New bivalent booster worse than even I thought


Platinum Buffalo
May 29, 2001
As I've been warning about for nearly a year, antigenic imprinting will soon put the gigavaxed in a predicament. That, coupled with the selective evolutionary pressure caused by the vaccines has caused the virus to mutate to completely evade the neutralizing antibodies of the vaccinated. If a mutation occurs that becomes more virulent than omicron, the vaxxed could be facing disaster. Typically the course of the disease would be for the virus to become less virulent with time, but the manmade disaster known as the "vaccine" has given the virus a homogenized "defense" against the virus. Without neutralizing antibodies and with malfunctioning innate immunity, the virus could evolve to be more virulent. Humans have adapted to and defeated respiratory viruses for thousands of years because of a DIVERSE immune response. What will happen when 80% of the population's immune systems have been trained to mount a homogenized defense when facing the virus? The virus will select to evade that vulnerability in particular, as it's the path of least resistance.

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I have a slight headache and I was going to take a Tylenol, but you talked me out of it.
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I have a relative that has been multivaxed and she has gotten covid twice. On the other hand, her husband 1st contracted covid and was not vaxed and he has not caught covid either time from her.
My sister in law has gotten all 87 booster shots and has had the Rona multiple times. My wife had it once I never caught it
i've been covid free throughout. i attribute my avoidance of all sickness to excessive alcohol consumption. i haven't been sick since circus 2010, the first/last time i took a flu shot and, consequently, the only time in my life i've had the damn flue.
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We will all get the rona many many times over. There is no stopping it. Vaccine does not prevent transmission.

If you are old and still haven't had the 'rona (these folks are out there, though becoming less common) i'm fully fine with you continuing to get vax'd. If you're old and have comorbidities getting boosted seems reasonable to me though I don't push it in my patients.

The best thing you can do is get the weight off and try to hit 10,000 steps a day.

* this is not medical advice, it's just me shooting the shit on here.
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We will all get the rona many many times over. There is no stopping it. Vaccine does not prevent transmission.

If you are old and still haven't had the 'rona (these folks are out there, though becoming less common) i'm fully fine with you continuing to get vax'd. If you're old and have comorbidities getting boosted seems reasonable to me though I don't push it in my patients.

The best thing you can do is get the weight off and try to hit 10,000 steps a day.

* this is not medical advice, it's just me shooting the shit on here.
for those that are getting rona many many times over, you should consider my means of avoidance. i'll buy the first round.
I have a relative that has been multivaxed and she has gotten covid twice. On the other hand, her husband 1st contracted covid and was not vaxed and he has not caught covid either time from her.
natural immunity? ahhh there's no money in that.
I attribute this to you living in the middle of fvcking nowhere.
both my kids had it, one three times. nurse goodbody hasn't had it once, either, though . . . not sure how she avoided it working in the hospital. and, there's only room for one drunk in my house and i claimed that role 30 years ago. my parents have had, all of my friends have had it and i've been around them when they had it without knowing.

. . . i do have one buddy who swears i gave it to him when we was hanging out earlier this year. i had a semi-rough cold that lasted about 4 days at that time. maybe that was it.
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And apparently one doesn't catch it from fvcking goats.
that reads as though you need to tell the rest of yore story . . . on a beastiality website.

for real, though, this one time @mlblack16. and i was riding around the country roads and found a goat with its head stuck in a fence. i made him stop the car so i could get a charge of it. he was standing there watching, drool trickling down his chin, and says, "hey, give me a turn!" so, i stop and back up and he run over and shoved his head in the fence.
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both my kids had it, one three times. nurse goodbody hasn't had it once, either, though . . . not sure how she avoided it working in the hospital. and, there's only room for one drunk in my house and i claimed that role 30 years ago. my parents have had, all of my friends have had it and i've been around them when they had it without knowing.

. . . i do have one buddy who swears i gave it to him when we was hanging out earlier this year. i had a semi-rough cold that lasted about 4 days at that time. maybe that was it.
Remember when the city people were flocking to your neck of the woods to avoid the Rona?

Maybe there is something to this drinking theory...I only had it once, and last month at that. And it was very mild. Yet I have been exposed soooo many times. Booze and weed gummies for the win.
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We will all get the rona many many times over. There is no stopping it. Vaccine does not prevent transmission.

If you are old and still haven't had the 'rona (these folks are out there, though becoming less common) i'm fully fine with you continuing to get vax'd. If you're old and have comorbidities getting boosted seems reasonable to me though I don't push it in my patients.

The best thing you can do is get the weight off and try to hit 10,000 steps a day.

* this is not medical advice, it's just me shooting the shit on here.
With vax showing negative efficacy against infection, why would anyone get it? Say nothing of the laundry list of side-effects, known short term harms and potential long-term harms.

Check out this poor guy on twitter. He’s a known Covid maximizer. Talks about long Covid, promotes universal masks, testing, etc. He tweets a long thread today outlining how his immune system has been completely destroyed — and he thinks its from Covid infection! The cognitive dissonance is off the charts.