Quiz: what does the way you speak say about where you're from?

Well I got........Chattanooga, Greensboro & Winston-Salem....for whatever that means!
But if they had "other" on some of the's hard to say what I may have gotten.....and by the way I live in WV but was born in KY.
Most similar: Indianapolis, Fresno, Bakersfield
Least similar: Houston, Baton Rouge, New Orleans
Lexington, Knoxville & Chattanooga.....interesting as I have relatives in or near each city, was born in WV, raised in OH from kindergarten thru 7th grade, and have lived in Tidewater VA since 1988.
Posted from Rivals Mobile
Louisville, Lexington and Wichita. Never been to Wichita, so don't know how they sound, but lived in Louisville for 12 years and have spent a fair amount of time in Lexington, so I would say it was accurate for me.
They should talk about volume. Folks from up North, like New York, are loud. Maybe they don't hear well or something.

I took the test and got Lexington, Louisville, and Tulsa, Oklahoma.
Lexington, Louisville and Springfield, Missouri. Eastern Kentucky looks the darkest red. No wonder I enjoy Berea so much. This thing did pretty well considering they're not even evaluating the amount of hickness in the voice.
Originally posted by murox:
I got Baltimore, DC, Arlington. Relatively close, I guess.
I can only imagine the pride this brought. Does it cause any problems being in Huntington or are there enough of the upper crust down there to keep you away from all us Wal Marters?

If I was rich, I'd have to get the hell out of Huntington. Hell, I had to get out just to keep from being poor.

This post was edited on 1/3 5:24 PM by Walden Pond
Originally posted by Walden Pond:
Lexington, Louisville and Springfield, Missouri. Eastern Kentucky looks the darkest red. No wonder I enjoy Berea so much. This thing did pretty well considering they're not even evaluating the amount of hickness in the voice.
That is pretty fitting for you Walden. You would like that part of Missouri as well. Ozark Mtns, very rural. Probably could go drive over and catch a show at Branson.
Springfield is where the Bass Pro headquarters are. Wonder if it's any better than the Bass Pro down in Cincy. The Cincy one's got a huge tank full of lunkers. Huge largemouth, stripers and crappie. I'd like to go down there dressed up like Bill Dance and ask what they're bitin' on.
Lexington, Greensboro, Asheville. Substitute knoxville for Greensboro and mine would be about as spot- on add you could get.
Posted from Rivals Mobile