Some hotspots to keep an eye on.

i am herdman

Platinum Buffalo
Gold Member
Mar 5, 2006
Of course Ukraine and the Russia deal. Russia has apparantly fired upon a United Kingdom aircraft over the Black Sea. The UK is admitting this has happened.

Two, keep an eye on Haiti. Talk in the news that a peacekeeping force will perhaps be sent in.
Of course Ukraine and the Russia deal. Russia has apparantly fired upon a United Kingdom aircraft over the Black Sea. The UK is admitting this has happened.

Two, keep an eye on Haiti. Talk in the news that a peacekeeping force will perhaps be sent in.
Man, Haiti has and alway will be a mess…but the least of the worlds problems. I really don’t think most people realize how close we truly are to an all out WW3.
Man, Haiti has and alway will be a mess…but the least of the worlds problems. I really don’t think most people realize how close we truly are to an all out WW3.
Probably as close as any point in my lifetime.

I saw a hypothetical scenario of a China invasion and one guy's opinion as to what would happen.

Not pretty at all.

That would maybe be WW3. China decides to do it which draws us in.

Then, India would invade the Himalayean region. Tibet would try to break free of China. Japan, Australia, etc. drawn in. China hits Guam with a missile strike. We get in even more. N. Korea at China's order, lobs missiles at Japan, South Korea and N Korea start going at it.

Really, WW3.

We close.
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Why did we go sticking our dick in Haiti in the first place? We need to get out, stop trying to “influence” their elections, and let Haiti solve Haiti’s problems.
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Probably as close as any point in my lifetime.

I saw a hypothetical scenario of a China invasion and one guy's opinion as to what would happen.

Not pretty at all.

That would maybe be WW3. China decides to do it which draws us in.

Then, India would invade the Himalayean region. Tibet would try to break free of China. Japan, Australia, etc. drawn in. China hits Guam with a missile strike. We get in even more. N. Korea at China's order, lobs missiles at Japan, South Korea and N Korea start going at it.

Really, WW3.

We close.

What Tom Clancy novel is that from?
I was going to ask which but it’s irrelevant because the answer is both.
We have been in Hait before. Humanitarian and law and order. Erathquake relief, disaster relief.

This time they are looking at a peacekeeping force because of growing violence.

USA and Canada are meeting about it now. UN coming up with resolution. Some waffling going back and forth. But, looks like they are seriously considering it according to news reports.
Why did we go sticking our dick in Haiti in the first place? We need to get out, stop trying to “influence” their elections, and let Haiti solve Haiti’s problems.
Haiti is an island. It's self-contained with little impact on anyone besides the D.R. Maybe we should let nature take its course. When it's over, we can swoop in and develop it into a tropical vacation destination.
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Not saying it is right or wrong. But,,,,,,,,,,,

The argument will be if we don't go in there Chinnnnaaaaa might just make an investment there.....

In our back door.

Look where the Corona Chinese are. Already going in S America and Central America.

I would puts odds at decent that someone is going into Haiti. There seems to be some resistence but, google it.

Haiti is an island. It's self-contained with little impact on anyone besides the D.R. Maybe we should let nature take its course. When it's over, we can swoop in and develop it into a tropical vacation destination.
Not saying it is right or wrong. But,,,,,,,,,,,

The argument will be if we don't go in there Chinnnnaaaaa might just make an investment there.....

In our back door.

Look where the Corona Chinese are. Already going in S America and Central America.

I would puts odds at decent that someone is going into Haiti. There seems to be some resistence but, google it.
Ok but… let them make it their problem then?
I’m just some moron on a message board, not educated in geopolitics or whatever, but do we really need to be involved in Haiti at all? Does it really hurt us if China is?
Ok but… let them make it their problem then?
I’m just some moron on a message board, not educated in geopolitics or whatever, but do we really need to be involved in Haiti at all? Does it really hurt us if China is?
Well, yes it does. You don't want them in our backdoor. Not saying it would happen... but , it could. Not because they love Haitians. But, because they love that island sitting in our back door. Think about that one.

USA man abandon you. We build you runway. We build you airpot. We build you a port that can fit a submarine in. We build you silo with missile in it.

You get my drift.

Like Cuba is a problem.

We are in a new age gentleman. We are prepping for war. The chinkos are in brazil big time.
But everything we do just makes things worse. When has us going in and trying to influence who runs a country not just spectacularly backfired?
I don’t object to us bringing some stability to Haiti. Just don’t call it a “special military operation.”
Not saying it is right or wrong. But,,,,,,,,,,,

The argument will be if we don't go in there Chinnnnaaaaa might just make an investment there.....

In our back door.

Look where the Corona Chinese are. Already going in S America and Central America.

I would puts odds at decent that someone is going into Haiti. There seems to be some resistence but, google it.
If not the Chinese, who do you prefer to be i your backdoor?
Nothing we do is going to make it not a crap hole.

Didn't Trump say something similar to this???

And why are we as a nation so intent in importing those very people, cultures and mindsets that make those places crapholes???
Nothing we do is going to make it not a crap hole.
I agree. It appears according to news outlets that it is getting pretty bad there. I am not condoning one way or the others. It is basically becoming a western hemisphere somalia. I am not offering an opinion, one way or the other. I am saying look out.

Also, we are in an election cycle. Things tend to happen.

1)Ukraine did a fairly large scale attack on a Russian Naval base this weekend. Russia is now saying that the flow of grain under the agreement is now on hold indeffinitely. This may ramp up escalations and responses from Russia.

2)The former British female PM(Lizza Truss) that just left after a short tenure apparantly had her phone hacked likely by Russian Intelligence. They may have gained critical information about arms supplies to Ukraine, key negotians with allies about Ukraine, and her personal conversations.

3)Iranian leaders are telling protestors to end the protest and today is the last day to protest.

The world is growing into a more unstable place

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