It’s Been a Few Years

and tell everybody they are going to hell.
As of this moment, if you were judged by the almighty, where are you going to spend eternity?? There's only 2 options, heaven or hell. Don't want an essay, just an honest answer for once in your life...
As of this moment, if you were judged by the almighty, where are you going to spend eternity?? There's only 2 options, heaven or hell. Don't want an essay, just an honest answer for once in your life...
Honest? You are going to burn in hell.
Honest? You are going to burn in hell.
Episode 5 Burn In Hell GIF by The Simpsons
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Where is the mention of cavemen in the Bible? There’s physical proof they existed millions of years ago. No mention of them, or dinosaurs, etc. The Old Testament has some batshit crazy stories. King James cut out a lot of the craziness…but how much after the fact?
@Jartard please don't take this as a personal attack but that article you cited is a joke. No legitimate scholar would sign their name to it. I am responding to this based on my educational background not an article I found on Google.
Nothing has been cut out of the Bible. Your source is not legitimate and the arguments made are worse than appealing to Aesop's Fables or Grimm's Fairy Tales. There is plenty of manuscript evidence that shows that the absurd viewpoint presented by this writer is not true.

There was a very detailed process used to determine which 27 books were to be considered the NT canon. By the Council of Nicaea in 325 the issue was no longer under debate, For example the Council of Carthage in 397 CE stated that the church received from its "fathers" the books which should be received as scripture. There was at least four criteria that had to be present for a epistle or gospel to be considered canonical. None of the books cited are canonical. The fragments of Papias are just that and are not considered inspired.
As far as the OT books they were settled by the time of Christ and ratified at the council of Jamnia (a jewish gathering) in 90 AD.

King James had nothing to do with the canon of scripture. What we have now is trustworthy. A great example is when you look at the writings of the Apostolic Church Fathers every single verse in the New Testament minus something like 6 verses has been cited or made reference to in their writings. On top of that their is more manuscript evidence from the NT than any other book from antiquity. So the evidence is overwhelming that not a single one of his "stories is true. And for the record the one about Jesus having sex is just wrong on so many levels. Just something to consider buddy
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Well, I have stayed out of it. But, you purchased a cell phone Taz and mentioned something about a shower head you couldn't change. Plus that necklace chain deal is UGLY. And, the Romper. The Romper is some serious demerits.

Now, I am with the Christians. I wanted to stay out of it but, the good books says according to the King James Version(the others are something similiar) and I quote:

Matthew 10:33: But whosoever shall deny me before men, him will I also deny before my Father which is in heaven.

So count me in. When you look around the world and see its magnificence and things like the birth of a child and things we can't explain, count me in.

I don't care if you laugh at me.
Don’t forget takes his jaguar to jiffy lube
But believing the intelligent design is what is described in the Bible even though it is historically and scientifically wrong.
What historical inaccuracies are you referring to?

As for science, that's an argument that can be easily dismissed. If we're talking about a being that is omnipotent and created the universe from nothing, the suggestion that such a being is bound by our very, very limited understanding of "science" is an absurd position to take. In other words, if God is real, then his existence is obviously supernatural in nature and beyond man's limited understanding. To try and box the supernatural into the natural is a logical fallacy.
Says the guy who couldn't understand a simple sentence.

Are you also a young Earth creationist?
The sentence could have been taken in more than one way.

So you've doubted Jesus could be resurrected after 3 days, and now you're contradicting the Bible about the judgement day. You're off to a great start.
As of this moment, if you were judged by the almighty, where are you going to spend eternity?? There's only 2 options, heaven or hell. Don't want an essay, just an honest answer for once in your life...
Heaven. The almighty judges not you.
What historical inaccuracies are you referring to?
All of the ones where your kind argued the merits of for decades/centuries, then when overwhelming scientific proof refuted your stance, your kind resorted to “oh, well people just misinterpreted what the Bible said. Now, it means something completely different than what we had argued all of those previous years.”

Rinse, wash, repeat.
according to the King James Version(the others are something similiar) and I quote:

Matthew 10:33: But whosoever shall deny me before men, him will I also deny before my Father which is in heaven.
So basically what every cult leader has preached to their followers. Brilliant logic.

So count me in. When you look around the world and see its magnificence and things like the birth of a child and things we can't explain, count me in.
Go to a pediatric oncology unit and tell me about the magnificence of things around the world.

The birth of a child is proof of not only a higher power, but the Christian belief of a higher power? Good luck arguing that one (logically, of course).
All of the ones where your kind argued the merits of for decades/centuries, then when overwhelming scientific proof refuted your stance, your kind resorted to “oh, well people just misinterpreted what the Bible said. Now, it means something completely different than what we had argued all of those previous years.”

Rinse, wash, repeat.
I'm still not sure what you're referring to. Examples?
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if opie is correct and christianity is a sham, what do these "morons" have to lose? are you going to come from the grave and give them a big "i told you so!"? probly not. if opie is correct, their kind has nothing to worry about. if these "morons" are correct, opie's worries now are a raindrop to the ocean of the worries they'll have when it is finished.

opie has displayed enough knowledge of the bible over the years when arguing religion that they know what will happen if the bible turns out to be truth. so, i guess the real quesion when comparing believers to non-believers is: which side stands to lose the most?

one more thing . . . there's gonna be a bunch of heads explode when greed turns out to be a huge troll and reveals himself as actually an atheist.
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if opie is correct and christianity is a sham, what do these "morons" have to lose? are you going to come from the grave and give them a big "i told you so!"? probly not. if opie is correct, their kind has nothing to worry about. if these "morons" are correct, opie's worries now are a raindrop to the ocean of the worries they'll have when it is finished.

opie has displayed enough knowledge of the bible over the years when arguing religion that they know what will happen if the bible turns out to be truth. so, i guess the real quesion when comparing believers to non-believers is: which side stands to lose the most?

one more thing . . . there's gonna be a bunch of heads explode when greed turns out to be a huge troll and reveals himself as actually an atheist.
Good ol’ Pascal’s Wager.
Good ol’ Pascal’s Wager.
yep, good ol' pascal. i figured you'd make light of it, and that's fine. in the end, call it what you will and make light of it however you see fit, it's a point that you can't run from.
yep, good ol' pascal. i figured you'd make light of it, and that's fine. in the end, call it what you will and make light of it however you see fit, it's a point that you can't run from.
Which means you can't run from the "point" that billions of other people follow another god. Wouldn't it be safer for you to believe in those gods instead of the Christian god based on Pascal's Wager?
Which means you can't run from the "point" that billions of other people follow another god. Wouldn't it be safer for you to believe in those gods instead of the Christian god based on Pascal's Wager?
billions of other people's beliefs have no effect on the point. try again.
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billions of other people's beliefs have no effect on the point. try again.

Your argument is that you have more to lose being an Atheist than a Christian if the fairy tales in the Bible end up being accurate. Considering other religions have just as harsh of penalties of being a non-believer as Christianity has, but other religions have better payoffs if you're correct (lots of virgins!), don't you have more to lose by not believing another religion than you do with not believing Christianity?
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Your argument is that you have more to lose being an Atheist than a Christian if the fairy tales in the Bible end up being accurate. Considering other religions have just as harsh of penalties of being a non-believer as Christianity has, but other religions have better payoffs if you're correct (lots of virgins!), don't you have more to lose by not believing another religion than you do with not believing Christianity?
not trying hard enough; other religions promises have no bearing on the effect of pascal's wager. point still stands.

you can spin this into whatever tangled web you want, but in the end, the point will stand. no two ways around it.

you lose whatever bullshit argument yore trying to make because the point still stands. and, in the end if yore wrong, you'll understand why the point stood firm.
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not trying hard enough; other religions promises have no bearing on the effect of pascal's wager. point still stands.

you can spin this into whatever tangled web you want, but in the end, the point will stand. no two ways around it.

you lose whatever bullshit argument yore trying to make because the point still stands. and, in the end if yore wrong, you'll understand why the point stood firm.
Nope. You're inconsistent with your attempt at logic.

Your argument is to "believe" (which you truly don't believe if you're just pretending to believe whichever side has less punishment/more benefit for you) whichever side has the least punishment/best benefit for you if you're wrong. In that case, there are other religions that have harsher punishments/better benefits based on your belief in that religion than Christianity does,
No..this is an opinion forum. You have a lack of debating skills and shout liar!
Opinion forum? Ok. It's my opinion (based on evidence, your opinions are not) that you are a lying trumptard and oath breaker. <<<<Wait...those are facts. It's my opinion that you should shut up and leave the board until you understand the difference between opinions and facts. Here are some samples of facts so you'll have a reference...

The origin of covid 19 is UNKNOWN.

No evidence has been provided of biden being involved in any crime.

No evidence of election fraud has been provided that would have cost your orange jesus the election.
Nope. You're inconsistent with your attempt at logic.

Your argument is to "believe" (which you truly don't believe if you're just pretending to believe whichever side has less punishment/more benefit for you) whichever side has the least punishment/best benefit for you if you're wrong. In that case, there are other religions that have harsher punishments/better benefits based on your belief in that religion than Christianity does,
nope, not even close to my argument. my argument is (read carefully as it seems to be flying over yore head): if yore right, no big deal for you, no big deal for anybody; if yore wrong, it's a huge deal for everybody.

point stands, try again.
nope, not even close to my argument. my argument is (read carefully as it seems to be flying over yore head): if yore right, no big deal for you, no big deal for anybody; if yore wrong, it's a huge deal for everybody.

point stands, try again.

You've backtracked. Please remove yourself from the Eucharist line. If you're lucky, I may allow you to watch, but your hands cannot be down your pants.
You've backtracked. Please remove yourself from the Eucharist line. If you're lucky, I may allow you to watch, but your hands cannot be down your pants.
feeble white flag attempt.

try again. point stands.
Opinion forum? Ok. It's my opinion (based on evidence, your opinions are not) that you are a lying trumptard and oath breaker. <<<<Wait...those are facts. It's my opinion that you should shut up and leave the board until you understand the difference between opinions and facts. Here are some samples of facts so you'll have a reference...

The origin of covid 19 is UNKNOWN.

No evidence has been provided of biden being involved in any crime.

No evidence of election fraud has been provided that would have cost your orange jesus the election.
Several intellgience agencies and anybody with common sense know it came from China. You are literrally the only person, black, white, jew, gentile, liberal, conservative, athiest, Irish, Hispanic, German, and any other demographic or race or religon that even goes down the road of uknown. It came from China, plain and simple.

Biden and his family received millions of dollars from foreign entities. Some friendly countries and some not or questionable. He had more that 10(more closer to 20) shell companies set up to do this. Money was going into shell accounts and family member accounts including children. If he were a govt employe or in the military or other agencies he would be under immediate investigation if not arrests. Military members who win certain amounts in the lottery are removed from service because of the cash in flow. Military members who would have done what BIden did would be stripped of clearances and removed. They would probably be in federal prison. Draw you own conclusions. He offered no good nor services nor anything he and his family were getting from foreign countries other than access to the US govt and to influence the US govt.

The election in 2020 was full of funny business. Ballot harvesting, mail in votes, going around state legislatures, and hanky panky based on the covid nonsense. Some of it is getting fixed, see GA for an example. OTher states are trying to get it fixed.
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