There's nothing wrong with motivational speaking. Just don't call it the gospel of Jesus Christ. When I quoted Christ with the "manifold more in this present time", he wasn't talking about material wealth. So no, that does not contradict what Thunder had to say. If you're going to disregard the Bible, then history itself will show you that many Christians are not wealthy. And no, it's not because they failed to "claim" their rightful riches. It does not surprise me that you side with those that teach wealth in this life, while claiming the religious teachings he might mention occasionally are total bunk. I'll sum up the situation of people like you, something you'll probably never hear from Osteen:
Joel Osteen approximate net worth....50 million.
"Rich measures the state of a man's wallet."
"12 ultra rich dudes."
23 Then said Jesus unto his disciples, Verily I say unto you, That a rich man shall hardly enter into the kingdom of heaven.
24 And again I say unto you, It is easier for a camel to go through the eye of a needle, than for a rich man to enter into the kingdom of God.
Joel Osteen approximate net worth....50 million.
I don't stand in judgement of rich people, God does.
Yet I can listen to him talk without screaming "SNOB" at the TV and scowling the whole time.
With a TV lineup full of vitriolic garbage, he's a very refreshing change of pace.
There you go again with your self righteousness GREED. You've also proven you can repost a couple lines out of a weeks worth of conversation that fails to contradict anything I've ever said on the topic. Paul wasn't poor. Fisherman of that era were not poor. Tax collecting (Mathew) was not a poor endeavor (a govt job you would be proud of). You were either truly poor or rich in those times.
As I read this new verse you've shared, I don't see Jesus saying that a rich man "CANT" get into heaven. In fact when thinking about the context of the discussion Jesus was having and reading verse 23 as it actually written......"How hard it is for them that TRUST in riches to enter the kingdom?" TRUST being the key word here. "Trust in riches"....meaning the worshipping of them. Just because someone is financially rich doesn't mean they "worship" the money they have attained. Nothing Jesus says here condemns all riches or wealth.
In fact, according to the Bible, Jesus also said:
If ye shall ask anything of the father, he will give it to you in my name. Hitherto have ye asked nothing in my name; ask, and ye shall receive, that your joy shall be made full.
The hungry he hath filled with good things
All things whatsoever ye pray and ask for, believe that ye receive them and ye shall have them
Nothing shall be impossible unto you
Ask and it shall be given you; seek and ye shall find; knock and it shall be opened unto you. For every one that asketh, receiveth; and he that seeketh, findeth; and to him that knocketh it shall be opened.
If ye abide in me and my words abide in you , ye shall ask what ye will, and it shall be done unto you.
If ye shall ask anything in my name I will do it
It sounds like Joel Osteen has been asking the right questions, seeking the right answers, and receiving what he asked Jesus apparently commanded. Again, whether he has 50 million is unimportant to me. It doesn't impact me one way or another.......Mr. Greed.
How is he mocking it? How should he revise his sermons to stop mocking it?
Easy enough. That's not even what he says.
Well, that seals it. Osteen is not mocking the gospel of Jesus Christ.
Watching you guys argue over false prophets is hilarious.....pure comedy
You're another that doesn't know anything about the Bible. Carry on
It is what he teaches.
Are you serious???? I was raised in a strong Seventh Day Adventist home one of the last Christian sects who still practices the true Sabbath. But continue, you sunday worshipping mouth breather. This thread is hilarious to watch
That's not what I get from it. The overall message I get is you do God's will and you'll be blessed. He does not guarantee free Cadillacs and diamond rings.
People who pretend to want that stuff don't even know what they really want. You can't be helped if you don't have a real goal. A free Cadillac and a diamond ring just handed to you is not a goal in life.
I. If all fishermen were rich, why were they working on their boats instead of hiring someone to do the heavy lifting? And if the "12 ultra rich dudes who wanted to control that part of the world" actually wanted to do that, why would they leave their riches and follow Jesus. You got to have money to back the revolt, right? . As for your italicized quotes, that's the reason all of the apostles and disciples from that time to this day have been rich, lived several hundred years, never had any health problems, and is why we have world peace. The apostles and all of the followers of Jesus just never got around to asking for all those things. Well, shucks. If we'd only known. Lastly, "It sounds like Joel Osteen has been asking the right questions, seeking the right answers, and receiving what he asked for". Yep, he's been asking for 50 million, and because of his positive attitude, God rewarded him with it. It's that easy. Maybe you should try it.
Donald Trump, Carl Icahn, Warren Buffett are all multi billionaires..........Why do they go into the office everyday and work 14-15 hours???
If those guys were fishermen, they wouldn't be doing the fishing.
Who says you have to "revolt" to rule the world. Wasn't Christ's message about changing the world forever from its current condition??? Someone had to be in charge of it. Why not 12 rich dudes who were promised eternal life??? Why do you choose to be an average nobody? Because you believe the Bible tells you to be in order for the same reward....right?
He could have chosen 12 ultra rich dudes, but he didn't. I see you're trying to tie riches to salvation. You can't help it can you?
So now you downplay the italicized quotes of Jesus, I found in your Bible?? You mock the word of God as it is written throughout the books of Matthew, Mark, Luke and John?? Its not a surprise.
I'm not mocking the quotes, I'm mocking your lack of understanding of them.
They contradicted your ignorant dogmas.
No, they didn't. You would love for them to do so, but they don't.
You are more than willing to quote verses of the bible until shown others which alter your misguided premises.
No, they didn't.
You are a hypocrite. Its why these types of discussions are fun to watch and participate in. You end up continuing to show us what you really are. A jealous, envious, snarky, "Christian", who cant seem to get his mind off another man's money.
No, these discussions show you how much you don't understand. You attempt to lie your way through them.
.How do you know I haven't been asking and receiving what I want??
I know, because at present time you don't have faith, and without faith it's impossible to please God, and so he's not rewarding you for your unbelief.
The difference between me and you appears to be I'm just not ignorant........
You are about the Bible.
or lazy enough to assert a money angel will come down from heaven and easily provide everything I want instantly without effort and challenge (neither does Osteen despite your lying efforts).
Jesus didn't promise riches to anyone under any circumstance, even with effort and challenge.
I actually understand that abundance isn't simply tied to an amount of $$$. You continue to show you're not smart enough to understand that very simple wealth principle. Evidently the "self help" cult couldn't teach it to you either.
I understand enough to know that you are more than happy to tie riches and wealth to righteousness. The only wealth, abundance, riches, ever promised by Jesus was in the form of such things as salvation, peace, hope, and such things.
I'm sure God cares about which day someone attends worship service. If I attend worship service during a 7 day revival, would that make me a monday tuesday wednesday thursday friday sunday worshipping mouth breather?
It is your due season. How are you enjoying it?
These days, I'm into a lot of baseball. Fascinated with the numbers aspect of it. I've always been a numbers guy. Numbers, rules, games. That's what I'm all about.
I go out and hit 45 baseballs an evening. Then, I come home and watch the Reds game or whatever else is on. When that bores me, I get in the car and cruise around listening to old country music or some baseball organ music I got on a CD now.
This is all stuff I could have done years ago with much less money and aggravation, if I had only known it was my due season.
It's not my due season, my due season comes after this life. Yours too.
Its a damn commandment you idiot to respect the Sabbath day and keep it holy. The Sabbath is the 7th day and the 7th day of the week is Saturday. Do you even read the bible mouth breather
I'd like to believe that, but I can't. Doesn't make sense to me. What makes sense is that many people have to believe that because they are miserable in this life.
There's no need to be miserable now. We've got what we need, especially here in America. Just think, we've all got it made so much that we're really just arguing about how to celebrate our fortunes.
" If I attend worship service during a 7 day revival, would that make me a monday tuesday wednesday thursday friday sunday worshipping mouth breather?"
And there's the due season.
The worlds calendar was always Sunday to Saturday similar to the calendar used in the United States today. That is why sunday is called Sunday because its the Day the Sun was rose out of darkness. And Saturday is the day God sat after 6 days of labor. Constantine changed the week to Monday being the first day of the week and sunday being the last(most of the world goes by this calendar)
Osteen is making material claims to people who are already Christians.
So all he has to do is remove any mention of material goods from his sermons?
Worshiping on Wednesday is worshiping. What day of the week is irrelevant. You want to worship on Saturday, fine with me.
as children of God, we are overcomers and more than conquerors and God intends for each of us to experience the abundant life He has in store for us.
Do you respect the Sabbath day or not??
This seems to be his main point of focus. It made the list though so it should be good as long as he deletes the specifics about the big houses.
I'll admit I have to kind of ignore the big house stuff or dismiss it as symbolism. I could go out and buy a big house if I wanted. Not interested in it though.
What are these "big houses" you're talking about?
For those in Wayne Co. that would mean a double wide with the wheels left on.