How Long Before This is Also Proven to be BS?

You even sound like '88 now. Are you sure you two aren't brothers? It's ok, you still have "libtard" and "retard boy" to use.
He should use something clever like MU Rox the moron or just straight up call people morons like greed or yourself.

I figure as long as he isn’t pathetic enough to write novels about his life on a message board, then he doesn’t need advice.

Oh and thx for obsessing about me
Obama hated Israel. Dems are bigoted towards the Jews. No wonder they lost to what they say is the worst president ever.
Obama not understanding how important it is for us to back Israel shows like Trump he doesn't know the scriptures. Dems are moving more towards not backing Israel against the West Bank. Jimmy Carter backs the Arabs. Get the book he wrote after staying in the West bank

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