Swedish terror massacre


Yep, infiltrated our perimeter in the dark of night while he was 6 years old. Kuwaiti ninja. Scariest kind.
His Russian friend would be speaking German?

without US involvement in Europe (land and air) most historians agree that Barbarossa would have been a success. if nothing else, the Germans would have taken Moscow. the Russians had 18 divisions of troop in Siberia guarding for an attack from Japan. with the US in the Pacific, Japan was no threat and those divisions were sent to fight the Germans.

take out the US and you now have 180,000 to 270,000 less trained Russian soldiers fighting the Nazis.
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His Russian friend would be speaking German?

Perhaps if hitler would not have been fighting a multi front war. Africa, Europe, etc.

His friend is a commie bastard, tell him that. They have an ex KGB guy as their leader and they want to talk about ours?
My ACTUAL world knowledge understands that without US (economic success and stability), Canada and Australia wouldn't be enjoying much of the wealth they have today.

Typical American pomposity. Without the French, you'd be eating crumpets and drinking tea right now.

and that same "overwhelming majority" didn't think he had a chance to win...

As poorly as they view our education system, and as average as it tests, most of the world didn't think Americans were as dumb as the minority showed by voting for Trump. That is why the rest of the world is flabbergasted.

I am little snowflake, snowflake. You guys want some egghead stiff suit standing up there talking with flowering words and not the truth

I guess your attempt at claiming Trump doesn't care what people think of him backfired, so you have to throw something else against the wall? Trump doesn't know what the truth is- he claims anything that criticizes him is "fake news." Yet, he then gets his information from that same "fake news" while skipping daily intel briefings. He called-out Obama numerous times for skipping briefings, yet he then states that he is smart enough that he doesn't need to go to them. He mocked Obama numerous times for golfing too much, claimed he would be too busy to golf if he were elected, yet he has spent six weekends at his golf courses already . . . including 18 holes with a former MLB player, another 18 with friends, another round with a prime minister, and at least three more trips to his golf courses which his aides all refuse to comment on regarding playing golf.

There is too much stuff to defend with this guy. He is in way over his head. As one of his personal friends stated, he thought he had no chance to win, was doing it to get more money from his ventures, and has no desire to truly be the president.

He was from Kuwait. Kuwait wasn't even on Trump's failed ban list. Strike 4!
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His friend is a commie bastard, tell him that. They have an ex KGB guy as their leader and they want to talk about ours?

It's a she. She was born and raised in Russia, went to private school in England, and has lived all over the world (but is based in Russia). She speaks better English than you rednecks.

She said Russians, as a whole, are creeped out by Trump's lovefest with Putin. He is routinely mocked as trying to now act like a tough guy after getting mocked by the rest of the world for his lovefest. Russians have already exposed how soft he is and how easy to be manipulated he is, mostly due to his ego.
It's a she. She was born and raised in Russia, went to private school in England, and has lived all over the world (but is based in Russia). She speaks better English than you rednecks.

She said Russians, as a whole, are creeped out by Trump's lovefest with Putin. He is routinely mocked as trying to now act like a tough guy after getting mocked by the rest of the world for his lovefest. Russians have already exposed how soft he is and how easy to be manipulated he is, mostly due to his ego.

Are you tapping it?
It's a she. She was born and raised in Russia, went to private school in England, and has lived all over the world (but is based in Russia). She speaks better English than you rednecks.

She said Russians, as a whole, are creeped out by Trump's lovefest with Putin. He is routinely mocked as trying to now act like a tough guy after getting mocked by the rest of the world for his lovefest. Russians have already exposed how soft he is and how easy to be manipulated he is, mostly due to his ego.

i guess this poll missed her. (i bet your pole didn't though)

Donald Trump Has a Much Higher Approval Rating in Russia Than He Does in America, State Pollster Says
Zamira Rahim
Jan 25, 2017
More than 70 % of Russians expect good things from Donald Trump's presidency, according to a new poll.
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I just watched the replay of Sweden remarks by Trump. I don't see where he said anything out of the oridinary. Sweden does have issues in regard to immigration.
Typical American pomposity. Without the French, you'd be eating crumpets and drinking tea right now.

Nothing pompous about understanding where we actually are in 2017 vs 1700s. I actually recognize the help the French played in our Independence. Despite their current weakness, I appreciate their assistance.

I also recognize if it wasn't for their hatred of the Brits centuries ago, they would most liking be speaking German today.

I bare no ill will to their voters or the politicians they elect currently. That's mostly due to France having become so inconsequential in leading world events in this modern era. Who has the time to comment on French political outcomes other than to ask, are they also getting ready to elect a nationalist type candidate? Oh the irony if they turn around and elect the same "Trump" platform.

What is clear from this conversation is that the rest of the "free" world does "need" the United States. The fact that citizens (your friends) from around the world find the time and energy to be flabbergasted at Americans decisions at the ballot box shows our influence as leaders and their need to know American strength is still available to back them up if necessary.
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without US involvement in Europe (land and air) most historians agree that Barbarossa would have been a success.

We were not involved yet. We didn't open a second front Western front as Russia wanted until Africa in Nov 1942. One of the wettest falls and coldest winters in history is what stalled the Nazis. That, and Russians are crazy AF and never had a problem with just throwing bodies at a problem.
i guess this poll missed her. (i bet your pole didn't though)

Donald Trump Has a Much Higher Approval Rating in Russia Than He Does in America, State Pollster Says
Zamira Rahim
Jan 25, 2017
More than 70 % of Russians expect good things from Donald Trump's presidency, according to a new poll.

That's a cute article from a month ago, a whopping two weeks after Trump had been in office. Did you hear about the Titanic? Lets look at some more current news, like two articles from today:

"The Russians are Turning on Trump":

"The Russians are Dismayed by Trump":

Are you tapping it?

No, but she is a beautiful model whom lived with my ex in Milano.

The fact that citizens (your friends) from around the world find the time and energy to be flabbergasted at Americans decisions at the ballot box shows our influence as leaders and their need to know American strength is still available to back them up if necessary.

It's the complete opposite of some sort of perceived comfort they get from the U.S. The U.S. is an economic leader and the military leader. But having a top economy and the top military doesn't make it the best place to live. Their awareness of U.S. politics is more a case of them knowing that the U.S. will force its way into world issues it has no business putting its nose in, many times, magnifying issues. It knows the U.S. will, for its own benefit, decide to intervene in outside issues. That is why they are aware of the U.S.

You think Russia is interested because they know American strength will back them if necessary? It is the complete opposite. Again, this is just another example of your American arrogance and lack of world view. World citizens don't necessarily have a negative view of American citizens individually. They do have a negative view of Americans as a whole, much due to attitudes like yours.

There are many countries with better education systems, better healthcare systems, and better places to live than the U.S. Those countries aren't paying attention due to some perceived need for them to be comforted about our security blanket. In fact, it is just the opposite. They know that our history shows us to intervene (and even flame) certain issues which have nothing to do with us. Depending on our leader, that can become an even bigger problem for the rest of the world. That is why they care.
That's a cute article from a month ago, a whopping two weeks after Trump had been in office. Did you hear about the Titanic? Lets look at some more current news, like two articles from today:

"The Russians are Turning on Trump":

"The Russians are Dismayed by Trump":

did you actually read what you posted?

In a single week, Washington has complained that Russia is violating a 1987 nuclear treaty and accused the Kremlin of meddling in foreign elections. Scandal has forced out a national security adviser [note: allegedly] sympathetic to Moscow. Trump’s tone has seemed to harden on issues such as Russia’s occupation of the Crimean peninsula. . . .

[O]n Wednesday, Trump tweeted: “Crimea was TAKEN by Russia during the Obama Administration. Was Obama too soft on Russia?” White House press secretary Sean Spicer said on Tuesday that the president expected Russia to return Crimea, a position held by the Obama administration and its European allies.

the "blog" specifically cites James Mattis “Defense Secretary Jim Mattis said [last week] that Washington should negotiate with Russia from a ‘position of strength.'” as a reason why they have made Trump "vanish" from their airwaves.

you read the title and assumed they are against Trump for his crazy tweets. in reality, they stopped propping him up on their airwaves because he and Mattis both said anti-Russian things.
We were not involved yet. We didn't open a second front Western front as Russia wanted until Africa in Nov 1942. One of the wettest falls and coldest winters in history is what stalled the Nazis. That, and Russians are crazy AF and never had a problem with just throwing bodies at a problem.

the Germans were knee deep in Russia after we joined the war. i used "Barbarossa" incorrectly to blanket cover the German/Soviet fight.

Battle of Stalingrad Feb 1943
the Battle of Kursk 1943
siege of Leningrad is broken 1944
Russian offensive Bagration June 1944

in the Pacific
Coral Sea May 1942
Midway June 1942
Guadalcanal Aug 1942

had there been no US involvement in the war, Japan would almost certainly have attacked Russia from the East.
You think Russia is interested because they know American strength will back them if necessary? It is the complete opposite. Again, this is just another example of your American arrogance and lack of world view

WTF are you talking about? Where did I suggest we would back Russia over our real allies in most issues? You are skipping around worse than Greed in a conversation. You might want to read Andy's post to catch up on "worldly" events as it relates to what's really going on with Russia. Certain media claim Trumps in bed with Putin.....but actions and words out of WH are exactly the opposite.

My comments of "backing" deal primarily with Europe, Australia, certain parts of Asia. No reason talking about Brazil. Its imploding financially and still largely a 3rd world existence. I know there are some nice beaches and shiny hospitals in some other countries. Living on a beach doesn't make an entire country. India has one of the toughest most rigorous education systems in the world.......but their country still has large portions of their population without steady power or water.

You bet your ass, Europe and its people want a strong US. The European world went ape shit the minute Russia took Crimea and threatened to cut off a Nat gas pipeline in another event. They looked directly at Obumma and wanted to know what we (the US) would do. (I think he offered up one of several "Red Lines" to not cross)
What happened "last night" in Sweden?.....

A man set himself on fire at Sergels torg, a plaza in central Stockholm. He was taken to hospital with severe burns. There is so far no information on his motives but the intelligence service is not part of the investigation.
A man set himself on fire at Sergels torg, a plaza in central Stockholm. He was taken to hospital with severe burns. There is so far no information on his motives but the intelligence service is not part of the investigation.

....and 6:42 PM: The famous singer Owe Thörnqvist had some technical problems during rehearsal for the singing competition ”Melodifestivalen”. (However, the 87 year old singer still managed to secure the victory the very next day.)
What the fvck are you talking about? Go watch the video. Read the full transcript. Trump was rattling off cities and countries that had experienced terror attacks:

"You look at what's happening in Germany. You look at what's happening last night in Sweden. Sweden! Who would believe this? Sweden, they took in large numbers, they are having problems like they never thought possible," Trump said at the rally.

"You look at what's happening Brussels, you look at what's happening all over the world. Take a look at Nice, take a look at Paris," he continued.

He referenced an event that happened "last night" in Sweden. No event happened "last night." He wouldn't have listed places with terror events if he were only doing what you said. He wouldn't have then Tweeted an explanation (again, this is a fvcking president acting like a 12 year old girl) claiming that he was talking about a Fox News report he saw last night. Wait: this president who can't make it to daily intelligence briefings is getting his news from Fox News, an outlet he has referred to as "fake news," and then making speeches about that info he receives from "fake news?"

Can you not see the issues with this? This guy is drastically in over his head. This isn't coming from fake news. It is coming from all news sources. The leaks from inside the White House are scary. He has fooled all of his voters with his "drain the swamp," his "lock her up" promise, and everything else. The guy survives off of uneducated rednecks. You - somebody who wears his Christianity on his sleeve - are an extreme hypocrite for supporting anything about this guy.

This is a fvcking clown show. We live in a country full of uneducated and rednecks. That is what this country is now.

Make some new friends from around the world. See what they think about trump. Within the last two weeks, I have talked to friends of mine who live in (are from) Russia, England, Finland, Brazil, Australia, Italy, and Canada. I can screenshot what they say about trump. I am not just associating with people of similar values, hence them sharing similar opinions with me. These are people who routinely disagree with my political views. Yet, every single one of them is flabbergasted that Americans would elect this guy. They all share the same sentiment; it is a clown show.The overwhelming majority of opinions in each of their countries agrees.

GK, you never were for Trump.

Correct. I never was. I wasn't for Hillary either. But understand, just because I'm criticizing his absolute lack of preparedness and hip shooting doesn't mean I won't defend something he does if it merits it. Unlike many here who would absolutely destroy Obama if he made some of the exact comments Trump is making. It would be an absolute feeding frenzy. If you were the least bit honest with yourself you would admit to that.

Tell me...if Obama rattled off some of the exact same stuff Trump is rattling off would you be excoriating him? Be truthful.
Correct. I never was. I wasn't for Hillary either. But understand, just because I'm criticizing his absolute lack of preparedness and hip shooting doesn't mean I won't defend something he does if it merits it. Unlike many here who would absolutely destroy Obama if he made some of the exact comments Trump is making. It would be an absolute feeding frenzy. If you were the least bit honest with yourself you would admit to that.

Tell me...if Obama rattled off some of the exact same stuff Trump is rattling off would you be excoriating him? Be truthful.

Is Europe not having a crisis with refugees over running their borders?
Typical American pomposity. Without the French, you'd be eating crumpets and drinking tea right now.

As poorly as they view our education system, and as average as it tests, most of the world didn't think Americans were as dumb as the minority showed by voting for Trump. That is why the rest of the world is flabbergasted.

I guess your attempt at claiming Trump doesn't care what people think of him backfired, so you have to throw something else against the wall? Trump doesn't know what the truth is- he claims anything that criticizes him is "fake news." Yet, he then gets his information from that same "fake news" while skipping daily intel briefings. He called-out Obama numerous times for skipping briefings, yet he then states that he is smart enough that he doesn't need to go to them. He mocked Obama numerous times for golfing too much, claimed he would be too busy to golf if he were elected, yet he has spent six weekends at his golf courses already . . . including 18 holes with a former MLB player, another 18 with friends, another round with a prime minister, and at least three more trips to his golf courses which his aides all refuse to comment on regarding playing golf.

There is too much stuff to defend with this guy. He is in way over his head. As one of his personal friends stated, he thought he had no chance to win, was doing it to get more money from his ventures, and has no desire to truly be the president.

He was from Kuwait. Kuwait wasn't even on Trump's failed ban list. Strike 4!

Golf on the weekends? OK

Kuwait? I would not let them in either, but that proves the point it was not a Muslim ban.
No more proof is needed that Rifle isn't right on this topic.

"Fever agrees"

Isn't Fever the one who said only the dumb slaves were aloud to breed? Here he is a few generations down the line agreeing with rifle or Slip Knot.