Should we all be armed?


Platinum Buffalo
Aug 17, 2011
Brewpub w/coeds
I've been debating on whether to go out and purchase more guns, but I figure it all to be a waste of money. There's bunches of the rag heads situated over in the Northern suburbs of Detroit, but I'm not sure if they would waste their time on a bunch of white guys and soccer moms that live over here on the West side of the state. I figure the race war will continue to heat up as well.

I'm just torn on whether to spend hard earned money to get myself better armed, or simply let death come to me when it's time to go. With the PC gang on the negro side, I figure I would end up going to prison if I happened to shoot Rufus before he had a chance to blast me in the head. Death has to be better than prison.
Guns are like toilet paper, better to have it and not need it then need it and not have it. I carry everywhere. Another cliché is I'd rather be judged by 12 than carried by 6. Raoul's got it right. Find a plot in the sticks to call your own and hunker down like that couple from Tremors.
The thing about the sticks is if you're not from there, you're a foreigner. I mean from almost exactly where this plot is. Every holler is like its own country. If other people around there don't recognize you, it's just as dangerous as driving through the ghetto wearing a sheet.
Every holler is like its own country. If other people around there don't recognize you, it's just as dangerous as driving through the ghetto wearing a sheet.

You ain't lying there. I could move back to a few of the hollers around Fayetteville, but I still probably would be viewed as an outsider. Haven't lived there for 3 decades now, so the new generation probably wouldn't take too kindly to it. I would have to prove my redneck all over again. I'm too old to go through that again. Plus, it's too close to where some of the family still lives, along with some creatures I went to school with. That's about the last place I would want to go back to living. I would have to somehow go back to being dirt poor, which would include pulling out the old clothes from the 70's, and buying a used 1974 Dodge Dart. Still, they would expect handouts from the new guy in the holler. They don't get them, then they'll rob you. Some of the holler folk are probably more dangerous than the gang from the ghetto. I'll just take my chances here.
I've been debating on whether to go out and purchase more guns, but I figure it all to be a waste of money. There's bunches of the rag heads situated over in the Northern suburbs of Detroit, but I'm not sure if they would waste their time on a bunch of white guys and soccer moms that live over here on the West side of the state. I figure the race war will continue to heat up as well.

I'm just torn on whether to spend hard earned money to get myself better armed, or simply let death come to me when it's time to go. With the PC gang on the negro side, I figure I would end up going to prison if I happened to shoot Rufus before he had a chance to blast me in the head. Death has to be better than prison.

Yes, I suggest it. Social uproar is coming. You might as well protect yourself and property and take a few of them out with you. At some point the events you saw in Baltimore will spill over to the burbs and crackerville. Don't tolerate that shit for one minute, is my motto. You step on my property with intent to burn stuff down or loot, I am going to snipe your ass. That will stop it.

If I lived near a bunch of ragheads, I would certainly be ready.
Guns are like toilet paper, better to have it and not need it then need it and not have it. I carry everywhere. Another cliché is I'd rather be judged by 12 than carried by 6. Raoul's got it right. Find a plot in the sticks to call your own and hunker down like that couple from Tremors.

I agree.
At some point the events you saw in Baltimore will spill over to the burbs and crackerville.

I don't think it will. I don't even think the libs will allow this. Too close for comfort for them. Remember, this whole thing is just a ruse. Big money runs the show. Big money neighborhoods have cops that hassle anybody with the rims and rap music blaring, etc. Run 'em off.

The welfare checks, Section 8 housing, stories of how you can't get out, etc. are designed to keep it all contained in a designated war zone.
If you are considering a new purchase I would recommend checking into the new MK47 from CMMG. It is basically a cross between an AK and an AR. I saw it and played with it at this years NRA convention in Nashville.

I am saving up to purchase this gun myself.

It is basically an AR that shoots the .762 ammo. Also takes standard AK mags.

Also, if you guys do not go to the NRA convention you are truly missing out. Next year it is in Louisville and it is FREE for anyone who is an NRA member. I don't go to the seminars or anything, I just go and play with the thousands of guns they have sitting out.
I have always fit in to new places in the sticks. I guess it is the farmer in my genes.

No way this was up the hollers. Probably around other rich people or something.

There is no way you could bring what you say on here into a place like where I came from or anywhere like it and not be considered a snooty outsider not to be trusted.

Probably as soon as they heard you talk, it would be over. "Sounds like them newspeople on TV. Probably from New York."

If not for the luck of being able to do well in school based on a curse, I'd still be like that myself. I'm way more trusting and accepting of city folks now than I was before I went to college. Thought they were all a bunch of snobs who wanted to run my life.
Does living on a mountaintop compare to living up a holler?

No. A holler is down in the hills. Not on top perched above the rest. I'm talking about places like the trailers down by the creek where the sun shines for 10 minutes a day.
Based on Herd Fever's words, it appears the blacks, or should I say those proud to be blacks...those guys are going to team up with ISIS and try to kill us all. I'm going to hunker down with a few high powered rifles with plenty of ammo, and take head shots. Shoot, and ask questions later.

Defend the turf.
The hollers I know don't take too kindly to strangers. I remember how it was. These snobs would somehow find their way up the holler in a car trying to win souls or something. They would talk with all these big words and sounded like Tim Irr. We would try to hurry them along, then laugh at them and roll our eyes after they left.

Did not want them around. Didn't like it if cops ever came around to ask questions about other people (the neighbor man they shot for selling drugs).

The real hicks, you don't just show up and introduce yourself. Doesn't work that way. You're either family, maybe a longtime friend from school or something (unlikely) or you're a snob trying to sell New York magazines.
The hollers I know don't take too kindly to strangers. I remember how it was. These snobs would somehow find their way up the holler in a car trying to win souls or something. They would talk with all these big words and sounded like Tim Irr. We would try to hurry them along, then laugh at them and roll our eyes after they left.

Did not want them around. Didn't like it if cops ever came around to ask questions about other people (the neighbor man they shot for selling drugs).

The real hicks, you don't just show up and introduce yourself. Doesn't work that way. You're either family, maybe a longtime friend from school or something (unlikely) or you're a snob trying to sell New York magazines.
I have a Kentucky accent.

Louisville might as well be New York to a hick. I'd rather sound like Tim Irr. Hicks really sound dumb. Most of the ones I used to know were pretty stupid. Anybody who had sense tried not to sound like one as best they could and got out of town.
Back to the original question....statistics show that owning a gun greatly increases your chance of dying by homicide, suicide, or accident. There will never be a gun in my house. They do a poor job of protecting you.

Are they including all the gangbangers in Chicago, Detroit, etc.?

I am not for telling anyone how to protect themself or their family. If you don't want or feel comfortable with a gun then more power to you. That being said, having a gun and some ammo is like an insurance policy. You might not ever need or use it, but it is there just in case. I can't imagine not having one at the house.
I knew I'd bring you out with my comment. When I looked into it I read three or four articles which quoted several studies. The consensus was that deaths through homocide, accident, and suicide were significantly higher among gun owners than non gun owners. Since I can choose where I live, I don't have to concern myself with high crime areas because I would never live there. It has been my instinct that not having a gun around the house was far safer then having one. After reading up on it I think research validates that.

Question for you...where do you keep a gun at in your home? You have kids so Im sure you don't allow free access to them.
I knew I'd bring you out with my comment. When I looked into it I read three or four articles which quoted several studies. The consensus was that deaths through homocide, accident, and suicide were significantly higher among gun owners than non gun owners. Since I can choose where I live, I don't have to concern myself with high crime areas because I would never live there. It has been my instinct that not having a gun around the house was far safer then having one. After reading up on it I think research validates that.

Question for you...where do you keep a gun at in your home? You have kids so Im sure you don't allow free access to them.

I have a 800 lb safe for some of them. I have a small pistol safte that is activated by a key sequence that I keep around. At night, I have one unlocked and near me. I have another gun locker somewhere else in the house and and have a heavy duty metal filing cabinet that locks and that is known to have one in there every now and then. I also have a shotgun or ling rifle locked up near my bed as well.

Strange things is growing up we always had guns and ammo around and unlocked, never really thought of it. Now, I have that stuff primarily because of someone breaking in when I am not there.
Also, when I answer the door, I many times have one on me. They never know it.
When someone breaks into your house at night, do you ask them to wait a second while you retrieve a gun from your safes?
When someone breaks into your house at night, do you ask them to wait a second while you retrieve a gun from your safes?

GK, I wrote that I have one near me when I am sleeping. Don't need to ask for permission for that one. Right near the bed where I am sleeping. The safe is for the other guns.
Sorry if it sounds like I'm giving you a hard time. It isn't my intention. I'm just leading you through my thought process. I'm not anti gun. Im all for a person owning one if they desire. I'm just trying to explain why I won't have one in my house.

In order for that gun to be of any use during a break in it would have to be near and loaded. An unloaded or stored gun provide no protection. First off, the odds of me ever needing a gun to protect myself in my own home are extremely slim. (I don't know of a single incident where this situation has arisen in my family...ever.) Having a gun around would be exposing myself and family to the chance of accident. It would increase the likelihood of passion shooting under duress or anger. Suicide is one of the most prevelant causes of death among young people. Do I want guns around if I have a teenager who just went through a breakup or trauma?

Now....let's assume the worst case scenario happens and your house is broken into by someone with a gun. The chances that they take what they came to steal and leave without incident is FAR more likely to happen then them shooting unarmed people dead. But if I pull out a gun I've in essence forced their hand. The liklihood of me being shot in that situation just went up immensely. Maybe I would get them before they got me. But the maybe not scenario is something that needs entered into the equation.

I contend that my family is MUCH safer without guns in the house. That also seems to be backed statistically as well. Guns are such a cultural issue that I believe much of this stuff is glossed over and not considered in our desire to protect the way we were brought up. I just feel much safer without them.
I contend you are wrong. First, you don't know what that person's intention is when they break into your home. Second, if they are armed or high on crack or just an angry individual how are you going to protect yourself. A person breaking into an occupied house at night has weighed their odds. They are there for a reason a it is not good. Pulling a gun has forced their hand? You need to go talk to law enforcement officers that deal with these criminals.

I am not following you when say force a criminals hand? What are you going to do? negotiate? Yell, get out?

When the cops are telling people you need to get a gun, there is a problem in society.

Funny all the guns that were around 20, 30, 50 years ago it wasn't much of a problem.

Again, I will likely never need the gun in self defense. I like it as an option.
I hear people talk about having guns in their house all the time. Seems like the new wave thing. They just bought the gun. They're taking their classes for concealed carry and going to the shooting range to play with their new toy.

These are the same people who call their wives the boss. Real tough. Going up against hardened criminals who have done this kind of thing pretty much for a living, when they break into the house.

Some matchup that's gonna be.
I hear people talk about having guns in their house all the time. Seems like the new wave thing. They just bought the gun. They're taking their classes for concealed carry and going to the shooting range to play with their new toy.

These are the same people who call their wives the boss. Real tough. Going up against hardened criminals who have done this kind of thing pretty much for a living, when they break into the house.

Some matchup that's gonna be.

Better odds than a fist fight or if you bring a baseball bat to a gun fight.

I will put my training up against most criminals, plus I am on my tuft in defense mode. Good luck.
This might be another one of those things I've already won on. Someone breaks into my place, it's more than likely their loss. Even if they shoot me and steal my checkbook, what are they gonna get?

Take it all. The giveaway furniture. The TV. You have to walk on food crumbs and through mold to get it and be exposed to the dreary innards of a hermit's den.

Even if they get all my money, it likely won't erase those images from their mind. They'll be scarred for life and I'll be long gone, having already enjoyed the bounty.

They just get the leftovers at this point. And they won't know how to manage them either.

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