ummm what question?
Read post #82 in this thread. Then, scroll down to see the same question I have asked of you multiple times.
I know you don't have to play stupid to look stupid, but you're not doing a good job acting with this one either.
ummm what question?
Yeah, New Testament is cursed according to you.
Where did I saw the New Testament is cursed?
But the bible does say anyone who doesnt keep God's command is cursed.
The NEW Testament tells you plainly that the Old Law has been fulfilled and is no longer in effect. Yet, you attempt to continue to follow it.
Gal 3:
10 For as many as are of the works of the law are under the curse: for it is written, Cursed is every one that continueth not in all things which are written in the book of the law to do them.
11 But that no man is justified by the law in the sight of God, it is evident: for, The just shall live by faith.
12 And the law is not of faith: but, The man that doeth them shall live in them.
13 Christ hath redeemed us from the curse of the law, being made a curse for us: for it is written, Cursed is every one that hangeth on a tree:
Damn........I guess that wasnt the answer you was expecting.
You brag about sexual immorality
You brag about money
You brag about status
You brag about materialistic crap
And you deny God.
You brag about sexual immorality
None of what you said has anything to do with the asinine comment you made. You support abortion and all forms of in-vitro and stem-cell. You're a fvcking heathen.
How can you call yourself a Christian? So, you support abortion because the doctor was given the intelligence on how to do it from your god. Even though the Bible is against it, you still support it.
Things that you think are bad; did your god also not give the person the intelligence to do those things regardless of some Satanic influence? I am sure you know how to kill somebody, does that mean you are allowed to do it because your god granted you that intelligence?
Do you see how stupid you sound? You aren't Christian by any means.
Says the guy who boasted (and lied) about how easy it was for him to fvck little blondes from WV when he was in school, boasted about buying a new (it was actually many years used) Cadillac with cash, and boast about your "much, much better and more prestigious" job working for Uber.
Jesus did not die in vain but 7 day Adventists believe he did. Koresh was with your church but like others in that sect they branched out. Especially the ones who want to have sex with multiple partners. So many red flags. Pray for all those people.The Old Law is Animal Sacrifice. Follow Gods Commands is eternal.
This is why I wished you was coming out here for the games. I would have invited you to have Bible Study with me on the Sabbath.
No verse in the Bible is against Abortion
Jesus did not die in vain but 7 day Adventists believe he did. Koresh was with your church but like others in that sect they branched out. Especially the ones who want to have sex with multiple partners. So many red flags. Pray for all those people.
Rifle you are talking out both sides of your mouth. Either answer fever gives you will jump on him.. Read about casting your pearls before the swine. Fever u might quit debating a man who has not had a heart transplant. Sometimes you turn them Over to God. Especially a man who mocks our Lord. .Rifle can't truly understand the spiritual side of anything..Paul warns of people like that. If rifle talked about Islam in the wrong place they would slit his throat. Don't take him so serious. He is trying to get a stir out of folks. Don't get mad at him like I have. Pray for him.
I think we need to agree to disagree Herd Fever. Ok
The Old Law is Animal Sacrifice. Follow Gods Commands is eternal.
This is why I wished you was coming out here for the games. I would have invited you to have Bible Study with me on the Sabbath.
Oh no, no, no. The Old Law is the Old Law. All of it. If you don't keep ALL of it, you've broken the Law. You cannot keep all of the Old Law, nor could anyone else. Only Jesus could keep the Old Law in it's entirety, and he did. There is nothing in the Old Law that must be followed. We live under the New Testament, written in the blood of Jesus. God said "This is my beloved Son, in whom I am well pleased; hear ye him." He did not say hear ye Moses or hear ye Elias.
No one, any where, including your bible study, has any New Testament scripture that says keep the Old Law.
well there are plenty of verses. Here is one. Really Fever I can't believe you think that abortion on demand is okay.No verse in the Bible is against Abortion
And trump has done all of those except kill (as far as we know).
I'll repeat, there are zero versus in the New Testament that say people under the New Covenant should keep the Old Law.
Did you even read the verses? Those are all New Testament verses
What does Jesus say about those who keep the will of his father? SMH
The will of the Father is for us to believe on his son. You have no access to God except through and by Jesus Christ. The law is DONE. Finished. Ended. It is without power.
Actually according to Rev. 22:17 You have no access without the water of Life from the Spirit and the Bride.
And the Will of the Father is found all throughout the Old Testament, but you only accept half the Bible so I guess you only expect half of Salvation which is none at all.
The ONLY access to God is Jesus. Period. There are no additives. Jesus, and Jesus ONLY.
The Old Law is done. Finished. Ended. Outdated. It was made of no effect by Jesus.
Gal 5: 4 Christ is become of no effect unto you, whosoever of you are justified by the law; ye are fallen from grace.
Solid retort.Agree to Disagree about something you a truly wrong about?
A couple hundred million people dying, including children, is like our favorite sports team losing. Pfft.
Have you ever wondered why God doesn’t work “miracles” or “signs and wonders” in this day and age? Think about the technology that exists today. We now have the ability to communicate all around the world almost instantly. So if something miraculous did actually happen, practically the entire world would know about it in a very short period of time. No parting of the sea. No turning water into wine. No making a staff or rod become a serpent. No talking burning bushes. No three Hebrews dancing in a fire and surviving.
Rifle makes a remark about your wife in 3..2..1..So many in here only care about the body.
Not only that, but their god's healing power is only on the unseen. Never has their god restored a severed arm or leg. It's always the mysterious illnesses. A woman's breast cancer is in remission: "Praise Jesus!" Couldn't have been the chemo, radiation and medicines . . .
But try losing your thumb and see if god grows it back for you. You're sh!t out of luck. Why can't god heal that?