Should ESPNs new slogan be....


Silver Buffalo
Aug 17, 2012
College Football was laid to rest here?

They have ruined what once was a great end of the year right. All on how can we manipulate the market and make more money.

I am sick of Herbie and the same rhetoric based on, do we have a fiduciary link to the conference? Yes, then promote it, NO, never mention it.

It's really sad, but ESPN and yes the NCAA have taken a sport, manipulated it and ruined it.

NFL ratings are down by 20% , yet they can't figure out why "they say". I'll be curious to see how much college football ratings are down in the 16-17 season.

You play your games on Saturday but you move your National Championship to Monday of all days? I was asleep by half.
Past your bedtime Greenhouse? You missed a great game despite ESPN, NCAA, NFL, MLB, NHL, and any other group. Wake up!
Green is right guys. ESPN has purchased so many bowls and just, I don't know the right word for it; All I know is people are making a ton of money of college football. But at the same time, this is the beauty of capitalism and depending on how you feel about it exploitation. I'm a hypocrite in my own right because if that were the Herd in a big time bowl game, I would be watching if I could not attend. Herbstiet for!
It was a great game.

The point is, in earlier, better times, this would have been the January First Sugar Bowl and been just as good.

You can have bowls or playoffs, but not really both. In a few years, they will go to 8, then 12, then who knows. The greatest and most meaningful regular season in all of sports will be destroyed, and if there are any bowls at all, they will be Christmas week filler on ESPN with no meaning. The NIT of football.

And, no matter how many teams they go to, the G5 will get one token slot.
What a pile of crap. That was one of the greatest games of all time even qith a sorry 4 team playoff. Football fans. True football lovers appreciated last nights game. Quess herd football has some lowing their standards
CFB games were played on Tue, Wed,
Or just don't watch it at all. That's a pretty good decision too, result is the same at 5:15am as it is at 12:30am

That's the equivalent of watching your wife carry your child for 9 months only to miss the birth because you're in the break room. Suck it up for one day
CFB games were played on Tue, Wed,

That's the equivalent of watching your wife carry your child for 9 months only to miss the birth because you're in the break room. Suck it up for one day

Is it? Because one is a football game...
Funny thing - if we were actually on ESPN more than once in a blue moon , no one on here would be complaining about anything ESPN related. Consider that.
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Funny thing - if we were actually on ESPN more than once in a blue moon , no one on here would be complaining about anything ESPN related. Consider that.

I would be.

Things ESPN has done in the name of profit:

Started a bunch of BS bowls that they also own. Then for fun, they pay out so little, and require participating schools to buy so many tickets, that they are pay for play. These bowls feature all non P5 teams, the ones who can least afford it.

They were the driving force behind realignment which savaged the tradition of regional rivalries. I still can't believe the Pitt AD made the mistake of discussing that ESPN was involved in advising them on their move to the ACC.

ESPN created the P5 and G5 monikers, effectively cementing the division of the FBS in the mind of the consumer.

The intentional ignoring of any team, in any conference, that they do not have the primary broadcast rights for. After CUSA left the ESPN family, they didn't even run the conference scores in the ticker.

I have more, but you get the point.
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I would be.

Things ESPN has done in the name of profit:

Started a bunch of BS bowls that they also own. Then for fun, they pay out so little, and require participating schools to buy so many tickets, that they are pay for play. These bowls feature all non P5 teams, the ones who can least afford it.

They were the driving force behind realignment which savaged the tradition of regional rivalries. I still can't believe the Pitt AD made the mistake of discussing that ESPN was involved in advising them on their move to the ACC.

ESPN created the P5 and G5 monikers, effectively cementing the division of the FBS in the mind of the consumer.

The intentional ignoring of any team, in any conference, that they do not have the primary broadcast rights for. After CUSA left the ESPN family, they didn't even run the conference scores in the ticker.

I have more, but you get the point.
The ruination of college football resided in South Bend, Indiana. Only Notre Dame has its own TV contract, can play anyone they want all over the country, and do not have to play for a conference title. But just to make it look honest, it does play 5 Asheshe games. One of these days, the Blue Bloods on Tobacco Road will get tired of the ND BS and do what the Providence Mafia would not do when they were in the Big Least....shit or get off the pot.
Sorry the analogy of waiting months for a great moment went completely over your head

No, it didn't go over my head because one is still just a football game Einstein. A football game in which two teams that I'm not a fan of are playing. I'd rather sleep and fulfill my job duties effectively the following day.