Reni, Ukraine is now under attack.

i am herdman

Platinum Buffalo
Gold Member
Mar 5, 2006
Reni, is the furthest "port city" west in Ukraine and sits on the Romanian border. Russia has started drone attacks and perhaps missile attacks as well. It is a port city that has grain warehouses and export terminal that sits on the Danube River with river port access to the Black Sea.

The Russians are clearly focussed on the South and the port cities. It they take Odessa and Reni, the entier southern port access and water shipment access to Ukraine will be shut off from import and export. The Russians are going by a text book method and taking the access to the sea which would stop food shipments and other imports from entering through the South.

The Ukrainians better step up their Summer Offensive or the the southern region of their country is gone.

My estimated guess, in usual fashion, our government and press, are not telling the truth about the situtation in Ukraine. They could be in a deep world of hurt.
Hey guys Ukraine is winning. Odesa and Reni to the west are now under attack.

Their only hope would be to flank the Russians to the north and work south behind them to cut off their supply lines. Then launch an offensive concentrated on the southwest to drive them back. Problem is they don’t have the manpower for a two front initiative, but it might force the Russians to turn and fight back to the East for a while.
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Their only hope would be to flank the Russians to the north and work south behind them to cut off their supply lines. Then launch an offensive concentrated on the southwest to drive them back. Problem is they don’t have the manpower for a two front initiative, but it might force the Russians to turn and fight back to the East for a while.
They are trying to split the Russian lines down the middle so to speak.

There is only one entity capable of doing that and that is called the US Army.

That being said, the only real solution is a negotiated settlement.
Extra just wants it to keep going until all the Ukrainian people are dead. He cares about them.
OATH BREAKER turning his back on people fighting to remain free of Russian control. Anyone surprised an oath breaker would do that?
My oath is not to to Ukraine. Our govt helped embattle them in a proxy war not of their choosing.

I am just stating reality. This war is not ending for a long time and Ukraine in all likelihood will never have the ability to expel Russia completely from the territory while the lambraines in DC use the people of Ukraine as a pawn. Furthermore, escalation of a wider conflict is not worth the risk to us at the moment.
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OATH BREAKER turning his back on people fighting to remain free of Russian control. Anyone surprised an oath breaker would do that?
At least be honest with yourself and get outside of your bubble of a 3 mile circle. We ain't conducting a proxy war over FREEDOM or freedom fighters. You are such a moron like a lot of America.
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Pick up a weapon and head on over there. Matter of fact, I probably know some people that could sign you up and you can go show the Russians. Do you want me to get you the info? You can put your money where your mouth is and go fight some Russians.
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At least be honest with yourself and get outside of your bubble of a 3 mile circle. We ain't conducting a proxy war over FREEDOM or freedom fighters. You are such a moron like a lot of America.
^^^OATH BREAKER turning his back on people fighting to remain free of Russian control. Anyone surprised an oath breaker would do that?
Pick up a weapon and head on over there. Matter of fact, I probably know some people that could sign you up and you can go show the Russians. Do you want me to get you the info? You can put your money where your mouth is and go fight some Russians.
^^^OATH BREAKER turning his back on people fighting to remain free of Russian control. Anyone surprised an oath breaker would do that?