McDonald's closing in downtown San Francisco


What is your carbon footprint with your numerous flights (traveling first-class also increases your carbon footprint), your numerous properties which I assume are unoccupied at times but use utilities in your absence, your celebration of huge houses with large carbon footprints, etc.?

Yeah, keep on preaching to the rest of us you hypocrite...
Rules for thee, not for me.

Rifle is your typical elitist liberal.
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So what I remember is cioppino and a meal we had in Chinatown. Great stuff.
it's funny how we remember a certain meal from our childhood . . . at least, like you, i do.

went to deep creek to the black bear tavern with my best friend and his dad when i was like 12 or 13. muh friend's parents were divorced and his dad was wealthy, and would always take him on short trips around the area to places like that; typically, i'd get to go along.

anyhoo, i had scallops in a butter sauce with some sort of cheese melted over it, likely provolone or mozzrella. ho lee chit, darn near the best tasting food i can ever recall. neck and neck with my mom's ham, taters, and dumplings for the best meal i've ever had.

i've ordered similar dishes over the years, and even have attempted to duplicate the taste via the same dish, both to no avail. i've also attempted to duplicate mom's ham & dumplings several times and have actually gotten close to it just one out of the couple dozen attempts.
it's funny how we remember a certain meal from our childhood . . . at least, like you, i do.

went to deep creek to the black bear tavern with my best friend and his dad when i was like 12 or 13. muh friend's parents were divorced and his dad was wealthy, and would always take him on short trips around the area to places like that; typically, i'd get to go along.

anyhoo, i had scallops in a butter sauce with some sort of cheese melted over it, likely provolone or mozzrella. ho lee chit, darn near the best tasting food i can ever recall. neck and neck with my mom's ham, taters, and dumplings for the best meal i've ever had.

i've ordered similar dishes over the years, and even have attempted to duplicate the taste via the same dish, both to no avail. i've also attempted to duplicate mom's ham & dumplings several times and have actually gotten close to it just one out of the couple dozen attempts.
I remember Tony Bourdain writing that as a child the first time he ate a fresh raw oyster was like a defining moment in his life. Good food really can do that to us, and it's glorious.

Oh, and there's no duplicating certain people's dishes. My mom has tried for years to match her mother's chicken and dumplings. It's good, but it ain't even close lol. Best damn chicken and dumplings I have ever had, grandma was a master of that dish.
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Lack of tourism recovery post-Covid...

Here's another case of why in the world would a tourist eat that trash when they are in a top culinary city?

And don't give me this crap that it's for tourists with kids. That's damn near child abuse. When I was 8 we went to California for a month to visit family members, including a week in the Bay Area. Two of my best memories of SF are meals at restaurants, and it wasn't fvxking McDonald's. My parents are not fancy eaters at all, but they made me try new things, thank goodness. No eating off the "kids menu". So what I remember is cioppino and a meal we had in Chinatown. Great stuff.

It has nothing to do with Democrat policies though, does it? 🙄

Why can't you admit Democrat policies aren't working? Radicals have taken over the party. Period.

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It has nothing to do with Democrat policies though, does it?
IDGAF, that's not what I was commenting on. Why? Because when I think of SF, I think of three things, all from that childhood visit (and I've been back since then, but these experiences were very important to me):

1. Food
2. Walking across the Golden Gate Bridge, both ways. Back then the walkway closed in the evening (I have no idea of it still does); a CHP officer let me click the lock on the walkway gate, how cool is that when you are 8?
3. Cable cars.

So dumbass tourists eating McDonald's in one of America's great food cities, or apparently not enough of them, got me off on a slight tagent. And it is all I care about in this thread.

Although, considering your multiple replies to me to make only one point....if Bezos thinks Miami is some utopia he's in for a rude awakening. Taxes will very soon soar in Florida, to deal with rising sea levels. And the DeSantis administration has been very quietly preparing for this...quietly, because he will say what you buffoons want to hear for votes, but the state is already proposing billions for this. This will be the conservative model, deny shit is real while quietly trying to mitigate it...after all, we are talking about crazy expensive real estate. I highly recommend the very rich who want to live in the USA park their asses in Appalachia, which should be fairly free of serious climate change effects. Maybe he can launch his giant penis spaceship from your backyard.
IDGAF, that's not what I was commenting on. Why? Because when I think of SF, I think of three things, all from that childhood visit (and I've been back since then, but these experiences were very important to me):

1. Food
2. Walking across the Golden Gate Bridge, both ways. Back then the walkway closed in the evening (I have no idea of it still does); a CHP officer let me click the lock on the walkway gate, how cool is that when you are 8?
3. Cable cars.

So dumbass tourists eating McDonald's in one of America's great food cities, or apparently not enough of them, got me off on a slight tagent. And it is all I care about in this thread.

Although, considering your multiple replies to me to make only one point....if Bezos thinks Miami is some utopia he's in for a rude awakening. Taxes will very soon soar in Florida, to deal with rising sea levels. And the DeSantis administration has been very quietly preparing for this...quietly, because he will say what you buffoons want to hear for votes, but the state is already proposing billions for this. This will be the conservative model, deny shit is real while quietly trying to mitigate it...after all, we are talking about crazy expensive real estate. I highly recommend the very rich who want to live in the USA park their asses in Appalachia, which should be fairly free of serious climate change effects. Maybe he can launch his giant penis spaceship from your backyard.

So...You agree Democrat policies suck?
Oh, good lord. Please stop.
Stop reading the news? You can look it up yourself, billions in projects being planned, bills being signed by DeSantis even as he lies and says shit ain't happening. See SB 1954 and SB 2514, both passed and signed in 2021.

This will be the Republican way forward. Lie to suckers like you and say climate change doesn't even exist while spending money to deal with it. Also will keep on with fossil fuels, which honestly we will need for quite a while.
So...You agree Democrat policies suck?
I think both parties have policies that suck. And sometimes the suck is because they have to play off each other sucking (@herdfan06 will like that one)....dont want petty criminals released, well then you cheap bastards will have to pay for more jails.

Perhaps you should make a list for me to judge, and please include sources because we know your team's media isn't past just making shit up.
dont want petty criminals released, well then you cheap bastards will have to pay for more jails.

Or, possibly, we could secure our borders and stop paying for food, housing and educations for illegal foreign nationals. You know. Take care of America and its citizens first?

Maybe make able-bodied people work for their government handouts instead of sitting on their lazy asses? Lots of ways to pay for jails.
Or, possibly, we could secure our borders and stop paying for food, housing and educations for illegal foreign nationals.
Literally the GOP answer to everything.

Press: Candidate, what do we have to do to make a mission to Mars?

Candidate: Well we need to secure our borders.

I believe I posted a link a couple of weeks ago that even illegal immigrants are less likely to commit crimes than the crimiest native born American demographics. So no, this isn't the reason McDonalds is closing.

And can you imagine not educating children who live here? Or making sure they have food and medicine ? FAMILY VALUES, THIS IS A CHRISTIAN NATION. Sick.

Maybe make able-bodied people work for their government handouts instead of sitting on their lazy asses?
I believe I also posted a link that prime age workforce participation is back to almost as high as it ever was (before the billionaires crushed unions and took jobs overseas), and as high as it was pre-Covid under your orange man.

Keep on spouting those Fox-OAN talking points. And while you are at it, where's that list I asked for?
Literally the GOP answer to everything.

Press: Candidate, what do we have to do to make a mission to Mars?

Candidate: Well we need to secure our borders.

I believe you said "you cheap bastards need to pay for more jails"...

Well, we spent $182 billion so far on illegal foreign nationals with these open borders. Say we secure our borders and stop paying room, board, food and higher educations for these foreign criminals. Let's be conservative and say we would save $100 billion. How many jails do you think we could with $100 billion a year?

That's why it's our answer. Democrats want to throw money at it and in reality, we cut out unnecessary spending, would could have the money for actual needs instead of stealing our tax dollars on stupid $h!t.
Funny, didn't y'all have both chambers and the WH a few years ago?

The obvious truth flies right over your head.

We're talking about money we're wasting on Pedo-Joe's unsecured border and the money we would save with a secure border, the money saved would pay for more jails. When you say "y'all" who are you talking about? I'm not tied to a party. I'm Independent, as I've told you.
Years are important when researching bills. Try 2021.

So what is the Resilient Florida Fund? Let's let the FLDEP explain it.

"The program enhances our efforts to protect our inland waterways, coastlines and shores, which serve as invaluable natural defenses against sea level rise."

Yet DeSantis while campaigning will say it's bullshit, then on the debate stage he hems and haws and refuses to be pinned down.

Now why would he do that? Because he knows the truth. And the truth is going to be expensive. And I am cool with spending on that, a huge chunk of Florida's economy is based on those valuable shorelines, gotta protect the state economy.
Or, possibly, we could secure our borders and stop paying for food, housing and educations for illegal foreign nationals. You know. Take care of America and its citizens first?

Maybe make able-bodied people work for their government handouts instead of sitting on their lazy asses? Lots of ways to pay for jails.
Just take back the tax cuts for the rich all the way to and including Reagan's. Then plenty of money available for bunch of programs.
The border magically became unsecured in January 2021?

Not magically. Pedo-Joe is anything but a magician. Record illegal immigration since Pedo-Joe took office and he did away with Trump's border policies.

That's not magic, it's stupidity.
Just take back the tax cuts for the rich all the way to and including Reagan's. Then plenty of money available for bunch of programs.

Or we could just secure our border like Pedo-Joe took an oath to do, but is refusing to do.
Or we could just secure our border like Pedo-Joe took an oath to do, but is refusing to do.
^^ That wouldn't come close to doing as much good as repealing tax cuts for the rich. They've caused no less than half of our total national debt.
That's something I can prove, if you want to put some money where your mouth is, Bruce.
I offered the same thing here one time and the response was laughter, so yes I am going to laugh at you as well.

Although feel free to PM me your full name, date of birth, county of registration, and physical address and I'll be glad to check out your registration next time I am back in WV, probably next summer. Unless tornado season runs long, then maybe next fall.

True story: I am not even registered to vote here yet. No sense in voting in the local election this year, I have zero clue who the hell these people are.

Now, you might actually have no party affiliation, but anyone that constantly posts Faux News links is no kind of independent. I'd say the same about an independent posting nothing but MSNBC, smells like bullshit to me.
I offered the same thing here one time and the response was laughter, so yes I am going to laugh at you as well.

Although feel free to PM me your full name, date of birth, county of registration, and physical address and I'll be glad to check out your registration next time I am back in WV, probably next summer. Unless tornado season runs long, then maybe next fall.

True story: I am not even registered to vote here yet. No sense in voting in the local election this year, I have zero clue who the hell these people are.

Now, you might actually have no party affiliation, but anyone that constantly posts Faux News links is no kind of independent. I'd say the same about an independent posting nothing but MSNBC, smells like bullshit to me.

Of course, Fox News makes mistakes like all news outlets, but it is the most trusted. When I post a link from Fox News, feel free to prove it wrong and I'll happily admit it.

I'll meet you somewhere and show you my registration card. As I said, I was originally registered as a Democrat, the Republican then I went Independent because party politics is tearing The People apart. Now I proudly admit being a Conservative and you don't find that many in the Democrat party. They're there, just far and few between.
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Sounds more like a spending problem as opposed to an income problem. Maybe we should cut some fat out of the federal government

Yep. Also, get Pedo-Joe to uphold our Constitution by securing our borders and we could save billions.
Now, you might actually have no party affiliation, but anyone that constantly posts Faux News links is no kind of independent. I'd say the same about an independent posting nothing but MSNBC, smells like bullshit to me.

Kind of like a liberal that claims he's a libertarian???