Why would belief in God preclude one from donating their body? I am a Christian and would have zero issue donating my body for science.
Then, why do Christians oppose many forms of stem-cell research and in-vitro?
Why would belief in God preclude one from donating their body? I am a Christian and would have zero issue donating my body for science.
Then, why do Christians oppose many forms of stem-cell research and in-vitro?
You are confusing Catholics and Sunday Worshippers with Christians.
I got news for you. Sunday worshiping Christians are just as much Christian as Saturday worshiping Christians.
Then, why do Christians oppose many forms of stem-cell research and in-vitro?
You are confusing Catholics and Sunday Worshippers with Christians.
I got news for you
We arent the same. Our teachings dont come from Pagans and the Catholic Church
Our teachings don't come from the Old Law. That's the biggest difference.
Here is the copy-and-paste of what you said. Now, show the prominent celebrities who have said what you claimed:
"Apparently you haven't been on twitter/facebook... where a few prominent liberals (activist/celebrity not political) have made mention of the fact that pedophiles, like LGBTQ and he/she's or she/he's are just normal people."
Exactly cursed teachings
Hey, @Brushy Bill . You have posted plenty of times since I showed you the quote you denied. Now, are you going to support this outlandish claim or will you keep hiding like the coward that you are?
Your ways of living your pagan life is by Mans teachings not God.
Go scratch your jock itch blockhead.
So, are you saying you, as a Christian, support all forms of stem-cell and in-vitro?
Yep, exactly. You lied in your claim. When called out on it, you lied and said you didn’t say what I attributed to you. I posted the actual quote to prove you wrong you hid.
Weeks later, I asked you again about it. You ice again lied and claimed to have not made the statement. Now that I’ve posted it again, you won’t defend it.
You’re a coward and a liar . . . and a pretty stupid one at that.
Our teachings don't come from the Old Law. That's the biggest difference.
Ah, the old law. God's mulligan.
So god goes silent for 400 years after writing the old laws. Of course, according to religious folk, that's just a "blink of an eye" to the omniscient creator of the universe. So he's busy golfing or hanging out at strip clubs or whatever and is like "oh shit, those old laws aren't working, even though I can see the future and should have known better. I better write some new laws." So what's keeping him from writing even newer laws? If he can go 400 years between edits, why not 2000?
Have you had a CAT scan lately? CTE could explain your hostility and inability to understand simple concepts.
Just like the New Covenant will do what it's intended to do. And then...
the end of time and the judgement. You big brave boys are going to be shown to be cowards when you stand crying and begging for mercy, but mercy will have ended for you.
That has been threatened to humanity for hundreds upon hundreds of years. Still, nothing.
Now, at some point in the time humans inhabit this planet, there will be a huge catastrophe: ginormous meteor, plague, massive tsunami causing earthquakes, nukes, etc. Tens of millions of people (if not more) will be lost. At that point, your kind will claim it is your god coming back and having judgement day. But that is the ol' catch-22 with your kind. Common sense can predict those things to eventually happen.
Hawking said it best: "We are just an advanced breed of monkeys on a minor planet of a very average star. But we can understand the universe. That makes us something very special."
Then, explain your quot. There is no ambiguity in what you wrote. It is very clear. You should easily be able to show those multiple celebrities.
According to the National Weather Service there are on average 57 deaths and 300 injuries in the United States each year from lightning strikes.( I am aware this happened in Rwanda). And of course there are well-known precautions you can take to avoid getting hit by lightning.
So to your point. Here is what Jesus said about another situation in the bible.
When a catastrophe happens in our world, it is virtually certain that a question will come up: “Where was God?” People always seem to question how a good God could allow a terrible thing to happen.
The same question came up in Jesus’ time, as we see from an incident recorded in Luke’s Gospel:
There were some present at that very time who told him about the Galileans whose blood Pilate had mingled with their sacrifices. And he answered them, “Do you think that these Galileans were worse sinners than all the other Galileans, because they suffered in this way? No, I tell you; but unless you repent, you will all likewise perish. Or those eighteen on whom the tower in Siloam fell and killed them: do you think that they were worse offenders than all the others who lived in Jerusalem? No, I tell you; but unless you repent, you will all likewise perish.” (13:1–5)
Some people asked Jesus a question about an atrocity that had occurred at the hands of Pontius Pilate, the Roman governor of Judea. It seems that some people who were in the midst of worship were massacred by Pilate’s soldiers. The people who came to Jesus were troubled about this and asked Him how God could have allowed it to happen to His chosen people.
This is a question of why do bad things happen to good people. The reality is sometimes people, even good people, have bad things happen to them .To suggest that God killed them IMO is not based in any reality.These church goers were not picked out by God any more than any other person who is struck by lightening or killed in a car wreck.
So God was just asleep at the wheel during the Holocaust? Did God put Hitler in power? Some Christians believe God puts all men in power. Hell, the Holocaust only claimed about 13 million people.
What about the Black Plague? That wiped out between 100 and 200 million people. God is a pretty shitty God to sit by and not intervene when as many as 200 million people died, including innocent little children.
So God was just asleep at the wheel during the Holocaust? Did God put Hitler in power? Some Christians believe God puts all men in power. Hell, the Holocaust only claimed about 13 million people.
What about the Black Plague? That wiped out between 100 and 200 million people. God is a pretty shitty God to sit by and not intervene when as many as 200 million people died, including innocent little children.
Pfffft. That's nothing. Their god has condemned more than 90% of everyone who has EVER lived on earth to an eternity of hell. None of them can agree on anything. Look at greed and Fever arguing about whose interpretation of their mythology is the correct version. All they know is they are certain they are going to heaven, their version is the correct version and everyone else has it wrong and is damned to hell.
Yeah, and I could make a similar argument that God ain't doing it right because none of us will live 500 years, or somebody has a better job, or he didn't intervene and help my sports team win the big game. God never promised life would be fair, or easy. He promised that if you accepted his Son as savior and lived according to his gospel, you could escape hell and live eternally in Heaven.
A couple hundred million people dying, including children, is like our favorite sports team losing. Pfft.
Have you ever wondered why God doesn’t work “miracles” or “signs and wonders” in this day and age? Think about the technology that exists today. We now have the ability to communicate all around the world almost instantly. So if something miraculous did actually happen, practically the entire world would know about it in a very short period of time. No parting of the sea. No turning water into wine. No making a staff or rod become a serpent. No talking burning bushes. No three Hebrews dancing in a fire and surviving.
Maybe it's roid rage? Do they test the coaching staff?
Still running from your lie, coward?
Country you raise the question of Theodicy. It is a legitimate concern and to try to answer it in this forum will be a challenge. Hope this helps.So God was just asleep at the wheel during the Holocaust? Did God put Hitler in power? Some Christians believe God puts all men in power. Hell, the Holocaust only claimed about 13 million people.
What about the Black Plague? That wiped out between 100 and 200 million people. God is a pretty shitty God to sit by and not intervene when as many as 200 million people died, including innocent little children.
Country you raise the question of Theodicy. It is a legitimate concern and to try to answer it in this forum will be a challenge. Hope this helps.
But do evil and suffering really mean that God does not exist? On what basis is something deemed evil? If there is some moral standard you are basing your position on, if so then the problem of evil becomes an argument for not against the reality of God. After all, in order to call something good or evil, there must be an underlying standard of right and wrong.
Moral evil is explained by the fact that human beings commit evil against one another. People lie, cheat, steal, hurt, and more. This does not argue against Christianity, but instead proves the point that there is something very wrong with human nature as it now is.
What if God created a world where people could not choose? God could force everyone to stop before they were able to carry out evil behavior. But is such a world where freedom does not exist good?
Victor Frankl a Jewish Psychiatrist who spent 3 years in a Nazi concentration camp observed how people coped with the horrors of suffering and evil perpetrated upon them by the Germans. He reflected that the difference between those who endured and those who didn’t came down to meaning. To live for happiness means we are trying to get something out of life. However when suffering and evil occur then it takes away ones happiness or reason for living. He suggested that we live for meaning. We should try to give not take.
Philosopher William Alston gets at it this way: Suppose that some of the very best scientists in the world come up with a new theory about quantum physics. Suppose I, as a non-physicist, look at their theory and say, “Because I cannot figure it out, they must be wrong.” It’s possible they might be wrong, but I have no real basis for knowing.
Alston’s point is simply this: We are not in a position to assume that if an infinite God has reasons for allowing evil, then we as finite and fallible beings should be able to figure them out. And because we cannot assume this, any argument which does has not proved anything at all.
Romans 11:33 Oh the depth of the riches both of the wisdom and knowledge of God! How unsearchable are His judgments and His ways past finding out!
So God was just asleep at the wheel during the Holocaust? Did God put Hitler in power? Some Christians believe God puts all men in power. Hell, the Holocaust only claimed about 13 million people.
What about the Black Plague? That wiped out between 100 and 200 million people. God is a pretty shitty God to sit by and not intervene when as many as 200 million people died, including innocent little children.
FYI God has always brought destruction to those who live sinful lives and dont follow his commands.
Still hiding from my question, coward? Can you not find the answer on Google? Should you contact your preacher?
Please don't take offense to this, it is offered for debate purposes only and is not intended to criticize your faith. I offer it simply as my rationale for my beliefs. I don't feel the need to "attack" those who believe. I would like for us to live in a world where "non-believers" simply let the "believers" live according to their faith and not force it on someone else and vice versa. Very similar to the First Amendment, which reads in part "Congress shall pass no law respecting the establishment of religion, nor preventing the free exercise thereof..."
With all that said, I simply cannot believe in an "all knowing," "perfect" God creating beings whom he loves but allowing them to be wiped out on a massive scale by some plague. I certainly understand on a smaller scale, individuals die because of poor choices, stupidity, etc. Most things can be traced to man's choices. People choose to put corrupt leaders in charge, not God. I have studied the Bible and find many contradictions in it and many things that simply defy science. I believe in science and one cannot defy the laws of science. You can't make gravity on earth cease to exist.
Whats funny is it took some Africans to teach the Europeans about Hygiene and the plague quickly went away.
Yet today the Democratic Republic of Congo leads the world in cases of plague.
Fair enough, maybe we can talk about this or other issues more in the future.Please don't take offense to this, it is offered for debate purposes only and is not intended to criticize your faith. I offer it simply as my rationale for my beliefs. I don't feel the need to "attack" those who believe. I would like for us to live in a world where "non-believers" simply let the "believers" live according to their faith and not force it on someone else and vice versa. Very similar to the First Amendment, which reads in part "Congress shall pass no law respecting the establishment of religion, nor preventing the free exercise thereof..."
With all that said, I simply cannot believe in an "all knowing," "perfect" God creating beings whom he loves but allowing them to be wiped out on a massive scale by some plague. I certainly understand on a smaller scale, individuals die because of poor choices, stupidity, etc. Most things can be traced to man's choices. People choose to put corrupt leaders in charge, not God. I have studied the Bible and find many contradictions in it and many things that simply defy science. I believe in science and one cannot defy the laws of science. You can't make gravity on earth cease to exist.