Sec of Defense just testified military is not woke

i am herdman

Platinum Buffalo
Gold Member
Mar 5, 2006
Then this come out a few days later.

This should help us defending against China or Russia or whoever.


Saw this on the news this morning. You place military leaders in charge due to race, gender, of level of queerness, you're putting troops at peril. Fighting wars isn't a game.
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Saw this on the news this morning. You place military leaders in charge due to race, gender, of level of queerness, you're putting troops at peril. Fighting wars isn't a game.
_________Secretary of Snotlicking
How the hell are transgender going to win battles?

Can you imagine this shit during ww2? Ok before Normandy invasion let's talk about equity in communities.

Libs want to destroy America.
How the hell are transgender going to win battles?

Can you imagine this shit during ww2? Ok before Normandy invasion let's talk about equity in communities.

Libs want to destroy America.
Yep. First thing the lying idiot trumptard oath breaker wants to know is if the person pointing a gun at him is transgender. Tran bullets won't kill you. 🙄
Ya know, you have used that worn out attempt at being cute for over a year now. But, I don't think you realized that I was not joking when I said that I bottomed out in your daughter.
Your wife ever stop dating other men??
The deal here is the Sec of Defense just told a Senate panel this woke stuff was not true and here wwe are. They waste time with this crap.
Stop thr bull shit. The American military should be a fighting force. Period.

Mush and his cronies are worthless
I keep seeing that the Ignored Member, Major Cuck, keeps commenting on a thread about the military. Can anyone summarize his posts that doesn’t have him blocked?

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