Commie-la Harris praises gun laws in Australia which confiscated hundreds of thousands of guns

You're a lying idiot. Still waiting on that quote...

No quote of you saying that and maybe you don't hate them. But you support the party full of Nazi, Jew-hating bleaters, with Nazi, Jew-hating leaders. Want proof? You support the 'D'...Also the party that created the KKK.
Are you saying that many of the conservatives on this board are liars??

No. I'm speaking for myself. The fact is, you'll be wating until you die, because there is no quote of you saying that and maybe you don't hate them. But you support the party full of Nazi, Jew-hating bleaters, with Nazi, Jew-hating leaders, which is why some may question your support for Israel. Want proof? You support the 'D'...Also the party that created the KKK. They also voted against The Civil Rights Act of 1964.
Speaking of democrat’s support for the Klan, opposition to the 1964 Civil Rights Act, anti-semitism, & the nazis - Robert Byrd got admonished by a pair of Jewish groups for his misguided nazi comments while defending the use of filibusters just a few years before he died.
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Yep. Destroyed Australia. Stupid trumptard oath breaker.
We are not Australia, sheep. They still pay homage to the King. Their lockdowns during COVID-19 were absurd.

Why do people like you want to e a European type state?

Thank God we have a 2nd Amendment.

Oh, Australians are starting to see the light and gun purchases there are going up.
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We are not Australia, sheep. They still pay homage to the King. Their lockdowns during COVID-19 were absurd.

Why do people like you want to e a European type state?

Thank God we have a 2nd Amendment.

Oh, Australians are starting to see the light and gun purchases there are going up.
Yep. Destroyed Australia. Stupid trumptard oath breaker.
If you got the cash, there are VERY high quality AR's available. Not that a mass shooter needs quality, it's only got to last a day.
I paid around $2,100 for my AR-15. It is really nice but it is it really worth that? No, it's not. You can buy them just as good quality for well under $1,000. I overpaid but did get a nice custom paint job on mine. That's the only thing that I keep telling myself to make me feel better about overpaying. Haha.
I paid around $2,100 for my AR-15. It is really nice but it is it really worth that? No, it's not. You can buy them just as good quality for well under $1,000. I overpaid but did get a nice custom paint job on mine. That's the only thing that I keep telling myself to make me feel better about overpaying. Haha.
Actually kind of like that, would buy. You should probably try harder, you really suck at yore lame smart ass attempts. Likely not all you suck.
You stated you got a nice custom paint job. Can you share what this paint job looks like?