So what do you think when you hear someone with a southern or Appalachian accent?
Without a visual of them? My first few thoughts are usually uneducated, redneckish, Republican.
So what do you think when you hear someone with a southern or Appalachian accent?
There you go.Without a visual of them? My first few thoughts are usually uneducated, redneckish, Republican.
There you go.
Oh, you're hiring kids from the 'hood without a high school degree? Interesting. Let me know what positions and how many you are hiring
You think it is bigoted to claim that they have a slim chance of making it out? Tell me this - who do you put more money on going to college and/or earning a college degree:
Who do you think has a better chance? Is it bigoted to think that Tyler Whiteman has a better chance at success? Of course it isn't. It is based on having the resources to be successful. One of them does, one of them doesn't.
It is that they don't have that mentor to learn from nor the resources to make it happen.
Who says a kid with a poor upbringing has to be a doctor or lawyer in order to achieve an opportunity to "get out"?
Again, yes. Predetermining "success" based on one's upbringing, *cough* "resources" *cough*(especially in this conversation of WHERE the upbringing occurred) is bigoted (and racist).
I've known some "Tyler Whitemans" that turned into huge pieces of shit as adults, and I've known some "Jermain Blackmans" that worked their ass off, saved every dime from multiple part time jobs, started a business in their 30's and became wealthy. Another reality that your kind downplays as virtually impossible....but occurs despite the odds you present.
Again, again, again...until the person decides they want to make a change and decides to take a different route, mentors most likely wont be available. Once the decision is made to "get out", mentors are everywhere with their example. This is my belief and experience that the concept of a mentor can take on many forms. It simply doesn't have to be a one to one personal relationship in the beginning. Many of my earliest examples of success ("mentors") were found in autobiographies, biographies, business magazines, etc. As I stated in my first post, its the habits, thoughts, routines of successful individuals that are easily found, copied and begin the change of one's life down a different path. Libraries are free. The biggest "resource" to learning success?? Google. The profiles of individual success are at everyone's finger tips with a simple search. Not surprisingly, all of the underprivileged youth that have worked for me, seemed to have some level of access to mobile/internet.
That's quite a flip from your earlier stance in this thread where you stated that believing that white privilege exists is bullshit.
I am guessing most people got the point.I (and I am guessing everyone else) am missing your point.
This is about the most pointless discussion I have seen.
The fact is that racism is the division of people into "races" (which cannot be scientifically defined) and the defination of their rights or role in society by whatever "race" they fall into.
So lets take four people. One is born in all the bleeding heart poverty posted above. But is white. And yes, there are plenty of poor white people. In cities, and even more so in the forgotten rural parts of the country, like the places just south of Huntington. Heck, in Huntington. Another is born to a stable family with parents that have had the personal responsibility to not reproduce in the absense of a stable relationship, the responsibility to work, live in a diverse place in the mainstream culture, gone to a good school, etc. But is black. Do these people exist? Yes they do, and it is racism to believe otherwise. Three and four are the same as one and two, but with the colors reversed. A white person who had advantages and a black person who did not. And, before some racist brings it us, yes, a greater percentage of whites fall into catagory 3 than blacks who fall into catagory 2. This is irrelevent.
The silly idea of "white privilige" is person #3, the rich white liberal, telling person #1 to step aside, so he can feel better about himself by advantaging person #2, the rich black liberal. The life of person #4, the poor black person, is unchanged, as person #1 just gets screwed over. That is what limosine liberalism is all about. Racism.
Which is why racism is evil. If YOU are white (male, Protestant, whatever) and feel that YOU have something YOU (or your children) do not deserve, by all means, find whomever you think really deserves it and give it to them. Don't send YOUR kids to private school, don't apply for that promotion, don't join the country club, just throw cash out the window, whatever YOU want to do with YOUR money and your status in society.
And leave those of us who grew up in just as bad a situation as any other poor person, no matter their supposed "race" the hell out of your white guilt.
This is about the most pointless discussion I have seen.
The fact is that racism is the division of people into "races" (which cannot be scientifically defined) and the defination of their rights or role in society by whatever "race" they fall into.
So lets take four people. One is born in all the bleeding heart poverty posted above. But is white. And yes, there are plenty of poor white people. In cities, and even more so in the forgotten rural parts of the country, like the places just south of Huntington. Heck, in Huntington. Another is born to a stable family with parents that have had the personal responsibility to not reproduce in the absense of a stable relationship, the responsibility to work, live in a diverse place in the mainstream culture, gone to a good school, etc. But is black. Do these people exist? Yes they do, and it is racism to believe otherwise. Three and four are the same as one and two, but with the colors reversed. A white person who had advantages and a black person who did not. And, before some racist brings it us, yes, a greater percentage of whites fall into catagory 3 than blacks who fall into catagory 2. This is irrelevent.
The silly idea of "white privilige" is person #3, the rich white liberal, telling person #1 to step aside, so he can feel better about himself by advantaging person #2, the rich black liberal. The life of person #4, the poor black person, is unchanged, as person #1 just gets screwed over. That is what limosine liberalism is all about. Racism.
Which is why racism is evil. If YOU are white (male, Protestant, whatever) and feel that YOU have something YOU (or your children) do not deserve, by all means, find whomever you think really deserves it and give it to them. Don't send YOUR kids to private school, don't apply for that promotion, don't join the country club, just throw cash out the window, whatever YOU want to do with YOUR money and your status in society.
And leave those of us who grew up in just as bad a situation as any other poor person, no matter their supposed "race" the hell out of your white guilt.
Congratulations on skipping the "etc." part to try and prove a non-existent point which has never been in contention.
I know it is only the first of the month, but I am nominating this post as my entry for the dumbest post of May.
You claim that it is bigoted to say that a white male (two advantages in today's society) from a very successful and wealthy family with married parents (two huge advantages in today's society) who goes to a great, private school (big advantage) has a far opportunity to succeed than a black male (disadvantage in today's society) from a very poor, single-family house (two disadvantages in today's society) who goes to a very under-performing public school in a violent area (two disadvantages)?
Fvck May, that may be the dumbest post all of 2017! If the first child described doesn't have a much better chance at success, why would parents spend so much money trying to live in areas with public school? Spending tens of thousands for great private schools? Do you not think being white in society is a big advantage? Do you not think being male is a big advantage? Having all of those advantages over somebody who comes from the total opposite makes that person have a much better chance at success in life. Calling that "bigoted" makes me wonder if you went to a DC public school.
There are a lot of morons on this board, but you won't find a single one who will support your stance on this.
No shit. You're telling me that there are some kids from great backgrounds with all of the advantages in life who amount to nothing? Shocker!
No shit part II. You're telling me that there are some kids from awful backgrounds with a ton of disadvantages that find a way to be successful?
Nobody is claiming that there aren't a small minority in each of those groups who buck the trend. What statistics show is that people that have a bunch of disadvantages are far less likely to succeed than those with a ton of advantages; those disadvantages include being a racial minority, a gender minority, coming from areas with very bad schools, coming from economically disadvantaged areas, coming from a bad home life, coming from areas with a high crime rate . . . many of those things go hand-in-hand. Stating that blacks who fit multiple categories above aren't as likely to succeed as those who don't face disadvantages isn't bigotry or racism at all.
Again, congratulations on making what may possibly be the dumbest post of 2017.
Again, you're so out of touch with reality that it's shocking. I am going on a vacation tomorrow, so I will take the time to write my long post now using some of the examples you listed above to show just how far out of touch you are . . . and how institutional racism is the biggest factor against blacks today.
All of your "effort" to prove yourself right and I don't see a whole lot of people jumping to your defense here either. Maybe I am lucky I didn't have to grow up going to NY schools since the number of "likes" on a message board seems to justify ones position and intelligence on a topic in your world. LOL. You really are that shallow.
For someone who claims to know all the answers, you sure haven't offered up any suggestions for solutions. Typical of your kind.
Rifle, earlier you asked what I would think if I saw a white kid vs a black kid in an $80k car. Depends on the neighborhood. West End of Louisville, white or black that kid is a dope dealer. Period. East End? Spoiled brat. Period.
This board is overwhelmingly conservatives. That's why a bunch don't flock in agreement with liberal posts. Was that too difficult for you to understand?
But, if you want solutions, it's quite easy to start. Fund schools the same per pupil.
The problem with the statistics related to funding disparity is that they are school specific (which sounds exactly like what you want on the surface). However, in many districts, most school specific funding is exclusively salary and benefits of personnel. Materials and resources are generally district wide spending categories in the budget and not school specific.I have zero experience in school funding other than a reddit thread a few weeks ago about detroit. They pointed out that Detroit city schools are in the top 10th percentile for funding per pupil across the state of Michigan.
Sometimes it's not just a funding issue in some districts. I am personally familiar with one inner city school district that had semi-adequate funding (I think, not sure about overall funding), but the teachers just didn't care and they couldn't recruit teachers and unfortunately there was a lot of push back from the black teachers about bringing in teach for america or americorps additional fresh out college mostly white teachers to help. The funding needs to quit going to worthless bloated administrators and recruit better teachers (and pay them more) to work in these hell hole schools. I do think teachers working in at risk districts should make more as long as they're not just phoning it in. I have no clue how to go about the logistics of that.
You've yet to dispute the reality of any of my examples of commonly seen institutional racism in our society. I wonder why. Being able to identify and acknowledge the problem is much more than your kind is able to do.
This board is overwhelmingly conservatives. That's why a bunch don't flock in agreement with liberal posts. Was that too difficult for you to understand?
And another thing, I have seen the studies that say "black names" get passed over more than "white names" on resumes. I don't doubt that. But I wonder if white country names get passed over. Cletus, Eustice, Dencil (my late uncle's name, that's country AF lol), Dale, Ricky. I bet white snobs pass those over too for good jobs. Accounting? Eustice isn't getting called.
Frankly, there is no significant statistical correlation between spending and achievement. Increasing funding isn't a viable solution.
Reading comprehension eludes you. I clearly stated long before you started writing your boring whiteman and blackman thesis that I've been pointing to institutional racism every time the issue of race is discussed here for years. I've identified the problem with every post I make about the topic.
Its why I've also given you specific personal examples of how I am attempting to eradicate it with my actions....(beyond arrogantly "looking down from my office window").
Its easy to understand....Your assertion was, no one openly agreed with my posts, so that was "proof" that my opinion was a flawed reality. So, if this board is "full of conservatives", then why exactly would I need a committee running to hit the "like" button on my posts?? Its most likely a given (based on this recent post) that "my kind" would agree with me that simply throwing more money at a problem rooted in a bigoted mindset isn't really going to solve the prevailing problem of racism.
It is clear that someone hitting "likes" on a chat board feeds the egos of "let someone else do it" types such as yourself and allowing you to claim how much you "cared" about the problem. But as the last 40-50 years of War on Poverty has shown....narrow minded bureaucratic/political "fixes" of "just fund it more" typically produce poor returns on the investment.
Yes. I am a typical liberal. Type a lot of the same words over and over again. Talk about how much I care. Boast about my intelligence to make myself feel good. Do little to actually solve the problem but mock others who actually do the work to make a positive impact.
I might have you beat:3 of my Great Uncles from Southeastern KY.....Hansel, Vencil, and Cowboy.
I have a relative named Devil Anse. Guy hasn't been able to find work for like 96 years.I might have you beat:
Otho, Denver, and Shokey