There have been 7 suicides at NC State Univ this academic year. 2 within the last 24 hours.

Thats called being a "fan". We aren't talking about sports moron.

We are talking about mental illness and suicide. Something you claim to know, all about. Can you once stay on topic as it relates to the discussion???
Just trying to make a point . It was none of your concern anyway.
Yeah. Because those are the principles I was referring to.🙄
He has taken very well to the Marxist indoctrination our society offers. I wonder if he even realizes slavery was a global condition impacting people of all races. I for one and am glad the US was formed and within 100 years was able to eliminate slavery. That may sound long but when you look at the history of the world and slavery, that's pretty quick to unwind an institutionalized thing like that. I'm happy they did.

Now, post slavery, I still can't believe the democrats put all those Jim Crow laws in place and it took nearly another 100 years to move completely forward on civil rights and equal treatment. It probably would have happened sooner but those racist democrats.
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Kids/young adults right now are wildly overprescribed in psychiatric medications. Big pharma would prefer more if they could get their way. It’s hard to read Eric Eyre’s Pulitzer winning reporting & come to any other conclusion.