direction it's heading, this guy really should have the book thrown at him. The city, to a fault, seems to have given this guy every chance to stop this & they've thrown a ton of manpower at it because it's so high profile. In just a month & a half Chicago's had 38 murders but they've had to dedicate needed manpower to this bullshit investigation.The sad thing is that each and every time another lie like this happens, pompous liberals on TV and on the internet will just act as if it’s real, even though they know it isn’t. All they care about is the illusion that conservatives are bad, not the reality that they are lying liars who make up lies.
If this ends up in the direction it's heading, this guy really should have the book thrown at him. The city, to a fault, seems to have given this guy every chance to stop this & they've thrown a ton of manpower at it because it's so high profile. In just a month & a half Chicago's had 38 murders but they've had to dedicate needed manpower to this bullshit investigation.
There was ample video to dispute the Covington kids slander to push a narrative. And instead of seeming to take anything from that, they immediately dive headfirst into this story to continue pushing the identical narrative. It's sad because "journalists" just waltzed right by giant red flags with this story that damn near everyone was pointing out. Bang up job guys.
The sad thing is that each and every time another lie like this happens, pompous liberals on TV and on the internet will just act as if it’s real, even though they know it isn’t.
Retarded sheep like @dherd and @extragreen just gulp it up.
How so? If he sent it to himself is it really mailing threats?If they come back at him for the MAGA letter with crushed up powder, he's legit effed.
Whoever sent it did so with a death threat & white powder inside. The cops were involved. Powder sent through the mail could potentially spread death at various facilities. They don't **** around even if it's a hoax.How so? If he sent it to himself is it really mailing threats?
But it’s not a threat if you send it to yourselfWhoever sent it did so with a death threat & white powder inside. The cops were involved. Powder sent through the mail could potentially spread death at various facilities. They don't **** around even if it's a hoax.
The sad thing is that each and every time another lie like this happens, pompous liberals on TV and on the internet will just act as if it’s real, even though they know it isn’t. All they care about is the illusion that conservatives are bad, not the reality that they are lying liars who make up lies.
Are you serious right now?But it’s not a threat if you send it to yourself
You mean like that pipe bomber from Florida being a right winger?
I’ll meet you to collect my $100 from murox if you’re not too big of a pussy to meet me in person.
You obviously don't know me too well.
If you live in or around Huntington, name the time and place.
LOL, I recall Archtype describing you and saying that your account name was very fitting - notable country twang and big as a barn.
Did you miss the part of the link about OTHER PERSONS? I understand mailing threats is a very serious crime. However there is nothing in there pertaining to mailing a threat to yourself
You obviously don't know me too well.
If you live in or around Huntington, name the time and place.
Like the TCU game? And the Oklahoma game?
Now "roads" has no excuses. As much as he has whined he must really need the hundred bucks.I'm off tomorrow. I'll give you the $100 then go collect from murox myself just so you'll shut up about it.
Are you missing the point that sending an anonymous death threat through the mail with a powder intended to cause the assumption of anthrax, regardless who it was sent to, while getting the police involved, is kind of serious? Since it's looking like this guy coordinated this entire hoax against himself, should the police just consider it a dumb publicity stunt & let everyone walk since he was the only victim?Did you miss the part of the link about OTHER PERSONS? I understand mailing threats is a very serious crime. However there is nothing in there pertaining to mailing a threat to yourself
I'm off tomorrow. I'll give you the $100 then go collect from murox myself just so you'll shut up about it.
You obviously don't know me too well.
If you live in or around Huntington, name the time and place.
Did you read the statute you linked? It clearly states sending it to another person. That is my point. If there is evidence he sent it to himself I’m sure he will be charged, I just don’t know if that charge will stick.Are you missing the point that sending an anonymous death threat through the mail with a powder intended to cause the assumption of anthrax, regardless who it was sent to, while getting the police involved, is kind of serious? Since it's looking like this guy coordinated this entire hoax against himself, should the police just consider it a dumb publicity stunt & let everyone walk since he was the only victim?
The guy would have to be a complete moron to waste time and effort doing that. You have already welched, like Murox the Moron, on keeping your word twice regarding meeting him.
The guy would have to be a complete moron
"or any threat to injure the person of the addressee or of another."Did you read the statute you linked? It clearly states sending it to another person. That is my point. If there is evidence he sent it to himself I’m sure he will be charged, I just don’t know if that charge will stick.
Filing a false police report is a crime, sending a threat to yourself may not be.
ho lee shit. this, from the guy who was too scared to meet murox in person. what happened, you do a couple month gym membership and now feeling all badass?You mean like that pipe bomber from Florida being a right winger?
I’ll meet you to collect my $100 from murox if you’re not too big of a pussy to meet me in person.
He has been offered the electronic route and has declined.
The guy would have to be a complete moron to waste time and effort doing that. You have already welched, like Murox the Moron, on keeping your word twice regarding meeting him.
There are multiple ways to get the 100 bucks.
How much easier could it be than providing an address or paypal account and electronically getting the money?Yes, and Murox the Moron and BC have avoided all of them. Now, only after refusing all of those easier methods and wasting the guy's time do they suddenly offer to do the easy methods (which, based on history, probably won't be followed through on regardless).
No, that was the original idea on here many months ago, and it was your side that declined. You put the burden on him to have to coordinate a time, a meeting place, and taking the effort/cost to do that. Now, you can't go back and try to change the parameters.
How much easier could it be than providing an address or paypal account and electronically getting the money?
No, idiot. I offered to meet him in Morgantown. After that fell through, murox said for CR to give him his PayPal info or some other form of electronic payment and that CR would be paid immediately. CR has, so date, declined to give murox that info.
seriously, are you on adderall?That was my initial argument! A simple PayPal or Venmo transfer. But Murox the Moron knows that the harder and more uncomfortable it is for the winner to collect, the less likely it is that he will have to pay. So Murox the Moron refused to do the very simple transaction that I suggested.
Then, Murox the Moron’s representative made not one but two agreements to meet at a specific time at a specific location to make the exchange. Both times, Murox the Moron’s representative reneged on his agreement.
At this point, the entire burden of paying and getting the money to the winner should be on Murox the Moron’s shoulders.
If he had agreed to that from the start, as I suggested, this would have been settled months ago. But since he insisted on making the collection of the money hard and inconvenient, in order to avoid paying it, and since you reneged on your agreement twice, the burden is on your side to do 100% of the work on getting the winner his money.
Why would he continue to spend time and money agreeing to certain things when your side has purposely tried making his collection possible and purposely reneged on multiple previous agreements?
This fits the same M.O. of Murox the Moron’s fraudulent receipt that he posted on here after losing yet another bet.