OK, here goes.
- I wish we were not playing WVU.
- In WV, actual WVU alumni have been reasonably nice about the whole thing. Actual WVU alumni know what WVU is and, while they certainly are, and should be, rooting for their alma mater, have always been more than a little put off by not only the "billy bobs from the hollers" but the ignorant spew that comes from the WVU hype machine that fuels the Billy Bob culture Not just recently, but for a long time, I have had more than one actual WVU alumni pine for something more realistic and adult. Being told that some no-star turned down Alabama and Notre Dame and sitting next to people that actually believe that has to be hard on college educated people.
- What you are seeing in SD is a function of the fact that the game is in SD. If it were in Pittsburgh or Charlotte, or even Detroit, it would be different. Billy Bob from the holler is home in his trailer.
- The non-alumni, most often of any school, including high school, are mostly being what they have always been. To really buy into that program requires either a near total suspension of disbelief, or a level of intellect as to not get that what the lap dog media says is just crazy. Or being 12. I have seen some good non-alumni WVU fans, and some bad, same as always. Actually several fairly nice comments.
- Huggins is a drunk and a walking heart attack. He is a classic journeyman coach. There is a reason his gimmick game plans run out of steam when he gets against the blue chip players.
- Gee is a racist and a religious bigot and an embarrassment to the state. Justice should have fired him on day one. It says a lot about WVU and what it perceives as its mission (which, news flash, is NOT ABOUT YOU if you live in WV) that this person is employed there.
- WVU uses sports to make non-alumni think of it as "us" and not question why it is the largest black hole in the state budget. Imagine if WV had a college that did for it what a state university is supposed to do. WVU is a big reason we are 50th. As long as the first sentence of this paragraph is true, and it is and has been for many generations, what is good for WVU is bad for WV and v-v.