I have also read many books over the years on a variety of different beliefs. I enjoy challenging my faith because I think (1) it is a worthy pursuit, and (2) it makes it stronger - the same goes for debates like this. Admittedly, most of my reading/research has more to do with science and how it intersects and compares/contrasts with faith, as opposed to prosperity gospel.
That being said, I have never read any of Ponder's books. I am, however, generally familiar with her "works" and the teachings of those that have followed her. Do you deny she is a proponent of the "prosperity gospel"? Do you deny that Ponder is in a clear minority of "scholars" or ministers that view Christ and his disciples as "wealthy"?
Like I said, she was merely a precursor/contemporary of Oral Roberts, Joel Osteen, Kenneth Copeland, and Creflo Dollar. They all preach a doctrine that, on it's very face, is contrary to the Bible. It is a doctrine that focuses on man using God for material gain, as opposed to God using man to further His Kingdom. This is a false and contrary to everything the scriptures teach. Adherents to this belief system take several verses - ahem, John 10:10, ahem - and twist them to fit their selfish desires. The "abundance of life" referred to in this verse coincides with the parable of the sheep, the gate, and shepherd, and refers to knowing Christ, not material gain.
In short, you and I are obviously not going to agree on this issue, but to suggest I'm a mindless follower who is being intellectually dishonest in my views is incorrect.