Why does Hillary waste her time on this?

Walden Pond

Platinum Buffalo
Oct 8, 2007
Does Bernie really still have a chance in hell? They both sound hoarse as hell tonight. The only beneficiary of this thing is Bernie continuing to fleece donors out of 27 bucks. He should tell them to buy themselves a couple pizzas and forget it.
Bernie has won 3 of the last 4 states yesterday and today. The regular delegate count for each (not counting super delegates, which are free to support either candidate)....

Hillary 671
Bernie 476

Bernie has an uphill battle, but nothing is for certain at the moment.
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Bernie has won 3 of the last 4 states yesterday and today. The regular delegate count for each (not counting super delegates, which are free to support either candidate)....

Hillary 671
Bernie 476

Bernie has an uphill battle, but nothing is for certain at the moment.
White people/states love Bernie. Black people love Hillary. Bernie has to show he can win a state with more black people the Wayne
Clean energy for everyone by the end of Hillary's second term. I think Bernie would really give us a better chance of that. Clean energy for everyone means living in huts. That's all there would be in a system that proclaims those who can't and won't are as good as those who can and will.
You're obsessed....wait....perhaps possessed.

Or just racist. Ignorant black people are voting for Hilary because of who her husband is.

I wish I had a teleprompter so I can flash "She's a liar" every time she speaks
You're obsessed....wait....perhaps possessed.
Wtf are you talking about?!? I made a true statement about Bernie ls wins and the black vote. He's won states that are as pure white as fresh snow. You can't dispute that
Wtf are you talking about?!? I made a true statement about Bernie ls wins and the black vote. He's won states that are as pure white as fresh snow. You can't dispute that

He has probably garnered more black votes than the entire republican party. Until you're party can do better than that, you should probably hush.
Ignorant black people are voting for Hilary because of who her husband is.

Bernie might be a little too sissy for them. They probably don't take too kindly to that accent either. Come to think of it, neither do I.

When those damn New Englanders are announcing basketball games, I usually want to turn it on something else. Even whining Dan Dakich isn't as bad as listening to Boston talkers or whatever the hell they are up there.
Guess it comes down to not liking the words. The accent is only noticed as a nuisance when I don't like the content. Interesting observation.

Joe Paterno was all right in my book, too. Pissed off old guy just trying to win football games. None of this sissy talk about giving everything to everybody. Penn State kept him around way too long though. Ran their program into the mediocre ground it's currently buried in.
Two points: black voters are overwhelmingly female. They are voting for Hillary because she has a vagina, and forgetting she is also a ****. Second, I do not doubt for one second that the black elites and the black lives protest movement idiots are anti-Semitic.

Actually alot of those Black lives matters protesters are lining up to support Sanders.

They are the ones who made the hashtag #WhichHillary
He has probably garnered more black votes than the entire republican party. Until you're party can do better than that, you should probably hush.

Why would the Repub Party want to be the party that founded the KKK, and fought to maintain slavery and plantations in the south? Why would repubs want to take over for Robert Sheets Byrd cold dead noose tying hands?

Fever has at least admitted the absolute ignorance of the majority of blacks. That's a theme that can be expanded on. The problem is he thinks the Jew will do anything different for his people's victim minority status.
He has probably garnered more black votes than the entire republican party. Until you're party can do better than that, you should probably hush.
Doubt it until Bernie wins a state wth more than 8 black people you can't say anything about Bernie and blacks
Actually alot of those Black lives matters protesters are lining up to support Sanders.

They are the ones who made the hashtag #WhichHillary

The leaders don't. They have interrupted his appearances and publically said he doesn't "get" the black these spoiled rich college kids running it have had some typical ghetto experience.
They both pander like crazy trying to out " I hate white people more than you do"
The leaders don't. They have interrupted his appearances and publically said he doesn't "get" the black these spoiled rich college kids running it have had some typical ghetto experience.

Yea when he first started running, I haven't seen them interrupt him in the recent months.

But I support Bernie not because he walked with MLK but his policies are the best by far to help fix this country

I can't trust shit Hillary says

And I don't have an idea what the Republicans want or do other than Cut social security, make abortions illegal, and build a wall
Yeah, this country needs fixed. Section 8 and free bags of weed for all. If you want more out of life, that's too bad. We're tired of inequality. Time to reduce all to the lowest common denominator.
Nope. I was around people yesterday and it was a big mistake. Woke up beat down and my coat now stinks like dogs. Would have been better off spending the day alone like usual.

I'll never have any company. If I took the time to fully explain why, I'd sound as weird as that other thread going about taking a hat test and getting audited. So to avoid being lumped with me as an oddball, you should disavow the Florence Cathedral. Not in real life. Just on here. It's just trouble.
Yea when he first started running, I haven't seen them interrupt him in the recent months

Yeah, because now he has Secret Service protection. You walk up to that podium to interrupt now and you are taking an ass-kicking.

I have no doubt Bernie's policy ideas are the best for the poor. You won't get an argument from me on that.
Nope. I was around people yesterday and it was a big mistake. Woke up beat down and my coat now stinks like dogs. Would have been better off spending the day alone like usual.

I'll never have any company. If I took the time to fully explain why, I'd sound as weird as that other thread going about taking a hat test and getting audited. So to avoid being lumped with me as an oddball, you should disavow the Florence Cathedral. Not in real life. Just on here. It's just trouble.

The point is you are one of the "lowest common denominator".
During the Dem debate last night, while answering a question about racial blind spots, Bernie commented that white people don't understand what it's like to live in the ghetto or to be poor. Either he's blatantly pandering or completely willing to ignore huge swaths of Americans (check the last census). And considering his entire campaign is based on the message that students are being driven to the poor house with debt, that Wall Street has bankrupted huge portions of America without remorse, & that even folks working 40 hours a week are in poverty, his comments are even more puzzling.
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Leave out the "or be poor" part and I would agree with him. The black ghetto has its own set of problems.
And black people in the ghetto don't know what it's like to be poor in Appalachia. It's another nonstarter which all politicians use to pander for votes
And black people in the ghetto don't know what it's like to be poor in Appalachia.

Well, good old fashioned hillbillies don't want charity and they have pride.

With the influence of TV and school, that's another great tradition that has gone away. Still, I don't think there's quite the helplessness you see in impoverished urban areas. People out in the sticks know they would just be left to die out there if they didn't eventually get off their ass and do something about it.
So all the blacks in western PA, Upstate NY, WV, Western VA, Eastern Tennessee, Western North Carolina and Northern Georgia

Must be all rich and living the good life

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