ISIS Attack in Texas

Herd Fever

Platinum Buffalo
Sep 25, 2008
too be honest with you, I find no fault in their attempt to attack the rally in Texas over the weekend. Those people are the new KKK. They want to spew their racist dialogue while hiding behind guns like a coward. And so be honest with you, the was lucky the FBI was close to make sure it didn't happen.

I'm against ISIS and what they believe in but when dumb ass Americans want to use the first amendment to put American lives in danger im all over their heads to be placed on a stake in the middle of town
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Wow! If there was ever a thread or comment that the mods needed to delete, this is it.

You're on a slipperty slope my friend........Stupid!

Hope you've invested in some burner phones........NSA is watching.
too be honest with you, I find no fault in their attempt to attack the rally in Texas over the weekend. Those people are the new KKK. They want to spew their racist dialogue while hiding behind guns like a coward. And so be honest with you, the was lucky the FBI was close to make sure it didn't happen.

I'm against ISIS and what they believe in but when dumb ass Americans want to use the first amendment to put American lives in danger im all over their heads to be placed on a stake in the middle of town

Well, area you a damn traitor? Siding with ISIS is like siding with the Japs after Pearl Harbor.
No the traitor is the people putting American lives in jeopardy and feeding the terror with their own retard rhetoric.

ISIS has proven they are people not to **** with
Wow! If there was ever a thread or comment that the mods needed to delete, this is it.

You're on a slipperty slope my friend........Stupid!

Hope you've invested in some burner phones........NSA is watching.

Why should it be deleted. If some racist can mock Muslims making fun of their prophet. I should be able to call them out for putting American lives in danger. Last time I checked I live in NY, you don't so of course I'm more worried about ISIS then you could ever imagine. And the last thing I need is some ignorant racist feeding them
Why should it be deleted. If some racist can mock Muslims making fun of their prophet. I should be able to call them out for putting American lives in danger. Last time I checked I live in NY, you don't so of course I'm more worried about ISIS then you could ever imagine. And the last thing I need is some ignorant racist feeding them

Hey that is the way it works in this country and it is called freedom. You don't go around shooting people because they make fun of your prophet.
So I guess it would be fine for Muslims to hold a rally mocking Jesus??

Well, somebody had a art display with Jesus in Urine. Piss Christ they called it.

If the Muslims did that, they would not deserved to be shot.
Just when you thought Fever couldn't get any more ignorant - BAM!!! He hits is with this jewel! Thank you, for showing us your stupidity knows no bounds!
Why should it be deleted. If some racist can mock Muslims making fun of their prophet. I should be able to call them out for putting American lives in danger. Last time I checked I live in NY, you don't so of course I'm more worried about ISIS then you could ever imagine. And the last thing I need is some ignorant racist feeding them

You have every right to call them out. Protest if you like but supporting or justfying violent terrorist acts is assinine.
So, you support the bombing of Planned Parenthood Clinics?

The murders at Charlie Hebdo were justified in your eyes?
Admit it Fever, you just don't care much for white people. You are consistently one of the most racist people on these boards. You will take the side of a radical group who gets their jollies beheading people if it's between them and white Christians.
First, Fever said he found no fault with it and then changed it to "they have the right to want to."

Which one is it? Seems like he's cowering a bit on the original post. Has the right idea with the second one. You can have the rage, but you can't act on it unless it's on the football field.
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Fever you not me turns out to to be the racist. You are so angry all the time. I thought talking NBA with you would ease your pain but you turn those threads into "I hate" threads.Im ashamed of all racist statements I ever made. Played this ignorant game that only white folk hear what you say. Your too young to even know what "whites Only" means. You thought at the laundremat you couldn't wash colored clothes. Try anger management and pray.
First, Fever said he found no fault with it and then changed it to "they have the right to want to."

Which one is it? Seems like he's cowering a bit on the original post. Has the right idea with the second one. You can have the rage, but you can't act on it unless it's on the football field.

I don't find any fault in them acting on the disrespect put forward by this coward who puts unarmed Americans in danger. I hope they catch this bitch and make an example of her. Here her talk all week reminds me of the Grand Wizard who thought it would be great for the KKK to March down Broadway to City Hall in NYC a few years ago. Freedom of Speech is great but it shouldn't be used to antagonize crazy ass killers. Especially when your using Americans as human shields. A person lost their leg because of her ignorance
Admit it Fever, you just don't care much for white people. You are consistently one of the most racist people on these boards. You will take the side of a radical group who gets their jollies beheading people if it's between them and white Christians.

If being proud of being black makes the biggest racist on this board(which is false) then so be it. But then again I don't consistently make racist jokes on here either like most posters nor do I repeat racist redneck jokes or consistently call black athletes "thugs" like many do on here.
The 'rally' was a stupid goddamned idea and they got exactly what they wanted, but the freedom of speech protects goddamn idiots the same as you (redundant) and me. We can call them idiots because they are but its not a justification to shoot them.
And just because you don't hear about it doesn't mean it doesn't happen. I mean Putin is pretty much running Gays out of his country and he is Eastern Orthodox Christian
I don't find any fault in them acting on the disrespect put forward by this coward who puts unarmed Americans in danger. I hope they catch this bitch and make an example of her. Here her talk all week reminds me of the Grand Wizard who thought it would be great for the KKK to March down Broadway to City Hall in NYC a few years ago. Freedom of Speech is great but it shouldn't be used to antagonize crazy ass killers. Especially when your using Americans as human shields. A person lost their leg because of her ignorance

you probably support men who beat their wives/girlfriends too, right? the women probably deserved it in your mind...
And how do you come up with that conclusion?? Ive watched my mother get beat as a child so hell no I wouldn't support that
And how do you come up with that conclusion?? Ive watched my mother get beat as a child so hell no I wouldn't support that

you've said/implied that when someone exercises their right as a US citizen to free speech, it's their fault if some crazy ass wants to kill them because of what they said. you're victim blaming.
NO!! I implied that if you use the first amendment to push forward your racist agenda like in this case, don't be surprised if some crazy ass wants to take you out. I'm not blaming the victim at all. Its hard to play victim if you are the instigator.
If being proud of being black makes the biggest racist on this board(which is false) then so be it.

Can you explain why you are proud of being black?

Blacks, as a whole in this country, have an extremely high crime rate, one of the lowest educations, and many other less than stellar rankings. What do those things have to do with you? Hopefully, nothing, because black just has to do with the color of your skin.

Am I proud of being white? Why would I be? I didn't do anything to earn that. Any success or failure I had didn't result in me being white, so why would i be proud of that? My skin color has nothing to do with who I am.

Likewise, why would I be proud to be an American? If I never existed, this country would be exactly the same as it is now, for the good and the bad. Am I fortunate and lucky to have been born as an American? Yes. But proud? How could I be? I've done nothing to make the country what it is.

So, how are you proud to be black? You had no choice on that. None of your successes or failures could have changed that. And, hopefully, the color of your skin isn't am indication of the type of person you are. If you disagree with that, it means you believe skin color is much more than just skin deep, it is an indication of the type of person each individual is, and frankly, puts you in a tough position to defend against being called a racist.
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