Now this is pathetic

Nah, my money would be on rifle, fever wouldn't have the cardio or the quicks. The only shot fever would have is to try and take it to the ground, but wouldn't be strong enough to control it and would peter out in a minute or less.

Oh, fever, your woman is a solid 220. If that's what you like, fine, but embrace it. No need to lie about it.
Never under estimate the socio economic ladder when it comes to fighting. Plus what are the rules of engagement? That is why you don't see many great white fighters. Mexicans and Blacks. Is this a street fight or are there some rules?

Fever might be able to mess his hair up and get him all out of kilter. Rifle may talk about Fever's mother and get him all out of whack. Would rifle want to take a shot to the face? Probably doesn't want a scar or crooked nose.
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Fast food workers in NY will now be paid $15/hr as a minimum wage. This is PATHETIC to me, they want to cry about not being able to feed their families well know what get a better paying job
what a joke. against people bettering themselves.
I've got a $100 on Rifle.

Damn Fever, I am 44, have had a heart attack, and I bet I am stronger than you.
Im 55 and wouldnt worry about getting my ass whipped on here,,unless they fight fair.Takes a bigger man to walk away. Use to think that was something a chicken little woulod say but its true. I had to do something the other day I hated. Some punk kept under cutting me and pushing me in the back so I elbowed him in the mouth. That ended his assult,