wvu to the MAC?

The bedrock of his argument of my “middle class” home was him stalking county valuation records of a property that has no transaction history. 😂
Nope. It's knowing what neighboring comps go for. Your neighbor's house sold for $390k. Later, they had it on the market for $450k, and it didn't sell. And that house is bigger than yours. By square feet, that puts your house right around $315k.

And your house has actually depreciated. It used to be the end house, but now it has more neighbors. Yet another estimate shows your low range to be $319k and your high range to be $449k . . . even at the very highest range, it's still not half of mine.

My favorite part is how he backtracked and tried to make it some sort of "gotcha" moment by claiming it was a "trap." 🤣🤣🤣

You can't make this shit up.

It's exactly what it was. Nobody thinks using a county appraiser's number is a good way to determine the value of a property. They're always lower than reality. Yet that's exactly what many of you did over a year ago when I wasn't on here while you were talking about another of my properties. It's exactly a "gotcha'" moment.

The strip club bouncer sure ran away from this thread fast.
I told you a few nights ago that I was going to be with another 9 tonight.

In a few nights, I will be with yet another 9. She is a star of a Netflix reality show that had its first season released a couple of months ago.

Didn't he say that's all he wants from girls?
Nope. Not what I said. That's what you hoped I said, because it gives you a chance at me considering if I wanted sex, you would have no chance. So keep being optimistic that I'd want you to blow me.
I believe Zillow gets its data from county assessors data. It’s really not pulling the comps of sales of other properties and applying it to your property value.
It's doing exactly what you claim it isn't. Did you even bother to see what I posted about their data? Look at a recent property sale of a neighbor's house. Give it a couple of weeks, and your house estimate will change based on the size, bedrooms, etc. compared with what that house sold for.
Does anybody even care as much about college sports as you did 20 years ago? Anybody?
Well that's because I was playing college sports 20 years ago. You jock sniffers were trying to get tickets from me, takes pictures with me, get me to spend the night at your house, and hope that I would acknowledge your existence.
Remember when he would post girls' instagram photos and claim he was letting them blow him? Then someone messaged one of them and that came to an abrupt halt.
Well, of course it did. I felt bad for some of the meaner comments people said about them on here, and to a less extent, exposing their privacy. I even have some of the texts that I sent some of them apologizing, especially because a couple of them liked me more than hooking up.

It’s going to go on until the coward accepts the bet that he offered.
You lost! You can't even fulfill your own requirement about being the only one on the mortgage. It was your own criteria, and you lost it!

There are countless individual property evaluations out there. With ALL of them, your single residence is worth less than half of two residences of mine and a commercial building. You simply can't measure up, Middle Class Murox.
Well, of course it did. I felt bad for some of the meaner comments people said about them on here, and to a less extent, exposing their privacy. I even have some of the texts that I sent some of them apologizing, especially because a couple of them liked me more than hooking up.

You lost! You can't even fulfill your own requirement about being the only one on the mortgage. It was your own criteria, and you lost it!

There are countless individual property evaluations out there. With ALL of them, your single residence is worth less than half of two residences of mine and a commercial building. You simply can't measure up, Middle Class Murox.
This is humiliating for you. What a welshing coward.

Of course, like everything else in your life, we all knew you were bluffing.
Nope. It's knowing what neighboring comps go for. Your neighbor's house sold for $390k. Later, they had it on the market for $450k, and it didn't sell. And that house is bigger than yours. By square feet, that puts your house right around $315k.

And your house has actually depreciated. It used to be the end house, but now it has more neighbors. Yet another estimate shows your low range to be $319k and your high range to be $449k . . . even at the very highest range, it's still not half of mine.

It's exactly what it was. Nobody thinks using a county appraiser's number is a good way to determine the value of a property. They're always lower than reality. Yet that's exactly what many of you did over a year ago when I wasn't on here while you were talking about another of my properties. It's exactly a "gotcha'" moment.

I told you a few nights ago that I was going to be with another 9 tonight.

In a few nights, I will be with yet another 9. She is a star of a Netflix reality show that had its first season released a couple of months ago.

Nope. Not what I said. That's what you hoped I said, because it gives you a chance at me considering if I wanted sex, you would have no chance. So keep being optimistic that I'd want you to blow me.
This may be your most pathetic post yet. You spent presumably hours researching the lowest selling price in my neighborhood of any home ever ($90k over what you say my home is worth), when a comp exists 100 yards from me that sold for over $600,000 2 months ago.
Dude...Marshall is a client of mine and I manage my company’s suite at the Joan. How messed up is that?
I have a feeling that suite only serves mocktails.
Is Zillow accurate for home value or sale estimated price?
This is an example of one, but it was very accurate for the home we just sold, within $2k of what we got.
It's doing exactly what you claim it isn't. Did you even bother to see what I posted about their data? Look at a recent property sale of a neighbor's house. Give it a couple of weeks, and your house estimate will change based on the size, bedrooms, etc. compared with what that house sold for.
Yes I did. There "data" is incomplete/inconsistent (at best). I'm looking at it and have looked at it regularly. Bottome line, if your house has not sold or had an appraisal on it over the last couple of years it is not reflecting the true market value. The same for my immediate neighbors. Zillow will greatly under appreciate your value because of the non-activity on the specific property. It appears the data from zillow depends heavily on recent transactions directly related to the property you own.
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Nice. I’m putting my house up for sale then. :D
I was surprised at the size of our profit, and how quickly we made that profit. Insane.

I totally get why people in California are selling and moving to cheaper areas. Problem is, most of those dumbasses are moving to other hot markets and in reality are overpaying. But hey, if you come out half a mil on top, fvck it.

A home comparable to what we sold is significantly cheaper in Kansas. That's how you do it.
That's simply wrong. I posted the metrics used. How do you think an individual property value changes if it's not sold?
What's "wrong"? The data used on Zillow seems be weighted more heavily on the sale of YOUR property over sales of other properties in the same community. In the case of someone having owned the property for 5.10.15 years... zillow, using the sale of the specific property will not be accurate. It is most likely having to pull "value" from tax records (always undervalued) or other recent appraisal activities (most likely from financing activities).
Once again, a full appraisal is the only way to get a true and accurate valuation. Any attempt to do anything else is just a dodge.
Once again, a full appraisal is the only way to get a true and accurate valuation. Any attempt to do anything else is just a dodge.
yeup. the assessed value on my house is roughly $174K, which would put an appraised value on it of $291K. i have an appraisal from roughly 5 years ago when i refied to 15 years that put in at $450K. that was with an unfinished 2200 sqft basement. i'm anxious to see what the appraisal comes in at after having finished the basement and then adding on the garage/apartment this year.
yeup. the assessed value on my house is roughly $174K, which would put an appraised value on it of $291K. i have an appraisal from roughly 5 years ago when i refied to 15 years that put in at $450K. that was with an unfinished 2200 sqft basement. i'm anxious to see what the appraisal comes in at after having finished the basement and then adding on the garage/apartment this year.
And this is what rifle is hanging his hat on. He knows tax assessments are worthless.
rifle is coming across as an amateur when it comes to finance, and the discussions there-of.

thinking it hurts him to see guys like murox one-up him in multiple things, particular when it comes to wealth, women, and physical appearance. i can't speak on any of these attributes when it comes to either person, but I can tell it's hurting rifle, so I'm guessing murox must have the edge in all categories that seem to be hot stove items.
Well that's because I was playing college sports 20 years ago. You jock sniffers were trying to get tickets from me, takes pictures with me, get me to spend the night at your house, and hope that I would acknowledge your existence.
I can't speak for anybody else but I'm not included in that group.
Well that's because I was playing college sports 20 years ago. You jock sniffers were trying to get tickets from me, takes pictures with me, get me to spend the night at your house, and hope that I would acknowledge your existence.
I remember being excited as a kid that I got to get a picture and autographed baseball from Doug Dascenzo at the Uniontown Mall.

It didn't hit me until later that I got a picture and autographed baseball from Doug Dascenzo at the Uniontown Mall.
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Once again, a full appraisal is the only way to get a true and accurate valuation. Any attempt to do anything else is just a dodge.
Just to piggyback - a full appraisal where the appraiser doesn’t have a copy of the purchase agreement is the only way to get a true value.
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Well that's because I was playing college sports 20 years ago. You jock sniffers were trying to get tickets from me, takes pictures with me, get me to spend the night at your house, and hope that I would acknowledge your existence.
I was going to get Stan Hill's autograph but the line was too long. I think I loaned you a pen and you signed my Pennington jersey. Thanks man!
It is always best to check county records because all it takes is a dumbass agent transposing numbers in the address, which results in an address appearing to have sold when it actually did not.
You spent presumably hours researching the lowest selling price in my neighborhood of any home ever ($90k over what you say my home is worth), when a comp exists 100 yards from me that sold for over $600,000 2 months ago.
Christ, you're a simpleton. It took less than five minutes to look at neighboring comps. The house I took is two houses away from you and was the fastest and easiest to find as well as being very close to you and being built at the same time. Face reality: you're not even half of what I am.

Yes I did. There "data" is incomplete/inconsistent (at best). I'm looking at it and have looked at it regularly. Bottome line, if your house has not sold or had an appraisal on it over the last couple of years it is not reflecting the true market value. The same for my immediate neighbors. Zillow will greatly under appreciate your value because of the non-activity on the specific property. It appears the data from zillow depends heavily on recent transactions directly related to the property you own.
And again, that is false. Zillow takes into account neighboring comps, days on the market with listing prices, recent sales, etc. It doesn't just

This is what you said:

raleighherdfan said:
It’s really not pulling the comps of sales of other properties and applying it to your property value.

It's doing exactly that.

Once again, a full appraisal is the only way to get a true and accurate valuation. Any attempt to do anything else is just a dodge.
Meh, that's a comment from somebody who hasn't purchased many properties in their life. Many (I'm confident to say "most") appraisers will come in just over the purchase agreement price. Why? If their appraisal goes well under the purchase price, it usually means the buyer will have to come up with that cash out of their pocket, as lenders will not want them to start off underwater. If the buyer doesn't have the cash or feels like they're getting screwed by paying more for something than it is worth, they back out of the deal. If they back out, the realtor makes no money. If the realtor makes no money, they find a different appraiser. Ever see how much appraisers make? The good ones max out at two houses per day, are extremely in demand, and charge around $500/property in high net worth areas. I used the same guy for both properties, and I was lucky to get him as fast as I needed him. He does two properties a day, four days a week, and makes over $200k working part-time hours according to my agent. And that's not an exception for solid appraisers.

So no, a "full appraisal" isn't necessarily a "true and accurate valuation." But there are other easier alternatives to use, including ones that have margins of error between 1.9% for on-market properties and 6% for off-market properties . . . like Zillow, Redfin, etc.

And there are multiple independent data sources that use similar tools that appraiser's use to come up with their figures, which is why their margins of error are so low.

He knows tax assessments are worthless.
You morons continue to ignore how you walked into this after using tax assessments to mock another of my properties. Does any inbred from West Virginia know what "hypocrite" means?

No one is included in that group. It exists in his imagination like everything else.
Hell, this board has done most of those things: two posters have asked me for Marshall tickets when I was there; you've begged me numerous times to spend the night at your house; ArcheWipe has asked to take a picture with me.

Just to piggyback - a full appraisal where the appraiser doesn’t have a copy of the purchase agreement is the only way to get a true value.
Exactly! That's what I just explained to the inexperienced banker.

I was going to get Stan Hill's autograph but the line was too long. I think I loaned you a pen and you signed my Pennington jersey. Thanks man!
I remember you. The woman behind you in line who asked me to sign her left tit . . . your wife or slvt daughter?
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Appraisers in the central OH market are full of shit. I believe they charge about $500 for the appraisal. They print out a bunch of comps, verify what you have or are attempting to purchase, then create their estimate.

And they absolutely are in the back pocket of the real estate brokers. I agree that they shouldn't be allowed to see the purchase agreement.
Hell, this board has done most of those things: two posters have asked me for Marshall tickets when I was there; you've begged me numerous times to spend the night at your house; ArcheWipe has asked to take a picture with me.
To be fair to Arch, he only wanted a picture of the two of you together, in order to prove to the other posters on TITM forum (forum that red on the head like a dick on a dog removed) that his biceps were bigger than yours.
Exactly! That's what I just explained to the inexperienced banker.

You didn’t explain anything other than why you are too scared to take the bet with murox. An appraisal with no purchase agreement is indeed the most accurate way to gauge a property value. That’s one thing I love about refinance loans. It gives you the truest value possible. Sam is exactly correct.

Appraisals are the only way to go… Tax assessments are worthless in determining property value. Everybody on earth, with the apparent exception of you, knows that.
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To be fair to Arch, he only wanted a picture of the two of you together, in order to prove to the other posters on TITM forum (forum that red on the head like a dick on a dog removed) that his biceps were bigger than yours.
Good thing he eliminated that forum. All of the other people on this board are too mature to talk sh!t to fans of rivals anymore. It’s so 2007. They’re saving the world, ya’ know.

You didn’t explain anything other than why you are too scared to take the bet with murox. An appraisal with no purchase agreement is indeed the most accurate way to gauge a property value. That’s one thing I love about refinance loans. It gives you the truest value possible. Sam is exactly correct.

Appraisals are the only way to go… Tax assessments are worthless in determining property value. Everybody on earth, with the apparent exception of you, knows that.
So at least three others have agreed with my stance on this board, at least one of which never runs from an opportunity to disagree with me. Then, you said almost exactly what I did after you revised your original comment to include what I was arguing. Yet you’re trying to say that I was wrong.

Are you always this stupid and dishonest?

Nobody is arguing tax assessments. I’m using that to showcase the sheer hypocrisy of your morons. On the other hand, with easy and convenient data available data readily available that has such low margins of error, intelligent people would realize the value of it.
rifle is coming across as an amateur when it comes to finance, and the discussions there-of.

thinking it hurts him to see guys like murox one-up him in multiple things, particular when it comes to wealth, women, and physical appearance. i can't speak on any of these attributes when it comes to either person, but I can tell it's hurting rifle, so I'm guessing murox must have the edge in all categories that seem to be hot stove items.
I am just happy to make the college age girls giggle every now and then.
I am just happy to make the college age girls giggle every now and then.
as you know, the best part of my holidays are spent with the coeds from WMU. always hoped rifle would show up and have a good time, but not sure how the coeds would like it once he tells them he only does blowjobs. might be a deal breaker.
as you know, the best part of my holidays are spent with the coeds from WMU. always hoped rifle would show up and have a good time, but not sure how the coeds would like it once he tells them he only does blowjobs. might be a deal breaker.
Yehhh, that might be a deal breaker. hahahah
Good thing he eliminated that forum. All of the other people on this board are too mature to talk sh!t to fans of rivals anymore. It’s so 2007. They’re saving the world, ya’ know.

So at least three others have agreed with my stance on this board, at least one of which never runs from an opportunity to disagree with me. Then, you said almost exactly what I did after you revised your original comment to include what I was arguing. Yet you’re trying to say that I was wrong.

Are you always this stupid and dishonest?

Nobody is arguing tax assessments. I’m using that to showcase the sheer hypocrisy of your morons. On the other hand, with easy and convenient data available data readily available that has such low margins of error, intelligent people would realize the value of it.
Who are these 3 people again? You always refer to these people who support your position or have seen your property but you never name them. Why’s that?

It’s your MO. You leave things vague but it allows you to support your own argument. Same song and dance from the wide-hipped one. “A poster on the board has seen my house!” Oh yeah, who? Name them, coward. Let them speak for themselves.
Who are these 3 people again?
Reading trouble? The three people were the people who argued that, unless it is a blind appraisal, it is meaningless, since many of them use the offer as their metric when appraising.

You always refer to these people who support your position or have seen your property but you never name them.
Reading trouble, again? Ask Big Country how he knew specifics about my main residence that I never mentioned. He made specific jabs about it that he wouldn't know without having Googled and found it. Now, he claims "somebody told him," but we know that's bullshit. Regardless, if "somebody" told him, then it had to have been somebody on this board. Doh!
Reading trouble? The three people were the people who argued that, unless it is a blind appraisal, it is meaningless, since many of them use the offer as their metric when appraising.

Reading trouble, again? Ask Big Country how he knew specifics about my main residence that I never mentioned. He made specific jabs about it that he wouldn't know without having Googled and found it. Now, he claims "somebody told him," but we know that's bullshit. Regardless, if "somebody" told him, then it had to have been somebody on this board. Doh!
I have asked him multiple times and he disputes what you said.

Honor the bet you made, coward.

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