Hey, why are hospitals full all over the western world?

It's really strange. Everywhere the safe and effective covid vaccine was deployed is seeing elevated covid rates, elevated all-cause mortality and hospitals are overwhelmed. But the countries that skipped the science juice have returned to normal and are enjoying herd immunity.

Quite the dichotomy!

Keith Morehouse ESPN+ Play by Play

Dont you think Keith should be doing the play by play for football with Doug? I dont know who this other guy is, he's not bad, but I just think Keith makes a lot of sense.

I know Marshall makes that call, so if you want Keith to do the games, lets make sure Christian Spears knows.

On twitter: @TheHerdAD

Nothing says Marshall like Keith doing the games, we just wish Sonny was still around too!

3 Big Takeaways


1. The defense has some Dawgs. Guys who never quit and do their job week in and week out.
2. Fancher had his best game tonight. He is steadily improving and the game is slowing down.
3. When you limit our best player on O, other guys step up (Montgomery, Payne).

These guys don't quit. Yes we have been critical of the coaching staff, and yes they made some head-scratchers tonight, but they pulled it together and won a big game at home. This is our chief Rival. Look at the last 3 games with them. This is why we joined the Sun Belt. Let's celebrate this one, regroup, and get ready for Georgia Southern.

Go Herd!
