Talk about a real estate genius. Wow this guy somehow did this.

i am herdman

Platinum Buffalo
Gold Member
Mar 5, 2006
Below is a picture of Mush Biden's house(one of them). This is his main house.

You tycoons have nothing on this. How does he do it?

Now, a US Senator currently makes about $174,000 annually. That is today and in today's dollars. Pretty amazing how a guy who's life was spent at this income level can get a house like this. Pretty good for 174k a year. How many guys do you know that make a decent middle class wage and that don't come from wealth can buy this? How would they even afford the taxes or upkeep?


Now, below is the same guy's beach home. A home near it sold recently for over $9 million. Word is Biden spent over 400 Grand on the fence. The fence. Pretty amazing for a guy that made about $174,000 a year.

Now it even gets better. What a man.

This guy rents this house in Virginia in 2017. It is valued at over 5 million zillow(so based on previous discussions give or take). Now, he rents this for $20,000 a month.

pretty impressive for a guy that in today's dollars that made 174k a year. Rents a houes for 20 grand a month.

From an article. Wow impressive! Rent a 5 million mansion because your wife is teach English at a community college and you want to see grandkids.

The Bidens rented the McLean estate in part because Jill, 69, was a full-time English professor at Northern Virginia Community College, and they also wanted to be closer to their grandchildren — but they are no longer renting it, according to the WSJ report.
You have any idea how disappointed Joe Biden would be if he opened this thread & made it this far down with no one mentioning his sweet 1967 classic green convertible Corvette Stingray?
Below is a picture of Mush Biden's house(one of them). This is his main house.

You tycoons have nothing on this. How does he do it?

Now, a US Senator currently makes about $174,000 annually. That is today and in today's dollars. Pretty amazing how a guy who's life was spent at this income level can get a house like this. Pretty good for 174k a year. How many guys do you know that make a decent middle class wage and that don't come from wealth can buy this? How would they even afford the taxes or upkeep?


Now, below is the same guy's beach home. A home near it sold recently for over $9 million. Word is Biden spent over 400 Grand on the fence. The fence. Pretty amazing for a guy that made about $174,000 a year.

You're an idiot and proud of it.
Now it even gets better. What a man.

This guy rents this house in Virginia in 2017. It is valued at over 5 million zillow(so based on previous discussions give or take). Now, he rents this for $20,000 a month.

pretty impressive for a guy that in today's dollars that made 174k a year. Rents a houes for 20 grand a month.

From an article. Wow impressive! Rent a 5 million mansion because your wife is teach English at a community college and you want to see grandkids.

The Bidens rented the McLean estate in part because Jill, 69, was a full-time English professor at Northern Virginia Community College, and they also wanted to be closer to their grandchildren — but they are no longer renting it, according to the WSJ report.
You're an idiot and proud of it.
Before the actual answer that you can back up with all of the documentation he’s released is mentioned?

No. You tell us how someone never making over $400k can afford these properties...

The claim: “$400,000 ... is more money than I’ve ever made” in a year.

- Joe Biden stated on September 9, 2020, during a visit to Detroit
Remember these deals???

Greed ruins every thread. My joy in making fun of his vaccine injury has subsided, so back to ignore he goes.

10% for the big guy is a lot of cash when you're selling favors to our adversaries.
Good riddance.
Greed ruins every thread. My joy in making fun of his vaccine injury has subsided, so back to ignore he goes.
This is classic! E.T. calls out Middle Class Murox for his wife cheating on him in retaliation for Murox the Moron getting caught cheating with one of the girls he cheated with. 20 minutes later, instead of acknowledging that post, Middle Class Murox claims he is going to block E.T. so that he can avoid having to respond to that post.

E.T. with the knockout blow!
This is classic! E.T. calls out Middle Class Murox for his wife cheating on him in retaliation for Murox the Moron getting caught cheating with one of the girls he cheated with. 20 minutes later, instead of acknowledging that post, Middle Class Murox claims he is going to block E.T. so that he can avoid having to respond to that post.

E.T. with the knockout blow!
He does ruin every thread..
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You spew out the same few lines all the time.

Remember what I said, when liberals accuse someone of something and they keep repeating it, they are usually guilty themselves, 10 fold.
You spew lies all the time.

Remember, when I call you a liar it's because you're a liar.
Nice houses for mush brains, but I doubt they make the top five properties list amongst the users on Pullman Square. rifle's six or seven along surely have to top anything mush brains has.
Mush brain does have one advantage over our wide-hipped friend: his properties appear to actually exist.
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Here are herdman's lies in this thread...
Not lies. That's the avg. Salary for a senator now. Did Biden get book deals? Yes. I am on a phone but his tax records are public. His highest year he made 11 million or so. But after making a few hundred k for decades.

Hunter reported on a document that rental amount.

As VP Biden was nearly broke as reported. Reports are Obama offered to loan him money.

So even with one year making 11 million or so and another year around 4 million at his peak how does he get all that?

The rent alone on that one house would have cost him 240k that year.

So ....

Prove it wrong
i work with or for people that are worth $9 million or more(our owners family is worth far more and owns a ton of business properties). Not one of them has a 21,000 square foot house, a 7 to 9 million beach house, and rents a house so their wife can teach English and to see the grandkids at a rate of $20,000 per month.

A Senator's salary would put them in our sales group at middle of the pack of about 10 guys.

Joe did make big money in about two years time 11 million and then about 4 million, prior to taxes.

Going back he made decent Senatgor wages, didn't own a bunch of business or major law firm, or inherit millions.

He ain't pulling that kind of Jack, especially after 40 years of decent wages.

The American people are rubes for looking at and for falling for stuff like this. Look at his properties. Biden makde his money late in his life in about a 2 or 3 year span. His reported and legit money.

Now, tell me how does he do it?
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