Is Nato and the EU going to force Ukraine to surrender?

Yeah, but you're an idiot.

Why take a wait and see approach now, when you'd have taken out tanks on Day1? Lying idiot.

Doubling down on your stupid delusion. What you're referencing didn't happen.
I can see why you dropped out of school.

You probably have a hard time understanding a Dr Suess book.
What am I lying about? Did you finish high school or not?
You just admitted you don't know if I finished high school or not. But you said I didn't. That's what you're lying about. That also makes you an idiot.
Even the Council on Foreign Relations is peeved about it.

In mid-January, Biden’s “minor incursion” comment drew immediate condemnation from Ukraine. By late January, Zelensky was being pretty vocal about the United States creating panic within his country stating their biggest threat was the “destabilisation of the situation inside the country.”
And within, what, the last week all these things really happened. Biden called Putin a war criminal & a butcher, he told a press conference the United States would use chemical weapons on Russia, told troops what to expect when they get to Ukraine, finished a speech by saying Putin cannot remain in power, & claims he never thought the sanctions would deter - contrary to statements from both he & his adviser Jake Sullivan.
This administration has arguably contributed to making the situation worse. But Biden himself mentally lacks the guardrails (or they’ve deteriorated) for the gravity of the position. The guy is 79. He’s had brain aneurysms. It’s hard to take his supporters serious when they won’t even admit the obvious.
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The President & the WH have both walked back comments by Biden about Putin. Comments he made in an official speech. To the world.
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The President & the WH have both walked comments by Biden about Putin. Comments he made in an official speech. To the world.
He sure had folks around Fayetteville NC talking. You know when Mush says when the men get into Ukraine and what they would see.
Biden is now saying he never said any of those things. He's also claiming the WH never walked anything back.
Read for two months that Biden was doing "nothing" during Russia's buildup. Yet, when the attack happened, the Ukrainians had the weapons, training and intel to blunt the attack. "Nothing" didn't deliver those results. If "Mush" would have publicly stated what we were doing, the new "Low T" republicans would have been wringing their hands, "What is he saying!?!"

The longer this thing goes on, with Russia's "three stooges-esque" military execution, the more I think John Bolton had it right; just plant the US flag inside Ukraine and dare the Commies to come in.
Kind of like he did back in the summer???

Do you really believe those are comparable? One was a troop withdrawal...the other dealt with how much assistance to provide to a country where there were no US troops.

Also, were we staring down a nuclear power with our Afghanistan withdrawal? Nope.

Just another of your "what about" in hopes of stumbling into a "point".

Another difference is the Afghans had little desire to defend themselves even with all that US issued gear. Can you imagine what the outcome would have been if they had fought like Ukrainians?

Gotta give Trump credit there; he was on point. He said the Afghans would run which is why he had zero desire to continue our presence there.
Do you really believe those are comparable?

Yes. Both times Biden was talking off script. The first time it emboldened the opposition and accelerated events, leading to our military being overrun. The second possibly accelerated Putin's moves as well. Biden, and the rest of the world, seemed to pause to see how the invasion was going before virtually anything was said or done on behalf of the Ukrainians. When it stalled for various reasons, then we decide which side to back and to make statements. Many were fortunate for the resolve of Ukraine, terrible strategies by the Russians and seemingly disengagement by their troops.

And in both instances the White House attempted to walk back what Biden said. So yes, there are similarities in both events. Sorry you can't see that.

Just another of your "what about" in hopes of stumbling into a "point".

😂 Yeah... you wouldn't know what a counterpoint was even if it hit you between the eyes...

Gotta give Trump credit there; he was on point. He said the Afghans would run which is why he had zero desire to continue our presence there.

😂😂😂 Trying to rehabilitate your TDS???
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Yes. Both times Biden was talking off script.
So what? The situations aren't similar. Every President speaks off script.
The first time it emboldened the opposition and accelerated events, leading to our military being overrun.
If the Afghans had fought like Ukrainians, the situation would have been 180 degrees different. The administration was counting on Afghans defending their country. It didn't happen. That's the mistake; the miscalculation...not some statement.
The second possibly accelerated Putin's moves as well. Biden, and the rest of the world, seemed to pause to see how the invasion was going before virtually anything was said or done on behalf of the Ukrainians. When it stalled for various reasons, then we decide which side to back and to make statements. Many were fortunate for the resolve of Ukraine, terrible strategies by the Russians and seemingly disengagement by their troops.
Bla, bla, bla. Biden told Putin what would happen if he invaded and followed thru.

Also, the US was the only one saying Russia was going to invade. I know it pains today's Putin-loving republicans, but the genius Putin miscalculated...greatly. He wanted a reduced US footprint in Europe - the opposite happened. He wanted a divided and weakened NATO...didn't get that either. And he wanted Ukraine to be his bitch...not exactly going as planned.
😂 Yeah... you wouldn't know what a counterpoint was even if it hit you between the eyes...
You're the only one laughing at that tired shit.;)
😂😂😂 Trying to rehabilitate your TDS???
There's nothing more "deranged" than a Trump advocate in today's America.
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Gotta give Trump credit there; he was on point. He said the Afghans would run which is why he had zero desire to continue our presence there.
15 or more years ago I told the cons that when we left afghanistan, we would leave it the way we found it.
I know it pains today's Putin-loving republicans,

You say many stupid things and parrot many talking points but that is about the stupidest thing you can say...

Also, the US was the only one saying Russia was going to invade.

Where do you come up with such nonsense???

"On Wednesday, Australian Prime Minister Scott Morrison warned that "Russia is at peak readiness to now complete a full-scale invasion of Ukraine, and that is likely to occur within the next 24 hours.""
You say many stupid things and parrot many talking points but that is about the stupidest thing you can say...

Where do you come up with such nonsense???

"On Wednesday, Australian Prime Minister Scott Morrison warned that "Russia is at peak readiness to now complete a full-scale invasion of Ukraine, and that is likely to occur within the next 24 hours.""
OH hell, Russia was building up troops for nearly a year.
OH hell, Russia was building up troops for nearly a year.

People can say what they want about Trump but this Putin connection deal is ridiculous. The old keep your friends close and your enemies closer adage is likely what he played, but they had to turn it into something else to keep the Russian Collusion story going...

And now to keep it going that Republicans are "Putin loving" is equally disingenuous and outright irresponsible. I am sure many here would accuse me of the same, even though I've said on many occasions the Russian economy is weak, and has been weakening. Hardly the work of a "genius" at the helm...
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People can say what they want about Trump but this Putin connection deal is ridiculous. The old keep your friends close and your enemies closer adage is likely what he played, but they had to turn it into something else to keep the Russian Collusion story going...

And now to keep it going that Republicans are "Putin loving" is equally disingenuous and outright irresponsible. I am sure many here would accuse me of the same, even though I've said on many occasions the Russian economy is weak, and has been weakening. Hardly the work of a "genius" at the helm...
It is like the race card thing. When you don't have a valid or good argument just throw it out. if Putin and Trump were close buddies then why didn't Putin just invade Ukraine while Trump was in office?

The whole Republicans love Putin is idiotic. We know why Putin did it now. He saw inpetness and weakness by the USA and Europe.
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It is like the race card thing. When you don't have a valid or good argument just throw it out. if Putin and Trump were close buddies then why didn't Putin just invade Ukraine while Trump was in office?

The whole Republicans love Putin is idiotic. We know why Putin did it now. He saw inpetness and weakness by the USA and Europe.

Yes. @Chevy1 has some good points occasionally but then throws out the race card and Putin loving Republicans...
You say many stupid things (Putin loving republucans) and parrot many talking points but that is about the stupidest thing you can say...
Are you denying there is a contingent within the republucan party that loves themselves some Putin? Shoot, we have complete threads on this board that discuss Tucker Carlson, Pompeo and Trump being featured on Russian TV expressing their admiration.
Where do you come up with such nonsense???
I was talking about the US being among the very few that forewarned that an invasion would actually occur. My comment had nothing to do with sanctions like your linked story.. who's focus was after the invasion had already occurred.
Are you actually saying there aren't ANY Putin loving republicans? You don't watch enough Russian television.

Name them.

I can name Castro loving democrats...

"not all of them have a history with Cuba’s leaders like the letter’s four leading signatories — U.S. Reps. Barbara Lee, Bobby Rush, James McGovern and Gregory Meeks."

Now compare what Putin, Xi, Trudeau and Obama said about Castro to what Trump and Pence said...

Hmmm, sometimes you have to connect the dots...

Your argument about Putin loving Republicans doesn't get traction with anyone with sense, only those like ignored member and just cheapens your other points.
Also, the US was the only one saying Russia was going to invade.

I was talking about the US being among the very few that forewarned that an invasion would actually occur.

Only doesn't equal among the very few. I was simply pointing out the US wasn't the only one saying this.

My comment had nothing to do with sanctions like your linked story.. who's focus was after the invasion had already occurred.

Story was dated 2/22/2022. Russia invaded Ukraine 2/24/2022. Again it was just to illustrate the premise of your argument that the US was the only one taking that position was incorrect, and has nothing to do with "Putin-loving Republicans"...
Only doesn't equal among the very few. I was simply pointing out the US wasn't the only one saying this.
I'm not aware of another country that said an invasion was going to happen. Perhaps, you could provide a link showing otherwise.

Story was dated 2/22/2022. Russia invaded Ukraine 2/24/2022. Again it was just to illustrate the premise of your argument that the US was the only one taking that position was incorrect, and has nothing to do with "Putin-loving Republicans"...
That article only dealt with sanctions in the event of an invasion....with Biden being the only source saying it was happening. Stop wasting our time with stupid links that don't apply.
Name them.

I can name Castro loving democrats...

"not all of them have a history with Cuba’s leaders like the letter’s four leading signatories — U.S. Reps. Barbara Lee, Bobby Rush, James McGovern and Gregory Meeks."

Now compare what Putin, Xi, Trudeau and Obama said about Castro to what Trump and Pence said...

Hmmm, sometimes you have to connect the dots...

Your argument about Putin loving Republicans doesn't get traction with anyone with sense, only those like ignored member and just cheapens your other points.
You can Google "Putin Loving Republicans" if you doubt they exist...

Granted there are a lot more republicans who dislike the bastard...even some old timers, like me, who always thought it was dumber than a bag of hammers to sing his praises...but your boys Carlson, Pompeo and Trump think (or at least thought) he was the bees knees.
You can Google "Putin Loving Republicans" if you doubt they exist...
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I'm not aware of another country that said an invasion was going to happen. Perhaps, you could provide a link showing otherwise.

I already did and provided a quote. I really don't understand the significance of that and why it is so important to you. You've waffled on it twice already. Russia was staging troops on the Ukraine borders for some time as a prelude to the invasion. It was not entirely a secret that only the US was privy to...

"On Wednesday, Australian Prime Minister Scott Morrison warned that "Russia is at peak readiness to now complete a full-scale invasion of Ukraine, and that is likely to occur within the next 24 hours.""
Trump think (or at least thought) he was the bees knees.

Trump at least approved additional, and effective, weaponry for Ukraine. This was something that previous administrations had not done. These weapons, and the lead time provided to train on them, have been very vital to the Ukranian resistance. Do you really think he would have done this if he thought Putin was the bees' knees???
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