The reality of gun control

i am herdman

Platinum Buffalo
Gold Member
Mar 5, 2006
The reality is there are over 400 million guns in the USA on the streets and in private ownership today. That number is probably lower than what is really out there. I heard an expert on tv say that if they stopped making guns right now that every abled bodied American would likely have at least two functional guns for the next 200 years.

So, let's say you stopped every gun manufacturer right now. you still have all those guns to deal with and you would have a new black market of gun runners. We can't stop the open border and fetanyl from coming aross which is killing how many youth? Add gun cartels to drug cartels. You have a bigger probkem because then only outlaws will have the sales and distribution of guns.

That is the reality. Do the Dems and libs propose taking back those millions of guns? Well, how do you do that? Buy back? Forced buy back? Take them? Knock on doors and take them?

Going after gun manufacturer's is not the answer. You could outlaw AR15's now and there are enough to outfit an army. That kid would have just used something else. Pump shotgun would have done the same thing likely. Shotgun and a revolver, same outcome. Small children have no chance in an environment like that.

The largest school massacre in USA history was in 1918 and the guy made homemade bombs and used dynamite killing school children.

What is the gun control cry end game?
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What do you propose to fix your claimed problem?
How many lives could we save if we limited cars to 55 mph with a restrictor on the engine or a governor on the throttle? That could easily be done now by electronic means on modern cars. So, why don't we do that? Your car tops out at 55 mph, no more. Hell, cars or speed of cars is not even a federal constitutional right. Driving has been considered a priviledge and primarily falls to the states.

Reality is, we can try and rid the country of guns and we can be like Australia or China or some Euro country.

I am not willing to do that and frankly it is non negotiable to give up the 2nd Amendment.

As for the problem, we have a mental health issue in this country and a lot of screwed up kids. We did it to many of them throwing them on all these mind altering drugs and such. Fatherless homes and the list goes on. How do you fix it? That is complex answer, I admit that. But, hey let's ban guns is a knee jerk reaction and a control measure by some and they take advantage of it.
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Banning the sale of handguns would go a lot further toward stopping gun violence than doing anything with any sort of rifle, but they’re not as scary looking so you don’t get as many political points for suggesting it.
This should be interesting
Nah, it turned out rather boring, didn't it? I guess you didn't expect me to be pro-2A, which is odd considering my past posts on the subject.
Unfortunately, there is no plausible "fix."
Kind of what I was getting at...99.99% of us have "moral constraints", religion or no religion or whatever in between. The number of people who would shoot up a school, a church, or a grocery store is statistically zero.
Nah, it turned out rather boring, didn't it? I guess you didn't expect me to be pro-2A, which is odd considering my past posts on the subject.

Kind of what I was getting at...99.99% of us have "moral constraints", religion or no religion or whatever in between. The number of people who would shoot up a school, a church, or a grocery store is statistically zero.
Not at all you asked about suggestions. In the past you have said legalize drugs to fight the drug epidemic. Obviously a connection was made to get your opinion. You just chose not to answer by saying you’re pro second amendment, so good dodge I guess
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Banning the sale of handguns would go a lot further toward stopping gun violence than doing anything with any sort of rifle, but they’re not as scary looking so you don’t get as many political points for suggesting it.
For the average gun criminal, yes a handgun is by far the tool of choice. But there are hundreds of millions of handguns in the US. Banning future sales is not going to make handguns disappear, and banning all handguns will not make criminals not have a handgun. Never mind that the weapon most used in self defense is a handgun.

I would not turn in my guns, but theoretically I would turn in a semi-auto rifle before I would a handgun. Why? It is the one that is most handy should I really need it and need it right now. It's what I carry if I am buying or selling something with a stranger for cash (no, not drugs lol). If a gun is peace of mind against criminals, it's what easily gives me that. I'm not lugging a rifle if I am buying a car from someone. It's probably what I am grabbing if some tweaker tries to come in during the night, because I don't mind having one out and not locked up.
You just chose not to answer by saying you’re pro second amendment
The question was, "Why not legalize all guns then?" Asking me that question is likely based on believing I do not think all guns should be legal, or think making guns illegal would end gun violence, and I have conflicting beliefs. Which is utterly incorrect, and thus I am not the right person to ask that of.

Also, it is misleading to say I support legalizing drugs to "fix the drug epidemic". It's not a fix for people using drugs; to the contrary, my belief is based on the assumption, really the reality that people will use drugs. I want criminals out of the drug business, as well as for users to know what they are getting and lessen the risk of OD. Much the same, banning guns would only increase the criminal side of the gun trade.
let's assume AR's are banned; how will they be identified and confiscated? i've a friend who has a couple and when they were registered, he said they are registered simply as "long rifle". what separates that from a .25-06 bolt action?

also, if those pesky looking AR's are banned, does that mean the .223's that don't look scary but are still semi-auto are okay to own, you know, because they don't look scary?
Nah, it turned out rather boring, didn't it? I guess you didn't expect me to be pro-2A, which is odd considering my past posts on the subject.

Kind of what I was getting at...99.99% of us have "moral constraints", religion or no religion or whatever in between. The number of people who would shoot up a school, a church, or a grocery store is statistically zero.
Face it this is not a gun problem it is a morality problem. As long as people have no moral constraits things will never get better
Morality and mental illness. We have half of our society ok with killing babies, that believe you can pretend to be another gender, worship people like the Kardashians, believe they shouldn’t have to support themselves, live in the make believe reality of social media…but the left doesn’t want to fix any of that. Both sides have extremists, it’s just that the liberal extremists are now celebrated.
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We have half of our society ok with killing babies
Some would say the other half is OK with shooting school, I'd say neither is the case.
that believe you can pretend to be another gender
Who cares? And please list the tranny mass shootings...I won't hold my breath.
worship people like the Kardashians
Who cares? People have always loved celebrities.
believe they shouldn’t have to support themselves
The blacks, amirite.
live in the make believe reality of social media
No different than the boob tube. And are you including conservative social media? Or just the libs? Either it is making everyone nuts, or it isn't. Again, the number of people that will commit a mass shooting is statistically zero.
Morality and mental illness. We have half of our society ok with killing babies, that believe you can pretend to be another gender, worship people like the Kardashians, believe they shouldn’t have to support themselves, live in the make believe reality of social media…but the left doesn’t want to fix any of that. Both sides have extremists, it’s just that the liberal extremists are now celebrated.
I really don’t see how you make the mental leap from trans people existing and the Kardashians to mass shooters.

I do agree with what Keep said in another thread that media attention drives some to actually do it.
Some would say the other half is OK with shooting school, I'd say neither is the case.

Who cares? And please list the tranny mass shootings...I won't hold my breath.

Who cares? People have always loved celebrities.

The blacks, amirite.

No different than the boob tube. And are you including conservative social media? Or just the libs? Either it is making everyone nuts, or it isn't. Again, the number of people that will commit a mass shooting is statistically zero.
every point countered like a true liberal.
  • show me one article, one opinion, one anything from someone sane on either side who is okay with shooting school kids. people actually fight for the right to kill babies.
  • agree to an extent with trannies, who cares? on the flip side, mental issues abound.
  • agree with celeb worship.
  • the blacks . . . racist much? yes, i realize you're pointing the proverbial racist wand at the jarhead, that's what liberals do. don't agree with them, you're a racist. he's obviously referring to anybody (typically liberals) who believe they should be entitled to the money i make. research it a bit, it's sickening the number of people out there who believe they should be given half of your wage. if yore okay with that, give it. i'm not, fvck 'em.
  • social media, drugs, and fatherless families are the downfall of america IMNBSHO. social media can cause depression & anxiety, cyberbulling issues, negative personal perceptions, addiction, unhealthy sleep patterns. drugs and fatherless families need no explanation, at least i wouldn't think they would, but never know with a lib.
every point countered like a true liberal.
  • show me one article, one opinion, one anything from someone sane on either side who is okay with shooting school kids. people actually fight for the right to kill babies.
  • agree to an extent with trannies, who cares? on the flip side, mental issues abound.
  • agree with celeb worship.
  • the blacks . . . racist much? yes, i realize you're pointing the proverbial racist wand at the jarhead, that's what liberals do. don't agree with them, you're a racist. he's obviously referring to anybody (typically liberals) who believe they should be entitled to the money i make. research it a bit, it's sickening the number of people out there who believe they should be given half of your wage. if yore okay with that, give it. i'm not, fvck 'em.
  • social media, drugs, and fatherless families are the downfall of america IMNBSHO. social media can cause depression & anxiety, cyberbulling issues, negative personal perceptions, addiction, unhealthy sleep patterns. drugs and fatherless families need no explanation, at least i wouldn't think they would, but never know with a lib.
Men will be replaced with robots with throbbing penises
Men will be replaced with robots with throbbing penises
@mlblack16. already standing in line to pick his up.

he already has one of these . . .

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Some would say the other half is OK with shooting school, I'd say neither is the case.

Who cares? And please list the tranny mass shootings...I won't hold my breath.

Who cares? People have always loved celebrities.

The blacks, amirite.

No different than the boob tube. And are you including conservative social media? Or just the libs? Either it is making everyone nuts, or it isn't. Again, the number of people that will commit a mass shooting is statistically zero.
Our society is promoting mental illness, celebrating mental illness. We aren’t treating it. Were there more mass shootings when the country had more conservative values? I’ll wait.
fs Here is what I noticed coaching ball(different sports), raising a kid recently, and being around sports teams, school, etc. I enjoyed volunteering as a coach or helping but when it got to the end I was glad to be out of it. I am not talking play my Little Johnny because he is really an All Star but, just the whiney ass parents and kids who they are raising.

We make jokes about the vaginifcation of America. I cut up about it, but it is a real thing. There are parents out there who do this to the Mush brains(not the POTUS, the kids who are still learning). It is kind of sad. Hard to relate into words on a message board, but you can see it. We have some soft kids out there and when they get older or grow up they are in now way prepared for the hard world.

We took away authority and discipline out of schools. Hell, there were times I was in trouble in school. Sometimes a lot. Nothing real bad but I at least knew when to draw the line and respect teachers, the school leaders, etc. The schools have turned into romper room in many cases.

Dual work families. Like it or not it hurts the kids. Both parents working and the kids don't have the structure or time spent with them. They look for and find altnernatives and that can lead to trouble.

Social media and the phones and games. IT messes with them. Becomes an outlet. Your friends are measured by your likes or friends list. Hell, some people get in a panic if someone doesn't like a post within 3 minutes. And, the virtual bullying goes on with it and messes people up. IT is sensory over load sometimes.

Putting all these kids on all these drugs. Used too often in my opinion. It messes with their mind and sometimes becomes a crutch. Take a pill, I need a pill. Take your pill and it will fix you.

People miss the warning signs. Keeper pointed some of them out. Nobody wants to admit Little Johnny is off in the head and he may need real help and he needs to not be around school or people.
show me one article, one opinion, one anything from someone sane on either side who is okay with shooting school kids.
I never said anyone actually believes that, I said people say. Like Trump liked that phrase, "Some people say...."

people actually fight for the right to kill babies.
If you think an early fetus is the same as a baby, sure. Your statement is typical of the "all or nothing" arguments from both sides.

fatherless families
A big problem for a lot of things. I'm not sure though if it is just not having a father in the house, a lot of it comes down to the poverty associated with a one-parent household.
Men will be replaced with robots with throbbing penises
Can we meet in the middle, and men get installed a throbbing robot schlong? Like a Six Million Dollar Man dick, WE CAN REBUILD IT BETTER.
I never said anyone actually believes that, I said people say. Like Trump liked that phrase, "Some people say...."

If you think an early fetus is the same as a baby, sure. Your statement is typical of the "all or nothing" arguments from both sides.

A big problem for a lot of things. I'm not sure though if it is just not having a father in the house, a lot of it comes down to the poverty associated with a one-parent household.

Can we meet in the middle, and men get installed a throbbing robot schlong? Like a Six Million Dollar Man dick, WE CAN REBUILD IT BETTER.
I could be swayed to support BBB if that is included. Yes
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Our society is promoting mental illness, celebrating mental illness.
If you think transsexuals are mentally ill. I think people just want to live as they want to.

It's a sample of one, but one of my good friends is a trans woman. She's happy as a pig as in shit. Successful too, owns her own business, works hard and enjoys the fruits of her labor. She's probably one of the most normal , adjusted, and sane people I know lol. Nothing mental in the least...she just knew from an early age that for some reason meaning a man did not compute to her. She's also fairly conservative and Christian. Surprise!
We aren’t treating it.
We treat the shit out of mental illness. Some people just need to be in lockdown.
they even have a version available for @Raoul Duke MU

You have me confused with sistersville.
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I never said anyone actually believes that, I said people say. Like Trump liked that phrase, "Some people say...."

If you think an early fetus is the same as a baby, sure. Your statement is typical of the "all or nothing" arguments from both sides.

A big problem for a lot of things. I'm not sure though if it is just not having a father in the house, a lot of it comes down to the poverty associated with a one-parent household.

Can we meet in the middle, and men get installed a throbbing robot schlong? Like a Six Million Dollar Man dick, WE CAN REBUILD IT BETTER.

again, show me just one example of anybody sane indicating it's okay to kill school kids. just one. i can provide dozens upon dozens of examples of people claiming it's okay to kill babies up through the third trimester when they can actually live outside the womb, albeit with external support.

and, fwiw, i'm okay with abortion part way through the first trimester and in cases farther into the pregnancy where the mother's life is at severe risk but that's not the debate. i'm also okay with gays, trannies, and whatever the hell you or anybody wants to identify as. just leave me alone, stop rubbing it in my face, stop calling me names when we don't agree, and leave me the hell alone.
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The reality is there are over 400 million guns in the USA on the streets and in private ownership today. That number is probably lower than what is really out there. I heard an expert on tv say that if they stopped making guns right now that every abled bodied American would likely have at least two functional guns for the next 200 years.

So, let's say you stopped every gun manufacturer right now. you still have all those guns to deal with and you would have a new black market of gun runners. We can't stop the open border and fetanyl from coming aross which is killing how many youth? Add gun cartels to drug cartels. You have a bigger probkem because then only outlaws will have the sales and distribution of guns.

That is the reality. Do the Dems and libs propose taking back those millions of guns? Well, how do you do that? Buy back? Forced buy back? Take them? Knock on doors and take them?

Going after gun manufacturer's is not the answer. You could outlaw AR15's now and there are enough to outfit an army. That kid would have just used something else. Pump shotgun would have done the same thing likely. Shotgun and a revolver, same outcome. Small children have no chance in an environment like that.

The largest school massacre in USA history was in 1918 and the guy made homemade bombs and used dynamite killing school children.

What is the gun control cry end game?
We could outlaw military weapons such as AR-15s and punish people who do not turn them in with jail time..and also we need to do a much better job with the mental health problem in this country..we emptied our mental hospitals and put them on the street and young people should be checked often by a professional . The medications are out there to help those in need but many many are not getting them.
We could outlaw military weapons such as AR-15s and punish people who do not turn them in with jail time..and also we need to do a much better job with the mental health problem in this country..we emptied our mental hospitals and put them on the street and young people should be checked often by a professional . The medications are out there to help those in need but many many are not getting them.
What do you think the AR in AR-15 stands for?
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We could outlaw military weapons such as AR-15s and punish people who do not turn them in with jail time..and also we need to do a much better job with the mental health problem in this country..we emptied our mental hospitals and put them on the street and young people should be checked often by a professional . The medications are out there to help those in need but many many are not getting them.

What do you think the AR in AR-15 stands for?

also, goes back to my post above:
let's assume AR's are banned; how will they be identified and confiscated? i've a friend who has a couple and when they were registered, he said they are registered simply as "long rifle". what separates that from a .25-06 bolt action? in other words, how would they know who has an AR and who doesn't (my friend has a 9mm AR pistol that is pretty damn sweeeeet).

also, if those pesky looking AR's are banned, does that mean the .223's that don't look scary but are still semi-auto are okay to own, you know, because they don't look scary?
We could outlaw military weapons such as AR-15s and punish people who do not turn them in with jail time..and also we need to do a much better job with the mental health problem in this country..we emptied our mental hospitals and put them on the street and young people should be checked often by a professional . The medications are out there to help those in need but many many are not getting them.
Hahahah tell me you know nothing about weapons and the military with out saying it
again, show me just one example of anybody sane indicating it's okay to kill school kids. just one. i can provide dozens upon dozens of examples of people claiming it's okay to kill babies up through the third trimester when they can actually live outside the womb, albeit with external support.

and, fwiw, i'm okay with abortion part way through the first trimester and in cases farther into the pregnancy where the mother's life is at severe risk but that's not the debate. i'm also okay with gays, trannies, and whatever the hell you or anybody wants to identify as. just leave me alone, stop rubbing it in my face, stop calling me names when we don't agree, and leave me the hell alone.
I never said anyone sane believes that. And I don't believe anyone sane supports a free-for-all on abortion either, unless it is for something really bad (baby brain dead, mother might die, etc). It's a smoke show when someone like you says, I was just mentioning what some people accuse the right of. I don't agree with it...but I do think it is correct to say many have accepted senseless shit like yesterday as a tradeoff for gun rights. Hell maybe it is....I can't think of a workable solution besides getting rid of guns, because we sure can't get rid of people.

We are in the same place in our pro-choice beliefs. Which is where the majority of Americans stand.
We could outlaw military weapons such as AR-15s and punish people who do not turn them in with jail time
Go ahead. It won't be the first time in my life I've made the choice to commit a felony.
If it isn’t clear, I’m agreeing with you.
FYI - when muh friend registered the AR 9mm, it was registered simply as "Hand Gun", I think. can't recall for sure but it definitely didn't indicate "AR style pistol".

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