Kamala's Unrealized Capital GainsTax

I said a federal minimum wage of $15 would cause $13 happy meals, not paying one specific groups of workers $15.
Let's pretend that's ^^^^true. The minimum wage in California is $16/hr with Mickeys paying $20/hr. Happy meals there range from $7 to $8.60. The hamburgers are processed in California where the minimum wage is $16/hr. Much of the chicken comes from Lopez foods in N.C. They pay an hourly average of $15.90. Much of their bread comes from Northwest Pacific bakery, which pays an average hourly pay for a production worker $25.55. Much of their french fries comes from 100 Circle Farms in Washington state where the the average salary for farm workers is $20/hr. <<< before you attempt to claim all their materials come from places making less money

So, you're still a lying idiot.

This is where you have always been to stupid to get the point.
This is where you look almost as stupid as you are.