I vote next time greed asks alpha if his wife is still dating other men or alpha calls greed a cuck that they both be banned for life.

I guess that's great statistics. Tell that to all the poor people and let's see how much your statistics help them pass high school classes, obtain food, and prepare for college in high schools that don't offer the credits required by many colleges to enroll. bravo
It’s 50/50
So because someone believes differently, you will choose to insult them?
No. It's because nothing factual, said or done, is able to permeate your veil of inhumanity, intolerance, and ignorance.
Why not engage in real dialogue and try to prove your point instead of just name calling?
I spent about 20 years doing exactly that. How was that met by the likes of you? With attacks on my education, the place where I live, my wife, children, my religion, with lies, false accusations, hypocrisy, and the absolute inability to accept facts contrary to your "beliefs". I decided a few years ago, no more. You now get tit for tat and you don't like it. Tough. You can leave, push that ignore button, and whine. I don't care. I will continue to call you out for your lies and stupidity as long as I post here. It's not complicated and yet here you are asking the stupid question...."why?"
No. It's because nothing factual, said or done, is able to permeate your veil of inhumanity, intolerance, and ignorance.

I spent about 20 years doing exactly that. How was that met by the likes of you? With attacks on my education, the place where I live, my wife, children, my religion, with lies, false accusations, hypocrisy, and the absolute inability to accept facts contrary to your "beliefs". I decided a few years ago, no more. You now get tit for tat and you don't like it. Tough. You can leave, push that ignore button, and whine. I don't care. I will continue to call you out for your lies and stupidity as long as I post here. It's not complicated and yet here you are asking the stupid question...."why?"
^^^ Crybaby
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I say we let me decide and that way it keeps every out-of it and i volunteer to make the tough decisions.
Yeah, let's let the oath breaker decide. He chooses trump over America.
What, just hand people who quit school a bunch of money?

They're already doing it anyway. I'm beyond caring all that much. I had to waste my best years studying weed out math and science that is never used for anything in the real world.

Was a hell of a rite of passage. If we want to forego it now, oh well. Every game is changing anyway. I won't roll over in my grave over it.
How about we permanently ban someone caught in a lie or a false accusation? Let's see how many takers we have on this one?.... You're an idiot and liar.
Well, it's my opinion that greed just lied and made a false accusation.
I can socially interact as well as anyone on this board. The reason I just call you liars and idiots is because, well, you're liars and idiots. I gave reasons in the post above. Idiots like you are stupid enough to state that a $15/hr minimum wage will create $13 Happy Meals, claim that minimum wage increase will cause the poverty level to be $35,000, and the govt forced financial institutions to not verify income of loan applicants. So instead of proving that you're stupid multiple times, I save that time and cut to the chase. You liars and idiots can continue to whine or you can stop being liars and idiots.
Why is it that everybody besides you are liars and idiots?
Greed is utterly consumed by his Trump hatred. It's kind of weird that he's still so focused on it. He's gone, man. Time to move on with your life and politics. You'll be much happier if you do.
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Greed is utterly consumed by his Trump hatred. It's kind of weird that he's still so focused on it. He's gone, man. Time to move on with your life and politics. You'll be much happier if you do.
More speculation^^^. The kind that tends to cause idiots to self ban.
I know that I do....the forming of a theory or conjecture without firm evidence.
That is the actual definition, but that's not how you use it. Rather, you use it in reference to any position you happen to disagree with.
He isn't though. He just doesn't want to take responsibility for his actions. He has always been this way, and when people respond to his personal attacks he plays the victim
Your wife ever stop dating other men?? Coward.
You call a man a coward that has stated he’d talk to you face to face in public, but you only try to lure him to your house? Which one would appear to be more cowardly?
If he want's me to ask him to his face as much as he says he does, he'd show up at my address that I've given more than once. So yes, I am absolutely calling him a coward. You lying idiot.
If he want's me to ask him to his face as much as he says he does, he'd show up at my address that I've given more than once. So yes, I am absolutely calling him a coward. You lying idiot.
Did I attack you in any of my past couple of posts, you lying cuckly coward. This is why no one can stand you.
Did I attack you in any of my past couple of posts, you lying cuckly coward. This is why no one can stand you.
Yes, you did, idiot. You asked me which one appears to be more cowardly. That's the attack. You thinking someone wouldn't understand it's an attack is what makes you an idiot.
Yes, you did, idiot. You asked me which one appears to be more cowardly. That's the attack. You thinking someone wouldn't understand it's an attack is what makes you an idiot.
It wasn’t an attack. Just pointing out facts that not meeting in public is more cowardly. Find someone to agree with you on this one. So you are a liar. You are a coward. You are a cuck. You are uneducated. Phlemgwad. Snot. Snot licker. Multi god worshipping moron.
Greed is utterly consumed by his Trump hatred. It's kind of weird that he's still so focused on it. He's gone, man. Time to move on with your life and politics. You'll be much happier if you do.

They're afraid Trump will come back in 2024.

Not only that, but even if he doesn't there are still about half of Americans rooting for it. They want to force that half into their way. Masks, welfare and they also want you to pretend that LGBT shit is normal. Chewing and spitting food is not normal, but being a man and becoming a woman with unworkable new parts is just fine.