Huntington is a sh*thole.

Started a thread on the main board about my trip to Huntington this weekend. Thought I would move the topic here to see if I could get some additional thoughts/input.

Went to the game this weekend. My first since the collapse against ECU. Terrible football aside, what the hell has happened to Huntington? Everything outside of campus looked rundown and dirty. There were homeless people with shopping carts full of trash everywhere downtown. Campus and the area surrounding the stadium smelled like raw sewage.

Huntington has always had its problems, but it was disgusting. Won't be going back anytime soon. There's no way in hell I'd let my kids go to school there.

Did we just have a bad experience, or is this the new norm?

Play of the Defense

I’m going to present a counter point here. The attitude of most is that the defense played a tremendous game, and that the offense let them down.

I contend that the defense destroyed any chances we had of winning this game by allowing 21 unanswered in the first stinking quarter. The ease with which CCU was scoring and moving the ball absolutely sucked the life out of the place as fast as I’ve ever seen.

I commend the adjustments that were made, and the intensity that we played with for 2.5-3 quarters. But why were we so woefully unprepared to defend that offense from the start? There was an insanely noticeable difference in the defensive intensity, effort, and swagger in the second half. Why were we not prepared to defend like that from the start?

We obviously don’t have a team that can play from a major deficit. The #1 goal of the defense HAS to be a quick start.

We can celebrate our defensive prowess for three quarters all we want. But we were so thoroughly out coached and under-prepared in that first quarter, I don’t think the rest of the game makes up for it.
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Perhaps never before in G5 history…..

…have 2 teams, in the same division of a G5 conference, achieved highly improbable victories over then-top ten ranked P5 schools, on the road in week #2, and then proceeded to completely fook themselves by week #9! I imagine App’s fan base is even more agitated than we are, it being Coach Clark’s 3rd season at the helm. Both teams are finished in terms of winning their division, and at least one of them may not even get to 6 wins. Marshall hosts App for our “75” game next weekend. Before this season kicked off, I imagine a lot of fans in both camps had this one circled in red, with the Sun Belt East on the line. Sadly, both teams may sport 5-4 records coming into the contest. Coastal gets only their 2nd win vs App in their series last night.
Maybe the best theme for the game is - App @ Herd: Misery loves Company!
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