McDonald's closing in downtown San Francisco

Or one that supports one "liberal" policy, single payer health care, because we done fvxked up the market solution, and because freeing working Americans from the employment based health care access we have would allow more to explore entrepreneurship?

So if we messed up the market solution what makes you think the single payer solution will work any better? If it has failed to be a solution why do you continue to call it a solution?

Do you know the origins of our current third-party payer system? I'll give you a hint - it was short-sighted government policies.
what makes you think the single payer solution will work any better?
If only others has tried this first, and we had examples there to figure out what works and what doesn't....oh wait.
Do you know the origins of our current third-party payer system?
A WWII effort to control inflation by limiting wages.

But hey, if we are going to stick with WWII ideas, I'd like the nuke Japan again, I've never liked them bastards.
If only others has tried this first, and we had examples there to figure out what works and what doesn't....oh wait.

Where have we heard that same argument over and over???

I'll play grammar cop too... "has tried"???

A WWII effort to control inflation by limiting wages.

More like a "temporary" government solution that becomes a long-term problem...

I thought libertarians were against government intervention that causes problems like this...

Now where have we seen this before???
Oh wait...

And as usual you only see half of the issue. It was also to maintain wartime production in an effort to have a stable workforce.
“Judge not, and you shall not be judged. Condemn not, and you shall not be condemned."
Do you think the religion of Christianity, or the vast majority of its adherents, or you personally live up to this verse?
Do you think the religion of Christianity, or the vast majority of its adherents, or you personally live up to this verse?

That has a specific meaning. There are judgements of people we must make for safety. Being a Christian isn't a religion.

I'm a sinner just like everyone else and I'm not perfect. No one is...Well except for maybe @riflearm2.
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That has a specific meaning. There are judgements of people we must make for safety. Being a Christian isn't a religion.

I'm a sinner just like everyone else and I'm not perfect. No one is...Well except for maybe @riflearm2.
I specified the Religion of Christianity for a reason as opposed to “being a Christian” to draw the distinction which I believe you’re agreeing with.

I’d guess you’d be against, say, Westboro’s antics then?

Sorry but it's not limited to Christianity but keep trying. Meanwhile...

I never implied it was limited to Christianity or religion in general.
I specified the Religion of Christianity for a reason as opposed to “being a Christian” to draw the distinction which I believe you’re agreeing with.

I’d guess you’d be against, say, Westboro’s antics then?

I do agree. I can't speak to Westboro. I know nothing about Westboro. Can you be more specific?
I'll play grammar cop too... "has tried"???
I'll play this: the D and S are side by side, and my GIANT, BIGLY FINGERS sometimes hit the wrong little key.
I thought libertarians were against government intervention that causes problems like this...
I thought I wasn't alive then.
And as usual you only see half of the issue. It was also to maintain wartime production in an effort to have a stable workforce.
I mean there's other ways to do that (some more...forceful....than others) so that detail isn't important to what we are discussing.
I do agree. I can't speak to Westboro. I know nothing about Westboro. Can you be more specific?
They’re the ones that go (went? Haven’t heard from them for a while) to places like funerals and hold up picket signs that say “god hates gays” and the like.
I'll play grammar cop too... "has tried"???
He knows the difference. Mistyping a key is different than not knowing how to properly do something. What was the word you repeatedly misspelled a week ago? That was a case of you just being too dumb to properly know how to do something.
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I specified the Religion of Christianity for a reason as opposed to “being a Christian” to draw the distinction which I believe you’re agreeing with.

I’d guess you’d be against, say, Westboro’s antics then?

So you had to go back over a decade in the archives to pull Westboro out of your hat? A small fringe group of the most fringe? What were they, about 50 members? And their ringleader has been dead for about 10 years?

That's a solid defense for your position.

I never implied it was limited to Christianity or religion in general.

I believe you did. That was the entire essence of your position.
So you had to go back over a decade in the archives to pull Westboro out of your hat? A small fringe group of the most fringe? What were they, about 50 members? And their ringleader has been dead for about 10 years?

That's a solid defense for your position.

I believe you did. That was the entire essence of your position.
You’re making an assumption about my position. I don’t even really know what position I have because I don’t know what we’re arguing about. My point was that if 30cat is going to quote scripture about not judging people maybe he ought to clean his own house first there.

Of course, since I’m using the board correctly and have EG on ignore, I don’t know how nonsensical whatever he was replying to was.

I brought up Westboro as the most extreme example that is commonly known of a hate group that calls itself Christian. If someone cannot see the problem with what they do then there’s really no basis for having this conversation. If we can all agree that there is a problem with what they do then fine, we can talk about where the line is and maybe have an interesting, or at least thought provoking conversation.

It’s like when my 5 year old drops a sucker on the ground and goes to eat it again. I tell her that’s not a great idea. She says she thinks it’s fine. I ask if she would eat dog poop. If she says no, she wouldn’t eat dog poop, then ok, we can have this conversation about the stuff that’s on the floor, you eating it, etc. If she says she would indeed eat dog poop then we’re in a whole different situation.
I thought I wasn't alive then.

I guess that's why you liberals keep making the same mistakes over and over then.

I just recently posted history didn't begin when I was born.

I mean there's other ways to do that (some more...forceful....than others) so that detail isn't important to what we are discussing.

I've got to hand it to you. You surely can pick and choose what you deem to be relevant. In this instance health insurance most certainly was important as that is one way defense contractors skirted the wage and price freeze.

Though you should, you don't have to take my word for it....

You're like one of those kids that change the rules as you go when they don't fit your narrative. Guess that must be a liberal, I mean libertarian thing....
You’re making an assumption about my position.

I think you opened that up by framing the post with the Christian reference. Westboro was an extremely small group that was universally denounced by all sides. I would challenge you to find another group from any political angle that was so universally denounced and condemned.

My point was that if 30cat is going to quote scripture about not judging people maybe he ought to clean his own house first there.

No offense but I do think this is one of the most misunderstood Scriptures by both Christian apologists and antagonists.

This actually refers to judging someone's motives and not their actions.

For example if someone is caught stealing it is not being judgmental to say they are a thief. They were caught in the act and those actions indicate they are a thief. Their actions are being judged.

Likewise if someone exhibits nice behavior I think it is fine to judge their actions as being nice. However I have no real way to determine whether their motives were kind or opportunistic. If I say they were only being nice to get something in return then I am being judgmental.

Christians can without a doubt to be judgmental. I have been a victim of that myself. But how many drunks (evidenced by their actions) became sober through the life-changing power and forgiveness of Christ and used their experiences to help others that were judged to also be drunks to experience sobriety?

I could go one but I hope you get the picture.

Of course, since I’m using the board correctly and have EG on ignore, I don’t know how nonsensical whatever he was replying to was.

100% I don't know why 30CAT chooses to engage EG...
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I was talking about Christianity because presumably 30cat is Christian and he was quoting Christian scripture. I’m not, although I once was, and I find it interesting in a philosophical sense.

I brought up the “religion of Christianity” specifically that way to differentiate it from someone’s personal experience as a Christian, which was influenced by a post earlier this week that also made that distinction.

My take on the judgment thing has been that, using your example, it’s of course fine to say that someone who steals something is a thief. The problem would be saying “you’re a bad person because you’re a thief” because that isn’t man’s job to do. I don’t really believe that, but that’s always been my interpretation of that.
The problem would be saying “you’re a bad person because you’re a thief” because that isn’t man’s job to do. I don’t really believe that, but that’s always been my interpretation of that.

I think someone's actions can give a good indication on whether they are a bad person or not. I think there is a difference between being judgmental and being discerning.

Non-Christians can be judgmental as well however we seldom hear that description used. For example I am against the gay agenda. Does that make me homophobic? Not in the least. But to many on the left I am automatically homophobic because I am against their agenda.
It’s like when my 5 year old drops a sucker on the ground and goes to eat it again. I tell her that’s not a great idea. She says she thinks it’s fine. I ask if she would eat dog poop. If she says no, she wouldn’t eat dog poop, then ok, we can have this conversation about the stuff that’s on the floor, you eating it, etc. If she says she would indeed eat dog poop then we’re in a whole different situation.
Don’t leave us all hanging. What is her answer to the dog poop question?
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They’re the ones that go (went? Haven’t heard from them for a while) to places like funerals and hold up picket signs that say “god hates gays” and the like.

God doesn't hate anyone. I disagree with them protesting gay people.

Now I will say, God hates the sin, but we aren't the judges. God will ultimately judge them.
I was talking about Christianity because presumably 30cat is Christian and he was quoting Christian scripture. I’m not, although I once was, and I find it interesting in a philosophical sense.

Christian scripture? Try the word of God.
I just recently posted history didn't begin when I was born.
As we both do. But I wasn't around then to say it was a bad idea, and neither were you...I think.

You surely can pick and choose what you deem to be relevant
What? The reasons we did something then are not the reasons we do it today in this case. So no, it is not relevant to today's issues.

Much like one reason for the Electoral College was to placate slave states. I see liberals bring this up all the time. It's not relevant to a discussion today if we should keep, modify, or abolish the EC.
There's a wide gulf between being weird and actually diddling a kid.

So rubbing the little girl's nipple would just be weird? Taking showers with his daughter would just be considered weird?

The pedophile is sexually attracted to little girls. He wouldn't fondle them if he wasn't.
So rubbing the little girl's nipple would just be weird? Taking showers with his daughter would just be considered weird?
Almost as weird as repeating unverified claims from a "diary" sold by convicted criminals to another convicted criminal, who while he is known to be a liar by his actual criminal record wouldn't even go as far as to say it was real.

You cons love criminals even more than urban liberals.
The videos of his actions don't lie. You living in denial because you hate the thought of supporting a pedophile doesn't change things.

He's your messiah. You get what you vote for.
You're a liar. And idiot.