Slob Chuggins is about to be fired

What is this boomer stuff? Just because you still live in moms basement doesn’t make the rest of us Boomers. Being born in the ‘70s isn’t a boomer. Try harder.

You had a dumb take in another thread. I’m having some fun with you now
He is definitely a whiny Gen Z type of guy
If they wanted him fired, they'd had fired him. He!!, Jon Gruden did similar but imo far less by sending his thoughts in emails and he got canned because the farm the Raiders mortgaged was working out.
This comment is just as dumb as Huggins. But that doesn't surprise from coming from you. Your butthurt about WVU is stronger than your love for Marshall. You are exactly the kind of fan I can't stand. You are probably a balding fat slob that still lives in your moms basement thinking about the good times you had at the Union in 1996.

This has nothing to do with WVU or liking or hating them, it has to do with our state not giving in to cancel culture, which is a MUCH bigger issue than foam finger Sam's opinion about WVU sports.


Do you really expect everyone to be cheering for Huggins to stay? Good lord, you're a dolt if you believe so.

I would say, you're exactly the kind of wvu fan there is...someone who didn't attend/or graduate from there, but takes everything bad that's said about wvu, to heart. Why? Because you think, in your middle school educated brain, that wvu winning in something is going to somehow elevate your quality of life.
It doesn't work that way, so stop trying to put forth such an effort to defend a coach from a school on a rival board.

Of course, MU fans on this board may feel passionately about MU, but we also have college degrees, thus, careers, so we can dissociate when we need to.
A bumbling simpleton wvu fan, like yourself, doesn't have a career, they have a dead end job, and must live vicariously through the successes of a sports program who doesn't know they're alive.

This wouldn't be such an issue if wvu hadn't have hired a decrepit dipsh*t like Gee, who had MULTIPLE transgressions in the past as an academic president.
This wouldn't be such an issue if Huggins wasn't fired from his previous employer because of public intoxication or had incidents involving alcohol to begin with.

It's not about cancel culture, it's about setting a standard for the image of the supposed "flagship" the typical culture of a WVian is what has been around for 70 years, unchanged, has a chance to do so.
Instead, they remain the same, and remain, the punchline for Appalachian stereotypes.
Good job.
I agree those others would be gone. Thankfully it was Huggins so they can stand up to cancel culture. They should stand up for the others too if it were them, so lets set the precedent here with Huggins not being fired for words.
Oh, I bet your heart rate went up talking about your soldier, your general, Coach Huggins, standing up and fighting the great fight against the blue haired land whales of Cancel Culture!!!
Next thing you'll do is go on YouTube and watch the 2010 NCAA tournament, up until the Final Four with Duke and then promptly cut out.
Why? Because you dont like him? Being a drunk or a slob is one thing. Or having beef with how he treats Marshall. Those are all understandable things you dont like about it.

But in this case the issue is way bigger and we should support him not being fired for THIS reason. It sets another dangerous precedent.

If you want to fire him for being a bum, fine. But not for this.

So, you're fine with a board not liking a head coach for various reasons that are justifiable; he's a drunk, he's at a rival school, he talks bad about MU's program, etc.
Then are shocked when said coach says something that gets him in hot water and people on this board are hoping he gets fired?
You do realize when you don't like someone and they screw up, it is going to push whatever dislike you have of them further, right?

I wouldn't blink an eye if he were fired, because he's dumb enough to say internal thoughts on a public radio show when he knows it's going to cause him more trouble than he already has (ie sucking at coaching basketball the last few years).

I also wouldn't blink an eye if he stayed, because wvu is just proving they are nothing without him. They get to celebrate milestone accomplishments like ring ceremonies of three Sweet 16 appearances in a row.

They'll claim to care with a statement Gee's handler probably wiped his ass with, maybe donate money to a local LGBTQ+ charity, and Huggins taking a pay cut which will inevitably get back to him.

Basically, nothing new nor nothing special in the world of college sports, everyone does this.
Introducing G. Gee’s choice to be the spirit guide for Bob Huggins sensitivity journey:

Donald Trump!

“Very nasty people.” “It’s all fake news” “These people are total whack jobs” “If I told you once, I’ve told you a hundred times - never say you’re sorry!”
- Many, if not most, of WV's problems are caused by the lack of a well-funded major university that serves the state, like most states have. MU tries to do the job WVU forsook without the proper funding.

- WVU has, for reasons of pure jealousy, undercut development of MU and of the state colleges (anyone who thinks any of the recently renamed colleges is a university, has never attended one). It aggrandized the first medical school to itself, when every expert said build it in Charleston, and, of course, it failed, fought against the MU medical school and the osteopathic school for 20 years, even though the federal government was the founding funder, due to the horrid health conditions in southern WV, due to the failure of the WVU medical school to churn out MDs FOR THIS STATE. It fought the MU doctoral programs, still keeping MU from granting degrees well within its competence, it fought the pharmacy school, it fought, and still wants to kill, the forensic science program. In Gee's dream world, MU and the state colleges DO NOT EXIST, and WVU is 100% out of state students. WVU exists to serve non-Appalachians.

- For this reason, anyone who cares about WV and its people, wants WVU to fail. Fail at sports, fail at academics, fail at all things. The worse WVU looks in the eye of the community, the better for this state.

- While I am under no illusion that any college program is 100% clean, no, "everybody" does not do this. Most schools would have fired BH a long time ago. He is publicly drunk at games, at personal events, at fundraisers, all the time. He was clearly drunk when he said what he said on WLW, which everyone should be just as upset at the anti-Catholic part as the other part (Gee is also on record as hating Catholics, along with many other religions and races). He has been caught DUI probably 1000 times and got out of all but the one. Often at a level of intoxication that is well beyond the traffic cop harassing some poor guy who had a couple of beers and really could drive home just fine, but rather at the drunk out of his mind level. He had a drunken party to such a level that a state senator was arrested driving the wrong way on a four lane divided highway. And, BH is a cheat. He has cheated at every stop on his way. He is a dirt bag. MOST schools would not employ him.

- And, the national media all say this. And, because most outside of WV just assume that WVU is to WV like UK is to Kentucky, or NU is to Nebraska, etc, which is to say representative of the state it is named for, rather than despising the state and its people, as WVU actually does, WV is being criticized and looked down upon. Again.
So, you're fine with a board not liking a head coach for various reasons that are justifiable; he's a drunk, he's at a rival school, he talks bad about MU's program, etc.
Then are shocked when said coach says something that gets him in hot water and people on this board are hoping he gets fired?
You do realize when you don't like someone and they screw up, it is going to push whatever dislike you have of them further, right?

I wouldn't blink an eye if he were fired, because he's dumb enough to say internal thoughts on a public radio show when he knows it's going to cause him more trouble than he already has (ie sucking at coaching basketball the last few years).

I also wouldn't blink an eye if he stayed, because wvu is just proving they are nothing without him. They get to celebrate milestone accomplishments like ring ceremonies of three Sweet 16 appearances in a row.

They'll claim to care with a statement Gee's handler probably wiped his ass with, maybe donate money to a local LGBTQ+ charity, and Huggins taking a pay cut which will inevitably get back to him.

Basically, nothing new nor nothing special in the world of college sports, everyone does this.
I am really not fine with him getting fired for any of those reasons. I am just fine with our fans not liking him for being a rival. What I am not ok with is insisting that he is punished for something he said and apologized for. We get it- you're a young superhero type of spokesman for all generations. You are the truly amazing thinker!

Do you really expect everyone to be cheering for Huggins to stay? Good lord, you're a dolt if you believe so.

I would say, you're exactly the kind of wvu fan there is...someone who didn't attend/or graduate from there, but takes everything bad that's said about wvu, to heart. Why? Because you think, in your middle school educated brain, that wvu winning in something is going to somehow elevate your quality of life.
It doesn't work that way, so stop trying to put forth such an effort to defend a coach from a school on a rival board.

Of course, MU fans on this board may feel passionately about MU, but we also have college degrees, thus, careers, so we can dissociate when we need to.
A bumbling simpleton wvu fan, like yourself, doesn't have a career, they have a dead end job, and must live vicariously through the successes of a sports program who doesn't know they're alive.

This wouldn't be such an issue if wvu hadn't have hired a decrepit dipsh*t like Gee, who had MULTIPLE transgressions in the past as an academic president.
This wouldn't be such an issue if Huggins wasn't fired from his previous employer because of public intoxication or had incidents involving alcohol to begin with.

It's not about cancel culture, it's about setting a standard for the image of the supposed "flagship" the typical culture of a WVian is what has been around for 70 years, unchanged, has a chance to do so.
Instead, they remain the same, and remain, the punchline for Appalachian stereotypes.
Good job.
I don't expect anyone here to like Huggins. The point is people should not want him fired for this because it sets the unjust precedent to be fired for words. And then everyone else is set up for that. I don't care what happens to Bob Huggins, I just don't it to be for this reason because it caters to the liberal mob.

Go back to your moms basement and play GTA, rookie
Now let’s see……..who you think Bobby should go to get his sensitivities adjusted? Poll?

Adding this juicy morsel, from Bobby’s statement after the punishment was handed down:
"I am looking forward to working with WVU’s LGBTQ+ Center and other state organizations to learn more about the issues facing the community. As a leader, I am eager to use my platform to take what I learn and share it with a broader audience."

Hah! Can’t wait: Bob Huggins - LGBTQ%#*^ and drag Queen ambassador, into eternity……

p.s. it would be so rich if a trans woman (wanting to be a man) tried out for the team & Gee forced Huggy to add “him” to the roster!

Final thought: 1st road game with Bob back on the bench, and 300 dildos bounce all over the court - oh my!

Too bad these sessions with the L..Q+ Center can’t be televised with the camera on Chuggins the entire time.
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Did most of you really think WVU would fire Huggins? Come on. The bow tie wearing President Gee was probably trying to avoid this because his previous stint at Ohio State would have reared its head to remind him of his own comments regarding Catholics, Priests, and Notre Dame. Birds of a feather etc.
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Introducing G. Gee’s choice to be the spirit guide for Bob Huggins sensitivity journey:

Donald Trump!

“Very nasty people.” “It’s all fake news” “These people are total whack jobs” “If I told you once, I’ve told you a hundred times - never say you’re sorry!”
Keep the politricks off this section of the board.
I don't expect anyone here to like Huggins. The point is people should not want him fired for this because it sets the unjust precedent to be fired for words. And then everyone else is set up for that. I don't care what happens to Bob Huggins, I just don't it to be for this reason because it caters to the liberal mob.

Go back to your moms basement and play GTA, rookie

Well, he said words he shouldn't, he can be fired for those words.

It's that simple.
I am really not fine with him getting fired for any of those reasons. I am just fine with our fans not liking him for being a rival. What I am not ok with is insisting that he is punished for something he said and apologized for. We get it- you're a young superhero type of spokesman for all generations. You are the truly amazing thinker!

You really think that drunk tank really is sincere about it, or even cares?

It would be great if he was made an example out of, but he very likely isn't. As you said, he'd be fired by now.

But it is good to know he likely won't bring wvu to meaningful relevance anytime soon and his final act as HC, will be this. The media will say he did well as a HC, but end it, with this radio rant...and that is, well, about what to expect from wvu anything.
Introducing G. Gee’s choice to be the spirit guide for Bob Huggins sensitivity journey:

Donald Trump!

“Very nasty people.” “It’s all fake news” “These people are total whack jobs” “If I told you once, I’ve told you a hundred times - never say you’re sorry!”
@Chris McLaughlin @Josh Stowers @MichiganHerd Is this suspension worthy?

Herdman, it’s not letting me tag you.
Well, he said words he shouldn't, he can be fired for those words.

It's that simple.
Yes he CAN be, because its a business and an employer. The point is he shouldn't be and everyone needs to stand up to the whiny cancel culture in this case and forget about the hatred for Huggins. The cause is more important than the person this time.
You really think that drunk tank really is sincere about it, or even cares?

It would be great if he was made an example out of, but he very likely isn't. As you said, he'd be fired by now.

But it is good to know he likely won't bring wvu to meaningful relevance anytime soon and his final act as HC, will be this. The media will say he did well as a HC, but end it, with this radio rant...and that is, well, about what to expect from wvu anything.
I don't care if he is sincere. And at this point in time I don't care if he is a drunk or a slob or a loser. We can hate him for all of that, tomorrow.

Today- I am on his side because being fired for a culture of whiny bitches is not what I want the precedent to be in this country, especially in sports.
@Chris McLaughlin @Josh Stowers @MichiganHerd Is this suspension worthy?

Herdman, it’s not letting me tag you.
Good question. I'm not sure. I know I was suspended for it, but I was on the right, discussing someone on the left. Maybe there's different policy, depending on which side of the aisle you happen to reside on. Don't know, but herdman may have been at one of the moderator meetings and taken some notes.
"Today- I am on his side because being fired for a culture of whiny bitches is not what I want the precedent to be in this country, especially in sports."

you do understand what a protected class is right?
consequences for derogatory language towards them isn't "a culture of whiny bitches".
it's human decency.

he should have been fired.
terrible precedence by that embarrassment of an institution leading the way for a bottom ranked state.
it's why people leave WV.
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"Today- I am on his side because being fired for a culture of whiny bitches is not what I want the precedent to be in this country, especially in sports."

you do understand what a protected class is right?
consequences for derogatory language towards them isn't "a culture of whiny bitches".
it's human decency.

he should have been fired.
terrible precedence by that embarrassment of an institution leading the way for a bottom ranked state.
it's why people leave WV.
So you cant say something derogatory towards a protected class?? Wrong. He has a right to say it, no matter how stupid it was. WVU also has the right to hold him accountable for what he said. They have chosen to handle it their way. It's ok if you dont like it. You have that right too.

People leave WV because there are limited opportunities for advancement, not because a drunk coach calls someone a "fag". We have become a society of whiny bitches. That is without a doubt, true. Everyone looks to be a victim in order to promote their slight.
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"We have become a society of whiny bitches. That is without a doubt, true."
"People leave WV because there are limited opportunities for advancement"

Indeed. Can't argue with that.
"Today- I am on his side because being fired for a culture of whiny bitches is not what I want the precedent to be in this country, especially in sports."

you do understand what a protected class is right?
consequences for derogatory language towards them isn't "a culture of whiny bitches".
it's human decency.

he should have been fired.
terrible precedence by that embarrassment of an institution leading the way for a bottom ranked state.
it's why people leave WV.
This is EXACTLY the problem with how you idiots think. Why is there a "protected class"? Can't we all just be humans? I don't like what he said. But we have all said stupid stuff in our lives, just not as publicly. And I promise you that you can't convince me otherwise. I bet you've called Trump the Orange Man before. That sounds like a color of skin phobia. People call Biden too old to lead. Isn't that ageism? People are allowed to say things. What he said was stupid and no one condones it. I am Catholic. Do I like what he said- of course not. But I am not going to support the precedent to try to ruin someone's livelihood because I think I need to be a social justice warrior. Huggins doesn't hate gay people. He called Xavier fans fags. I have called people fags before. It doesn't mean I hate gay people. Its not a word that is ok to use, but it's used anyway because it's the world we live in. Its like "retard". Is not ok, but it happens. If he physically attacked someone then I completely get it. Will Smith still has gigs in Hollywood. What he did was WAY worse than Huggins. But I bet you don't support him being cancelled either because he's on your side of the isle.

In the words of Michael Scott- "You don't call retarded people retards. You call your friends retards when they are acting retarded."

That is from The Office. Its humor. Grow up and get over it and try acting like an adult instead of a perpetual victim.
This is EXACTLY the problem with how you idiots think. Why is there a "protected class"? Can't we all just be humans? I don't like what he said. But we have all said stupid stuff in our lives, just not as publicly. And I promise you that you can't convince me otherwise. I bet you've called Trump the Orange Man before. That sounds like a color of skin phobia. People call Biden too old to lead. Isn't that ageism? People are allowed to say things. What he said was stupid and no one condones it. I am Catholic. Do I like what he said- of course not. But I am not going to support the precedent to try to ruin someone's livelihood because I think I need to be a social justice warrior. Huggins doesn't hate gay people. He called Xavier fans fags. I have called people fags before. It doesn't mean I hate gay people. Its not a word that is ok to use, but it's used anyway because it's the world we live in. Its like "retard". Is not ok, but it happens. If he physically attacked someone then I completely get it. Will Smith still has gigs in Hollywood. What he did was WAY worse than Huggins. But I bet you don't support him being cancelled either because he's on your side of the isle.

In the words of Michael Scott- "You don't call retarded people retards. You call your friends retards when they are acting retarded."

That is from The Office. Its humor. Grow up and get over it and try acting like an adult instead of a perpetual victim.

Give it a rest...
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Why? Because you dont like him? Being a drunk or a slob is one thing. Or having beef with how he treats Marshall. Those are all understandable things you dont like about it.

But in this case the issue is way bigger and we should support him not being fired for THIS reason. It sets another dangerous precedent.

If you want to fire him for being a bum, fine. But not for this.
Well, wait for the next time he embarrasses all you Mountaineers fans.
Well, wait for the next time he embarrasses all you Mountaineers fans.

Embarrass? He's standing up for their right to free speech.
He owns that state.

“I could run for governor,” Huggins deadpanned during a daylong interview I did with him in October 2021.

“He would win easily,” Huggins’ long-time assistant coach, Ron Everhart, said.

Well, wait for the next time he embarrasses all you Mountaineers fans.
Well I am not a WVU fan so good try. I just put the important schemes of life before I do the teams I root for. America is more important than college sports. So in this case, I side with Huggins.
Thread moved to Pullman, after many HN rules violations on the main board, all of which got a free pass.

Meanwhile, MichiganHerd got a boot in the ass for violation of policy, even though it was an extremely mild violation.

Seems almost like our current DOJ.
Cancel Culture...
Gee himself is an admitted racist and religious bigot. He is also a liar. He will be sent to the sociology department for some woke nonsense and be declared rehabilitated by July. Probably donate $10K or so to some ridiculous charity.

Isn't it a sad commentary on our society that people are upset at his "prejudice" toward the second word in the slur, and not the first?

Imagine if the first word was “Jewish” and not “Catholic.”
You all have it all wrong. The fags are upset because Huggins called them Catholics.
Im Catholic. This doesnt offend me. What Huggins said didnt offend me. If I was gay, what huggins said wouldnt offend me..

Why? Because Im an adult and dont need to feel butthurt by idiots. Huggins is an idiot. I don't need to whine about him making me feel marginalized. Stop being a phucking victim.
- Many, if not most, of WV's problems are caused by the lack of a well-funded major university that serves the state, like most states have. MU tries to do the job WVU forsook without the proper funding.

- WVU has, for reasons of pure jealousy, undercut development of MU and of the state colleges (anyone who thinks any of the recently renamed colleges is a university, has never attended one). It aggrandized the first medical school to itself, when every expert said build it in Charleston, and, of course, it failed, fought against the MU medical school and the osteopathic school for 20 years, even though the federal government was the founding funder, due to the horrid health conditions in southern WV, due to the failure of the WVU medical school to churn out MDs FOR THIS STATE. It fought the MU doctoral programs, still keeping MU from granting degrees well within its competence, it fought the pharmacy school, it fought, and still wants to kill, the forensic science program. In Gee's dream world, MU and the state colleges DO NOT EXIST, and WVU is 100% out of state students. WVU exists to serve non-Appalachians.

- For this reason, anyone who cares about WV and its people, wants WVU to fail. Fail at sports, fail at academics, fail at all things. The worse WVU looks in the eye of the community, the better for this state.

- While I am under no illusion that any college program is 100% clean, no, "everybody" does not do this. Most schools would have fired BH a long time ago. He is publicly drunk at games, at personal events, at fundraisers, all the time. He was clearly drunk when he said what he said on WLW, which everyone should be just as upset at the anti-Catholic part as the other part (Gee is also on record as hating Catholics, along with many other religions and races). He has been caught DUI probably 1000 times and got out of all but the one. Often at a level of intoxication that is well beyond the traffic cop harassing some poor guy who had a couple of beers and really could drive home just fine, but rather at the drunk out of his mind level. He had a drunken party to such a level that a state senator was arrested driving the wrong way on a four lane divided highway. And, BH is a cheat. He has cheated at every stop on his way. He is a dirt bag. MOST schools would not employ him.

- And, the national media all say this. And, because most outside of WV just assume that WVU is to WV like UK is to Kentucky, or NU is to Nebraska, etc, which is to say representative of the state it is named for, rather than despising the state and its people, as WVU actually does, WV is being criticized and looked down upon. Again.
And all the people said “AMEN!!!!

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