Biden warns against strikes against Iran's nuclear facilities

Mr sistersville

Green Buffalo
Silver Member
Jul 12, 2024
Well lol he has to protect what his sugar daddy///jungle Bunny built with American tax payers money . The left hate Jews. Jews bad Iranians good. Trust this Israel could care less what Biden and Harris say. They quit listening to the left when Obama treated their prime minister like crap and gave millions to Iran. Take away their nuclear power and north Korea is next. PS. O The woke crowd are the dumbest bunch of 18 to 25 yr olds this country has ever seen. Trump is most likely going to send that whole group to re-education camps or use them down on the border. Hitler/Jews. Trump/woke crowd he needs to take around 6 million of them and deport them to Mexico the west bank or maybe Iran.
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He must be incarcerated...