Struggling to stay positive with this experiment

Could it be that regardless of the race of players that coaching is the REAL culprit? If one would have told me when I was at MU in the early 70s that America would have this intense preoccupation with race in 2017, I would not have believed it. Sad.

AMEN....dctheherd. I think race relations were improving until about 8 years ago. I beleive God is crying because folks spew hatred toward brothers & sisters. I support we all BLEED RED.

Lots of good teams lost today but they didn't fall off the cliff like Marshall. I DO believe in DD and his system, problem is we are 3 big men away. Be patient , year 3 and we are in the running to win CUSA.

Get real and try to stay in the same realm - we lost to a 4 win team , the majors that lost were not losing games to a 4 win team , not even close , like comparing apples to oranges and those teams all play in major conferences not the peewee league CUSA.
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An overall miserable fan base...sad and depressing. Eventually, I will just quit reading these pathetic boards. Love D'antoni and his system and what he is doing with the program. Win or lose.

An overall miserable fan base...sad and depressing. Eventually, I will just quit reading these pathetic boards. Love D'antoni and his system and what he is doing with the program. Win or lose.

I hope ddtheherdfan & HerdFever READ & Comprehand what thunderingon has to say about Coach Dandy Dan.....

HerdZilla22 in Charlotte
A lot of us Fox News Supporters==="Point of View" and not the LIBERAL media.....

Your HERDDADDY===HerdZilla22

LOL maybe you should stop watching a known racist news channel

But then again im sure your racist yourself.

I have YET to get a good or even an honest answer on why Obama ruined race relations??
LOL maybe you should stop watching a known racist news channel

But then again im sure your racist yourself.

I have YET to get a good or even an honest answer on why Obama ruined race relations??
I guess we would have to ask Obama why he ruined race relations, but he did. He and holder and company
An overall miserable fan base...sad and depressing. Eventually, I will just quit reading these pathetic boards. Love D'antoni and his system and what he is doing with the program. Win or lose.

Are you guys so stupid to think that no other fan base gets mad when their team loses or questions coaching?
Hell even the great KY Wildcats question Calipari or Buckeye nation questions Urban once in a while. This isn't middle school or Y league. These coaches are paid good money and perks to win, end of story.

You guys that hang on every word and worship at the feet of Danny, Doc and Mike need to realize that.

Adding to that. I don't want Danny or Doc fired. I don't want Hamrick to leave. I want a program that is competitive, that wins more than it loses and does it with class and graduates kids.
Danny needs to show more improvement in year 4 than they have in year 3. Doc sure as hell needs to turn it around in year 8.
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I guess we would have to ask Obama why he ruined race relations, but he did. He and holder and company

And again I ask why do you feel that way.

Ask any minority and you might get a different answer.
I am brand new to this board (my first post on this one), Ive been on herd haven a little bit so I look forward to the conversations on here. Having said that, Ive watched this team play a few times this year. I don't claim to be an expert on this year's squad, but I have seen this team look downright amazing and in the same half of the same game, look downright embarrassing. I have not seen consistency really at all this year. Not to beat a dead horse but the lack of bigs is our downfall. We have talented guards and Taylor is a solid inside guy, but we don't have a core of reliable post players that can do the job. I have faith in Dantoni that he knows what he is doing (way more than I would, so no, please don't hand me an application) and I really feel this team, on a good day, can beat any team in the conference, although here lately we've shown we can lose bad to any team in the conference as well.
I am brand new to this board (my first post on this one), Ive been on herd haven a little bit so I look forward to the conversations on here. Having said that, Ive watched this team play a few times this year. I don't claim to be an expert on this year's squad, but I have seen this team look downright amazing and in the same half of the same game, look downright embarrassing. I have not seen consistency really at all this year. Not to beat a dead horse but the lack of bigs is our downfall. We have talented guards and Taylor is a solid inside guy, but we don't have a core of reliable post players that can do the job. I have faith in Dantoni that he knows what he is doing (way more than I would, so no, please don't hand me an application) and I really feel this team, on a good day, can beat any team in the conference, although here lately we've shown we can lose bad to any team in the conference as well.

Agree with your post, welcome.
Send some of those "types" Indiana Dan's way......Taylor (Indianapolis) has worked out well.


I wish I could. This state's pipeline is in place and Dan is not going to crack it. If a kid is not elite he gets scooped up real quick by the next level, and then for the others there are so many regional programs we couldn't even find a diamond in the rough after all that. Taylor came out of Hargrave so that's a different situation.

I've been to a high school game with Crean, Pitino, and Coach K all in the stands at the game. I've seen Cal, Roy Williams and Bill Self at games. This state is nuts.